Moonstone Resources
Moonstones in Hogwarts Legacy are the primary currency for conjuring spells in the Room of Requirement and the Beastiery. When you purchasing spellcraft recipes from Tomes and Scrolls, you will then need to head back and spend these to summon any interactable workstations, benches, or other items important to the RoR or Beastiery.
Different Items will cost different amounts, usual scaled 1 Moonstone to 100 gold it cost for the recipe (rounded up). If a recipe costs 750 gold to buy, then it will cost eight Moonstones to build, for example.
How to get Moonstones in Hogwarts Legacy
Players can naturally acquire Moonstones on the overworld, marked by the blue crystal clump peaking from the ground. Simply attack them when you see them to break them and automatically pick them up. These crystal nodes are commonly found throughout the overworld, such as following paths around the world, around mining areas, and more.
You can also get more from debris and items blocking your way using the Evanesco spell. The same spell works on recycling items you have already placed in the Room of Requirement and getting 100% of their cost back. Not all debris can be cleared by Evanesco, as some require
Reparo instead.
It is also possible to buy some Moonstone from specific vendors in Hamlets. The ones we know of are down below.
Purchased From

20 Galleons
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
High concentration of Moonstones around the east
Hogsmeade path to the Treasure Vault up the hill.

2. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Six deposits of Moonstones guarded by two
Loyalist Rangers
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