This page will give you all the information you need about how to earn the achievement/trophy The Grapes of Wrath Stomped in The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine.
While this isn’t a terribly complicated trophy, it is a lot of work, as you’ll have to clear fifteen map markers, including Abandoned Sites, Guarded Treasures, Hidden Treasures, Vineyard Infestations, Monster Nests and Person(s) in Distress. You can also botch it if you don’t do things in the correct order, but this is less a matter of micromanagement as much as it’s a matter of not being lazy and doing everything possible in the Wine Wars quests.
(1 of 2) After hearing the conditions of the Belgaard Estate sale, you’ll be approached by Liam de Coronata,
After hearing the conditions of the Belgaard Estate sale, you’ll be approached by Liam de Coronata, (left), and Matilda de Vermentino, rival vineyard owners vying for control of Belgaard. - both in need of a Witcher. (right)
To start these quests, you merely have to read the notice Announcement from the Office of Internal Revenue of the Duchy of Toussaint from the Notice Board in Beauclair, after which you’ll be directed northeast towards the Plegmund’s Bridge area. If the notice isn’t there, you may have to grab everything off the notice board and search it again. You can also find this notice on other notice boards throughout Toussaint, pretty much all of them, in fact. If that’s not enough for you, you can also head to the Plegmund’s Bridge signpost which can be found a fair distance up river from The Cockatrice Inn, northeast of the Castel Ravello Vineyard. At the eastern end of this bridge you’ll find a building, near which you’ll find two vineyard owners arguing. Merely approaching them will start this quest, as well.
Both vineyard owners, Liam de Coronata and Matilda Vermentino, will ask you to resolve the problems plaguing their estates. You must agree to help both out, starting the quests Wine Wars: Coronata and Wine Wars: Vermentino. Each of these quests tasks you with resolving five problems, each one of which is some map marker or another. Check out the linked pages for details on each site you must clear.
(1 of 3) Resolve problems at both the Coronata vineyard,
Resolve problems at both the Coronata vineyard, (left), and the Vermentino vineyard to find evidence falsely implicating both vineyards. (right)
You must resolve all five problems for each vineyard/quest, but once complete do not turn the quest in to either Liam or Matilda. Doing so will allow them to buy Belgaard and take sole ownership of the troubled vineyard. Instead, complete all five problems for both Coronata and Vermentino, at which point the quest Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina will begin. Complete this short quest, then return to the Ducal Clerk near Plegmund’s Bridge and he’ll force Liam and Matilda to share custody of Belgaard, which has problems of its own that need to be resolved.
Resolving the problems at both the Coronata and Vermentino vineyards and bringing Liam and Matilda together will result in the creation of a custom wine you can name.
At this point the quest Wine Wars: Belgaard, will restart, and you’ll be tasked with resolving five more problems around the Belgaard estate. This quest plays out very similar to Wine Wars: Coronata and Wine Wars: Vermentino, and once you clear out all five relevant map markers you can return to Liam and Matilda.
Wait three days and they’ll tell you about a new wine, which you’re given the honor of naming. Call it whatever you wish (from the three options provided, of course) and this quest will end and you should earn the desired achievement/trophy.

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped
Help unite the warring vineyards and have a wine named in your honor.

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