Blue Hinox Boss
In-game Description
These giant, one-eyed monsters live mostly in the woods, have giant horns, and possess a ferocity similar to that of their red brethren. They are also known for tearing entire trees from the ground and using them as weapons. They’re stronger, though, and wear greaves that can be burnt away to expose their feet. A deft hand can steal weapons from the necklaces they wear.
Interactive Map Locations

4. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 8942 Y: 14209
A deadly Blue Hinox sleeps here. Strike the eye to stun it, then slash away to defeat it.

14. Hyrule Depths Map
X: 12106 Y: 13404
East from Tobio’s Hollow Chasm. East-North-East from Sijotu Lightroot.
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