Quick Mission Guide¶
Follow these steps to complete the mission successfully without worrying about medal requirements. If you need help with the Gold Medal, check here.
- Once you have completed all the preparations, return to Lester to begin the heist.
- Government Faciliy - After the scene has come to a close, drive to the Government Faciliy and take the helicopter.
- Parachute - Fly up to the fly zone marked on your map, then parachute down to the roof of the FIB building.
- Hack the Server - Once you’ve made it inside, break open the door, then hack the server.
- Defend - Whilst you’re waiting for the hack to complete, stay behind cover and take out any security that attempt to get in the way.
- Escape! - Work your way down the building, then rappel down to the ground floor and take the getaway car to Franklin’s home to complete the mission.
Gold Medal Requirements:¶
- No Innocents - Don’t kill any innocent civilians.
- Headshots - Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.
- Accuracy - Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70 percent.
- Hacker - Hack the system within 00:45.
- Mission Time - Complete within 19:00.
- Perfect Drop - Land perfectly on the main section of the roof.
The harder approach. A little less subtle too. A good hacker will help tremendously, and you will need decent gunmen too because you will be under a lot of fire.
No Innocents¶
Be very careful with your shots throughout the mission. Do not run over any civilians as well. Only focus your fire on the red blips on your radar and generally, the people shooting at you.
While you wait for the computer to finish the hack, the room will be flooded with agents. Take this opportunity to get as many headshots as you can. There are loads of enemies to get your kills.
As always, it is best to use a very accurate weapon for these types of missions.
To make things easier to find the correct IP, access the system and quickly press pause when the screen with the IPs comes up. You can then close the map screen that comes up and it will stick on the hack screen allowing you to look through at leisure.
(1 of 3) Land on the roof of the FIB Building
Mission Time¶
You will have to gun down the enemies quickly and make it to the bottom sharpish. It helps if you chose a good driver as he will turn up in a getaway vehicle that is inconspicuous to the police, saving you the problem of trying to lose the cops.
Perfect Drop¶
You need to land right in the middle of the white square on the roof. Aim towards the drop zone and open your parachute at a reasonable distance away. If you focus in on the zone it makes calculating the drop easier.
The trick is to slow your descent right down as you approach the roof and use the zoom in function to make very precise alterations to your flight. Use that when you get close to the roof.

The Government Gimps
You recovered sensitive information from a highly defended federal building.

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