Geralt’s pursuit of Ciri eventually led him to Novigrad, where he hoped to reunite with Triss and gain whatever information he could out of his former lover. Unfortunately Novigrad no longer lives up to its moniker as a “free city”, with Witch Hunters prowling the streets looking for any and all mages, at Radovid’s request - a persecution they’re all too willing to extend to accomplices, nonhumans and Witchers. Geralt’s reunion with Triss was unsurprisingly complicated by her newfound notoriety, and she didn’t have any intel on Ciri, she was able to recommend an oneiromancer who might point Geralt in the right direction. This page will provide a walkthrough for the main quest Novigrad Dreaming in The Witcher 3.
Quest Objectives¶
Quick Search |
Starting Novigrad Dreaming |
Find the Dreamer in the Old House |
Search the Attic |
Examine the Oven |
Make a Deal with Sarah |
Use Burdock to Drive the Godling Out |
Talk to Corinne |
Starting Novigrad Dreaming¶
Beginning automatically after Pyres of Novigrad, all you need to do to get the ball rolling on this quest is visit the marked house southeast of Hierarch Square. When you arrive you’ll be pestered by one Rudolf de Jonkheer, the owner of the house who hired the oneiromancer, Corinne, you’re looking for. Exhaust his dialog options and you’ll be free to explore as you see fit.
(1 of 2) Talk to the owner of the house to confirm Corinne is inside,
Talk to the owner of the house to confirm Corinne is inside, (left), then head upstairs to find her gripped in a fitful, unnatural slumber. (right)
Find the Dreamer in the Old House¶
Enter the house, turn left, then go upstairs. You’ll hear Corinne shouting and the door at the top of the stairs will open on its own. Enter the room and you’ll get a scene, after which it’ll be clear that Corinne’s not just voluntarily indulging in some long nap - if you want to wake her up you’ll need to break the spell keeping her unconscious. Fortunately she’ll mention some doll up in the attic, which at least gives you a lead.
Search the Attic¶
Go through a door to the southeast and climb a ladder to reach the attic, then turn northwest to find a blocked doorway. Bust on through with Aard and enter the room beyond, then search it using your Witcher senses to find a Drawing of a Crib on a chair by the doorway and a Rag
Doll on a bench in the western corner. Grab both, head back down the ladder to the room where Corinne is trapped in slumber. Go through a door to the north, near the bed, and turn right to find a crib. It wasn’t there earlier, and now it’s mysteriously rocking. Spooky. Place the Rag Doll in the crib and after a short scene the door will close behind you, and you’ll find the door now adorned with Drawing of an Oven, which Geralt will pick up automatically. Awfully playful poltergeist…
Examine the Oven¶
Head back down the stairs to the first floor and when you arrive, search beside the stairs to find a cellar door. Open it and climb down a ladder to find yourself in a room with a large stone oven. Examine it and Geralt will sniff out the cause of all this mischief - a Godling named Sarah. Unusual for such creatures to reside in cities, and her sense of humor borders on the malicious. Say what you want the first time you get a choice, but the second choice you get has consequences. You can respond with either “Let’s make a deal.” to talk the Godling out of mischief or “Guess I’ll have to throw you out, then.” to threaten to expel the Godling. The consequences of both actions will be discussed below:
(1 of 3) Head to the first floor and open a cellar door to reach the oven.
Make a Deal with Sarah¶
The easiest and arguably best route. Just tell Sarah you’ll lie on her behalf and she’ll promise to stop tormenting Corinne. Not very Witchery, perhaps, lying on behalf of a monster at the cost of a human, but Rudolf de Jonkheer is a banker - he’ll be fine. This route unlocks the secondary quest [Haunted House] later on, which will if anything only serve to reinforce this as the “correct” decision.
Use Burdock to Drive the Godling Out¶
Threaten to expel the Godling and she’ll throw a tantrum and hide, forcing you to make good on your threat. Leave the house and cross the canal to the south to find an Herbalist in his shop, who will sell you a Bundle of Burdock for 11 Crowns. Buy it - it’s marked with a yellow exclamation mark in the merchant’s inventory - then return back to the haunted house. Interact with the oven to put the Burdock on it, then use
Igni to set it alight, and the fumes will do their job and send Sarah fleeing. You will not get the aforementioned secondary quest [Haunted House] by taking this approach, but Rudolf de Jonkheer will promise to give you a percentage of the house’s sale price when he finally liquidates it. Groovy.
(1 of 3) If you choose to be confrontational, buy a Bundle of Burdock from a halfling herbalist,
Talk to Corinne¶
However you managed it, Corinne should now be awake following the Godling’s capitulation or retreat. Head up to the second floor and talk to Corinne and she’ll invite you to her room at The Golden Sturgeon, which can be found west of the Hierarch Square signpost. Make your way to the second floor of this establishment and talk to Corinne, after which you’ll have to tell her about Ciri to prep her oneiromancy. Say what you want, as much as you want, it doesn’t really matter, after which Geralt will have himself a dream and a nap. Corinne may have been easily bested by a simple Godling, but her oneiromancy does prove useful, giving you a lead on Ciri.
After talking to Corinne, visit her in her room in The Golden Sturgeon and answer some questions.
This will end Novigrad Dreaming and start the next main quest in Novigrad, Broken Flowers.
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