Evermean Monsters
In-game Description
A monster that mimics a tree, found throughout the forests of Hyrule. These impostors are hard to differentiate from the general article, making it easy for them to team up and pounce on unsuspecting passerby. Because the species shares characteristics with trees, it can be chopped down in much the same way.
Interactive Map Locations

20. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 13498 Y: 13195
On the raised grassy platform. It has a Bee Nest attached to its branch.

25. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 8371 Y: 8428
Several trees are actually disguised as Evermeans in this area.

41. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 13574 Y: 14555
Disguised as a regular tree. Will attack you when you get within its proximity.

44. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 13251 Y: 14987
You’d never guess that this random tree is an Evermean, would you?

54. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 15154 Y: 12800
An Evermean can be found here. It will be one of the trees near the lake.
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