Wine Wars in the Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine expansion is a series of long quest chains, which begin with Belgaard part 1 quest. Here, Geralt will undergo a series of quests connecting a bunch of Vineyards, and their problems they face. With no further ado, here is a Wine Wars walkthrough. Note its broken into five different pages, so, if you want a full walkthrough from start to finish, continue scrolling to get the full 5 page walkthrough for this side quest chain.
How to start Wine Wars Belgaard¶
Read the notice “Announcement from the Office of Internal Revenue of the Duchy of Toussaint” from the Notice Board in Toussaint to begin this quest, after which you’ll be directed out of Beauclair. That’s right, it’s time to tour the countryside of Toussaint again, and unlike previous trips to the countryside, this one will involve rather more combat and cover quite a bit more ground. All in all, it’s a good warm-up for the upcoming Scavenger Hunts…
Anywho, fast-travel to the Castel Ravello Vineyard (assuming you find it during Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige’s Here) and from there head northeast to find a bridge, at the northeastern end of which you’ll find the Plegmund’s Bridge signpost. Failing that, you can always just travel northwest from the Dulcinea Windmill signpost. Either way, when you arrive at the Plegmund’s Bridge signpost check out the signpost to update your map, then head up to the front of the only building in the area.
Here you’ll find two vineyard owners arguing over which of the two should possess the Belgaard vineyard, which is currently in the hands of the duchy in lieu of a fitting steward. Unfortunately for the two, neither currently qualified due to the troubles that have beset their own vineyards. Both desperately want this rich, new estate… if only some fixer were to show up capable of resolving their problems.
(1 of 2) After hearing the conditions of the Belgaard Estate sale, you’ll be approached by Liam de Coronata,
After hearing the conditions of the Belgaard Estate sale, you’ll be approached by Liam de Coronata, (left), and Matilda de Vermentino, rival vineyard owners vying for control of Belgaard. - both in need of a Witcher. (right)
Geralt’s swords distinguish him as a man of action, and when the vineyard owner - Liam de Coronata - learns of your profession, he can’t offer you a job quick enough. Turns out that between missing employees and monsters cropping up, he’s got plenty of need for a Witcher. After agreeing to a deal, the other vineyard owner - Matilda de Vermentino - will approach you and relate a similar story. A little too coincidental that such things would be happening at both vineyards, unless by some ironic fluke they both ended up trying to sabotage each other… but whatever the case may be, she’s willing to pay you to resolve her issues, too.
Witcher 3 Wine Wars: Who To Help and Best Outcome?¶
This ends Wine Wars: Belgaard (for now) and begins two new quests, Wine Wars: Coronata and Wine Wars: Vermentino. If you prefer to help one, you only need to finish one to endow your preferred vintner with the right to purchase Belgaard. But aside from sheer laziness, there’s no good reason to favor one party over another, especially when both are willing to reward you for your work, and the fact that there’s an extra quest if you choose to do both aforementioned quests. Simply put, resolving all the issues plaguing both vineyards before returning to settle the matter of the Belgaard purchase is the most lucrative - and we daresay, the “correct” - way of going about business. There’s even a trophy/achievement in it for you! That being the case, both quests will be tackled below, and it’ll be assumed you intend to complete both.

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped
Help unite the warring vineyards and have a wine named in your honor.

Therefore, the best ending and outcome to Wine Wars is the one where you help both Vineyard owners. It’s also incredibly handy for 100% completionists and Platinum Trophy hunters.
Both quests involve completing five tasks - clearing five map markers - of various types. Anything from Monster Nests, Guarded Treasure, Persons in Distress, Abandoned Sites… the usual sort of thing you’ve been exposed to countless times before. Extraneous exploration and map-marker completion will be kept to a minimum in the following quests, but some exceptions may be made when there’s the opportunity to nab a convenient signpost. It’s a great excuse to explore around Toussaint, after all, although an even better excuse awaits once these Wine Wars quests are completed…
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