Battle Talus Boss
In-game Description
Monsters have built structures onto this Talus to create what might be called a moving fort. Its body is reinforced with wooden planks to keep away enemies. It can’t be easily climbed.
A rock golem that Bokoblins use to attack their targets. Strike the black rock to lower it, then climb on top and strike it to defeat it.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Hyrule Surface Map
The Battle Talus will appear on the road after you have crossed the bridge

3. Hyrule Surface Map
Deal with the Bokoblins, then shoot the Ore Node to lower it, allowing you to jump on and perform more strikes.
Once defeated, you can open the nearby locked chest.

6. Hyrule Surface Map
A Battle Talus can spawn here. Deal with the
Bokoblins, then strike the Ore Node to cause it to lower. Make yourself onto it and strike the Ore Node to defeat it.

7. Hyrule Surface Map
Looks like a Bokoblin fort at first glance but the Talus will rise out of the ground to fight. Use the explosives and fire to take it down if you can.

8. Hyrule Surface Map
A Battle Talus spawns here, deal with the
Bokoblins on top and then shoot the ore node to drop it to the ground. Climb on top and strike it to defeat it.

10. Hyrule Surface Map
A Battle Talus can spawn here. Deal with the
Bokoblins, then hit the Ore Node to drop it.
Use Ascend to reach it and strike away to defeat it and unlock the nearby chest.

11. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside the cove. You’ll need to defeat this boss if you want to open the skull chest nearby.
A nice tip for this specific Talus is to stand on the floor above, and hit the Talus with ranged attacks, as it’ll just sit there for most of it.
Even better, equip those arrows with bombs to take it down faster.

12. Hyrule Surface Map
A Battle Talus with
Blue Bokoblins on top of it. Deal with them, then strike the Ore Node to cause it to lower, allowing you to get on top with
Ascend and strike the Ore Node to defeat it.
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