This page is a walkthrough for the Los Santos Tuners DLC Auto Shop Setup mission, Security Pass. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully acquiring the Security Pass to the IAA Base.
Overview of the Security Pass mission.
Get a security pass from a corrupt IAA Agent to gain access to the Facility.
Go to McKenzie Field / Steal the IAA Pass¶
Once you’ve activated the mission via the Job Board, take any car and head over to McKenzie Field. Upon arrival, take cover and take out a large amount of the agents taking part in a deal to cause the Agent you’re looking for to try and flee.
(1 of 2) Take out the enemies at the deal
Take out the enemies at the deal (left), then chase down the agent you’re looking for and destroy his vehicle with Sticky Bombs. (right)
Chase him down in your vehicle and throw multiple sticky bombs at his car to cause it to explode, then collect the IAA Pass which will be located on the body or will just drop to the ground. Finally, return to the Auto Shop to bring this mission to a close.
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