This page is a walkthrough for the Los Santos Tuners DLC Auto Shop Setup Mission, Elevator Key. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully acquiring the Elevator Key.
Overview of the Elevator Key mission.
Get an elevator key from a corrupt businessman that will help you access the vault.
Go to Del Perro Heights / Locate the Elevator Key¶
Activate this mission from the setup board in your Auto Shop, then drive over to the Del Perro Heights Apartment. Smash through the door and carefully clear out the enemies in the room and you’ll eventually find a corrupt businessman. Search his body for the Elevator Key.
(1 of 3) Take out the enemies in the Del Perro Heights Apartment
Take the apartment elevator down to the garage, then quickly get into cover by any of the vehicles and take down all the enemies. Finally, steal the security vehicle which is the blacked out Gallivanter and take it to any one of the three marked locations to bring this mission to a close.
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