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Icon Title Description Recipe Weight Price Spawn ID
Item icon
Bathhouse bedchamber key

The key to the bedchamber shared by the bathwenches at Adam’s…

wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_bathmaidsRoomKey

Item icon
Key to the Sedletz mortuary

A rusty key to the Sedletz mortuary.



wh_cheat_additem loot_sedlecMortuaryKey

Item icon
Alchemist's key

A key I found on a weird alchemist hiding in the ruins of the…


wh_cheat_additem poi_ruinaRabstejnky_alchemistChestkey

Item icon
Key to the Cellar of All Saints' tavern.

The key to the cellar of the All Saints tavern.

wh_cheat_additem svatyAntonin_tavernSvatychCellarDoor

Item icon
Fechthalle key

Key to the Fechthalle.

wh_cheat_additem sermiri_fencingHallKey

Item icon
Osina's key

Key to blacksmith Osina’s chest.

wh_cheat_additem utokNaNebakov_osinaStash

Item icon
Scorched key

The key I found clutched tightly in the hand of a skeleton inside…


wh_cheat_additem poi_opusteneOpatovice_burnedKey

Item icon
Old key

A key I found lying around near the closed mine. And what could…


wh_cheat_additem poi_zavrenyDul_key

Item icon
Maleshov fortress key

Key to the entrance of the great tower at Maleshov fortress.…

wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovFortress

Item icon
Nest key

I found this key not far from the Lower Semine mill in a nest…

wh_cheat_additem poi_vyplataDrevorubcu_key

Item icon
Key from chest by Sedletz

A key that someone keeps in a chest by the front wall of Sedletz…

wh_cheat_additem poi_prchajiciMnich_key

Item icon
Key to Musa's chest

Key to Musa’s chest in the military camp.


wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_musasChestKey

Item icon
Nebakov jail key

The key to the jail at Nebakov Fortress.

wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_prisonKey

Item icon
Hashtal's chest key

The key to a chest holding thieves’ equipment.

wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_hastalChestKey

Item icon
Key to the ruins of Slatego

The key to the door of the Slatego ruins, where the gravedigger…


wh_cheat_additem rasuvUcen_slatejovRuinsKey

Item icon
Hendl's chest key

The key to Hendl’s chest.


wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_hendlsKey

Item icon
Zinek's forged key

A copy of the key that opens the chest of stolen goods at the…


wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_zinkChestKey

Item icon
Adam's chambers' key

The key to Adam’s sleeping quarters in the loft.

wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_ownersRoomKey

Item icon
Italian Court Armoury key

Key to the armoury of the Italian Court.

wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_armoryKey

Item icon
Gotzlin's chest key

The key to Gotzlin’s chest that he gave me as a reward.


wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_goclinsKey

Item icon
Chicken coop key

Key hidden in a chicken coop in Mesoles.


wh_cheat_additem poi_mezholezy_HerbalistStashKey

Item icon
Maleshov chambers key

Key to the noble chambers in the Maleshov fortress.

wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovNoblemanRooms

Item icon
Bull pen key

The key to Arnoshtek’s pen.

wh_cheat_additem mysi_bullsBarn

Item icon
Barrel chest key

Key to the chest with the explosive barrel.

wh_cheat_additem traskavePoselstvi_gunpowderChestKey

Item icon
Zavish's chest key

The key to Zavish’s chest.

wh_cheat_additem ztracenaCest_zavisChest

Item icon
Key to Tibor's prison

Key to the room in the barn.

wh_cheat_additem kocovnickaCest_tiborsPrisonDoor_key

Item icon
Apollonia skeleton's key

Key I found in the hands of a skeleton in Apollonia.

wh_cheat_additem poi_opustenaZemnice_key

Item icon
Key to Vidlak poacher's chest

Rusty key to a chest in the camp of the Vidlak poacher.



wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_vidlakChestKey

Item icon
Old chest key

The key from the overgrown shelter not far from Trosky.

wh_cheat_additem poi_zarostlaZemince_chestKey

Item icon
Brabant's chest key

The key to Brabant’s chest.

wh_cheat_additem stealthMiseZaJindru_brabantsChestKey

Item icon
Von Aulitz's house key

The key to the house where von Aulitz is staying.

wh_cheat_additem stealthMiseZaJindru_aulitzHouseKey

Item icon
Forgotten key

A key I found in a jug in an abandoned cottage.

wh_cheat_additem poi_opustenaChalupa_key

Item icon
Wolfram's spade

This spade is like a gift from the heavens. Its blade is so sharp,…



wh_cheat_additem player_shovel_wolfram

Item icon
Mortuary chest key

The key to the chest where the gravedigger stores the belongings…

wh_cheat_additem poi_troskovickyHrbitov_key

Item icon
Trosky armoury key

A new key to the armoury at Trosky.



wh_cheat_additem loot_troskyArmoryKey

Item icon
Dorothy's laundry chest key

A key of the owner of the Zhelejov baths, which opens a chest…


wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_stealthClothesChestKey

Item icon
Key from half-built cottage

A key I took out of a jug in the ruins of a half-built cottage…

wh_cheat_additem poi_nedostavenaChalupa_key

Item icon

Spades are for digging graves, shovels are for tossing sand.…



wh_cheat_additem player_shovel

Item icon
Huntsman's lost key

The lost key to the gamekeeper’s house, he must have lost it…


wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_hunter

Item icon
Key to painted chest

The key to a painted chest in which the lost charter of the Prague…


wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_defectorsKey

Item icon
Cellar key

I wonder what this opens? And why was it hidden?

wh_cheat_additem spizovaciOddil_keyToBeerDoor

Item icon

A tool used for picking locks. Just don’t get caught doing it.…



wh_cheat_additem player_lockpick

Item icon
Hanged man's key

A key found on a hanged man above the pond near Horschan.

wh_cheat_additem poi_vyrabovanaHajovna_stashKey

Item icon
Records chest key

The key to the chest in the secret mint where Vavak keeps his…


wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_secretMintChestKey

Item icon
Vejmola's house key

The key to the Vejmola’s house.

wh_cheat_additem spravedlnost_vejmolaHouseKey

Item icon
Key to wager chest

A key found near two dead marksmen.

wh_cheat_additem poi_duelOstrostrelcu_key

Item icon
Shed key

The key to the shed at the mill.


wh_cheat_additem sMlynariNejsouZerty_keyFromShed

Item icon
Vineyard cellar key

The key to the vineyard cellar in Loretz.

wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_vineyardCellarKey

Item icon
Lost farmhouse key

The lost key to the farmhouse, found its place under the bridge…


wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_zelejovHouse

Item icon
Blacksmith's chest key

An old, dusty key.

wh_cheat_additem semin_blackmithChest

Item icon
Knight's key

A key found on the body of a knight in the mines near Old Kutna.…

wh_cheat_additem tarasMura_tarasContractKey

Item icon
Cellar door key

The key to the cellar door.

wh_cheat_additem staryMistr_hideoutBasement

Item icon
Veisar's doghouse key

The rusty key to the shed where the greengrocer Veisar locks…


wh_cheat_additem rasuvUcen_dogsShed

Item icon
Mach's chest key

A key to a chest found in the possession of the poacher, Mach…

wh_cheat_additem poPytlackeStezce_machKey

Item icon
Chest key

The key to a chest in the rebels’ camp.

wh_cheat_additem taborOdboje_keyBandageChest

Item icon
Bandit's key

This key belonged to one of the bandits from the camp above Vidlak…

wh_cheat_additem poi_vyplavenyPoklad_treasureChestKey

Item icon
Nebakov storage key

The key I found in Nebakov Fortress, probably fits to some door…

wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_storageKey

Item icon
Prison chambers key

A key to the chambers in which Wenceslas’ ally lords are imprisoned…

wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_fancyJailKey

Item icon
Key from below Trosky

An old rusty key I found in a cave beneath Trosky.

wh_cheat_additem poi_pokladPodTroskami_key

Item icon
Pillory key

The key to the pillory.

wh_cheat_additem sedmStatecnych2_pillory

Item icon
Frenzls' chest key

The key to the chest obtained from the wife of Captain Frenzl…

wh_cheat_additem hladAZmar_frenclovaChestKey

Item icon
Key from nest

A key I found in a bird’s nest in an old willow tree in the swamp…


wh_cheat_additem nemcuvPoklad_treasureChestKey1

Item icon
Rusty key

The key I found on a corpse in the pond outside of Bohunowitz.…

wh_cheat_additem poi_vuzVJezirku_key

Item icon
Kolda's key

The key to Kolda’s chest.

wh_cheat_additem naTroskach_koldaChestKey

Item icon
Sharkan's chest key

The key to the Cuman Sharkan’s chest.

wh_cheat_additem relikviarProCimburky_sarkansChestKey

Item icon
Chertan's key

I wonder what it’s for?

wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_cherthanChestKey

Item icon
Secret preghaus key

A key to the secret mint’s preghaus, where the path of the stolen…


wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_minterJailKey

Item icon
Deserting soldier's key

A key from the Kopanina bandit.

wh_cheat_additem poi_dvaLapkoveNaKopanine_key

Item icon
Fisherman's lost key

Lost key to the fisherman’s house, probably dropped on his way…


wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_fisherman

Item icon
Henik's cellar key

The key to Henik’s cellar.

wh_cheat_additem zaby_heniksCellar

Item icon
Miner's chest key

The key to the well-chilled beer store for hard-working miners.…


wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_maslosBeerStash

Item icon
Lower tower key

The key to the lower tower of Nebakov Fortress.

wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_lowerTowerKey

Item icon
Csaba's key

The key to Csaba’s private chest in the kitchen of the Italian…

wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_csabasStashKey

Item icon
Maleshov tower key

I have the key. The question is what door it opens, what lies…

wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovTopFortressFloor

Item icon
Sunken chest key

The key I found in a skeleton by an abandoned cart on the riverbank.…

wh_cheat_additem poi_havarovanyDvoukolak_stashKey

Item icon

Groschen, Groschen, GroschenMy silver cushionIt’s a merchant’s…


wh_cheat_additem money

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