Captain Construct Monsters
In-game Description
An elite Soldier !Construct, hence its “captain” title. Made by the Zonai with advanced techniques and magic. As a standard-rank member of the captain class, its combat functions are more sophisticated than those of Soldier !Constructs. It can use Fuse to enhance its weapons.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Hyrule Sky Islands Map
Standing by the small ruin. Use the nearby Ice Chuchus materials to freeze it before going in for the kill.

4. Hyrule Surface Map
A Captain Construct guards the area, along with multiple Soldier Constructs.

5. Hyrule Surface Map
A Captain Construct guards this area and will attack the

6. Hyrule Surface Map
Guards the ruins here with some Soldier Constructs. He wields a Flame Emitter so take care not to get burnt.

12. Hyrule Surface Map
You can find a Captain Construct along with other Constructs here.

13. Hyrule Surface Map
A Captain Construct can be found with several other Constructs here.
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