Black Horriblin Monsters
In-game Description
Note: Depending on how many monsters you’ve defeated, you may encounter an upgraded version of this monster instead. The upgrades are: Basic -> Blue -> Black -> Silver
After the Upheaval, these monsters began appearing in Hyrule’s cave systems. Because of the inordinate amount of time they spend moving along cave walls and ceilings, they have developed great strength in their mighty arms. This variety poses a huge threat to even the most experienced adventurers.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Hyrule Surface Map
In Mount Dunsel Cave. Hanging on the ceiling behind the vines. Use a Bomb
Arrow to destroy the vines.

4. Hyrule Surface Map
Black Horriblins (or lower ranked ones) will spawn inside the nearby cave.

5. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Deplian Badlands Cave. Accompanied by many
Blue Horriblin.

6. Hyrule Surface Map
Hanging from the ceiling inside Walnot Mountain Cave. There are multiple of them.

8. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Atun Valley Cave, on the second floor, above the pool of water.

9. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Atun Valley Cave, on the second floor, above the pool of water.

11. Hyrule Surface Map
A fearsome Black Horriblin crawls along the roof of the nearby cave. Shoot it to have it fall in the water and die instantly.

18. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside South Gerudo Cave.
Knock them into the water for a fast kill.

19. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside South Gerudo Cave.
Knock it into the water for an easy win.
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