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The traversal challenges are the most numerous of the challenge types available with 14 in total. All of these are movement challenges, in which we need to guide the player character through a series of rings in and around obstacles by utilising all of the manoeuvres at our disposal: grinding, undergrinding, bouncing, wall running, wall climbing, pole swinging, air dashing, water skidding… If you can name it, you’ll have to do it during one of these challenges.

Fortunately, the majority of them are quite simple and should be easy for most players who have made their way through the majority of the campaign. The challenges do however get quite hard towards the latter few, with some forcing you to link just about all of your movement abilities together in a chain to earn the gold.

Below you’ll find a list of the challenges and some helpful hints and tips as to how to approach each challenge.

Traversal Challenge #1

The first few traversal challenges are quite simple and should not give you too much grief. The first one especially should award you with a gold medal on your first attempt. The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Grind up to the first ring.
  • Jump from the rail to the car to bounce through the second.
  • Grind along the back of the truck for the third.
  • From the truck jump to the street lamp and swing off it for the fourth.
  • After the street lamp, grind through the fifth on the rail below.
  • At the end of the rail jump up and swing from the street lamp to grab number six.
  • From the street lamp grind the power line to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to make our way through the white rings (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 200
Silver 1,300 $ 800
Gold 1,700 1,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art

Traversal Challenge #2

Again, this traversal challenges is fairly easy and should not give you too much grief. This one will test your grinding and bouncing ability a bit further. The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Bounce off the car in front to grab the first ring.
  • From the first car, bounce to the second.
  • Bounce to the rail on the right and grind along it to collect the third.
  • Hop to the truck on the left and grind it for the fourth.
  • Use the street lamp to swing up or use a car below to bounce up to the power line for the fifth ring.
  • Grind along the power line to find the sixth.
  • Still on the power line, you’ll get ring seven as well.
  • Undergrind the power line for ring number eight.
  • Return back to a regular grind to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to make our way through the white rings using mainly bouncing and grinding (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 200
Silver 800 $ 800
Gold 1,400 1,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Chaos Song

Traversal Challenge #3

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump through the first ring to grind the rail.
  • Grind through the second ring along the rail.
  • Jump from the rail to the car for the third.
  • Bounce from this car to the next car with a ring on it to grab the fourth.
  • Bounce from this car and air dash to the fence with the fifth ring. Grind along it to nab it.
  • Continue grinding along the fence to find the sixth.
  • Jump across the road and land on the railing with the white ring on the far side.
  • Continue grinding along this rail to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to make our way through the white rings (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 200
Silver 1,000 $ 800
Gold 1,400 1,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Seven Fingers

Traversal Challenge #4

This one can be a little tricky to begin with, especially the first few rings. Just remember that if you jump at an object and hold forward and the jump button held down, the character will wall climb and jump. We’ll need to use this for the first three rings in the area and failing to do so will see us fall to the street below and requiring us to restart.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump into the fence and hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • Hold the jump button down to climb the sign and jump up to the ring above.
  • Again, hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • One final time, continue to hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • Land on the rail to the left nab the fifth ring and start grinding.
  • Continue grinding to the left to find the sixth.
  • Air dash from the rail to reach the seventh.
  • Aim your fall to land on the car below with the eighth ring on it.
  • Bounce to the fence ahead and grind through ring number nine.
  • Quickly jump down to the train tracks below to grind through the tenth ring.
  • Continue grinding along the tracks to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to walljump our way through a set of three white rings to begin with (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 300
Silver 1,900 $ 1,000
Gold 2,400 1,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Roses

Traversal Challenge #5

This one looks fairly straightforward to begin with but can be a little trick due to the need for quick transitions between various types of traversal. Transitioning between grinds about mid-way through is also quite tricky, but keep trying until you get your timing down – you’ll get the hang of it fairly quickly.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump through the first ring and grind the rail behind it.
  • Hop up to the street lamp to swing through ring number two and grind the wire above.
  • Continue grinding along the wire for the third ring.
  • Jump down to fence to the right below and grind through the fourth ring.
  • Hop across to the railing on the sea wall on the left and grind through the fifth ring.
  • Quickly jump to the next railing to the left for and grind for ring six.
  • Jump to the streetlamp to swing through the seventh ring.
  • Jump down to the raft in the water for ring eight.
  • Bounce across to the boat for the ninth ring.
  • Bounce from the boat to the next raft for number ten.
  • Bounce to the next raft for the eleventh ring.
  • Bounce onto the parasol for ring twelve.
  • Bounce from the parasol onto the wires above and grind them through the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to grind, bounce and swing our way along the waterfront (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 250
Silver 1,100 $ 1,000
Gold 1,600 1,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Bitten Hard

Traversal Challenge #6

This challenge is fairly easy and is in place to test your ability to transition between grinding and undergrinding. It is also very short, so it shouldn’t take too long to get the hang of!

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • From the start, jump to the street lamp and swing through the first ring. Undergrind the wire above.
  • Continue undergrinding along the wire for the second ring.
  • Transition to a proper grind and continue along the wire for ring number three.
  • When you reach the overpass, hold the jump button down to climb the sign and jump up to the ring above. Land on the wire behind it.
  • Continue grinding along this wire for the fifth.
  • Transition to an undergrind for ring six.
  • Keep on undergrinding along the wire for the seventh ring as well.
  • Return to a regular grind on the wire and go through the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). We’ll have to grind, swing and undergrind our way to the end (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 300
Silver 850 $ 1,000
Gold 1,350 2,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Street Royalty

Traversal Challenge #7

This is definitely the trickiest challenge so far and requires that you use just about every single tool in your traversal ability kit in order to complete it. This is also by far the longest traversal route we have had to cover so far and as such there are plenty of places to mess up. It can be frustrating, but as long as you keep practicing, you should be able to knock it over in no time.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • From the start, jump to the rail and grind through the first ring.
  • Jump to the billboard on the left and wall run through the second ring.
  • Jump down and grind the top of the next billboard for ring three.
  • Quickly jump up to the billboard on the left and again grind through the ring on it.
  • Jump from the billboard down to the railing below, grind through ring number five.
  • Hop across to the opposite railing to grind through the sixth ring.
  • Jump from the railing through the ring ahead. Air dash as you fall.
  • Just before hitting the water, hit the grind button to water dash through ring eight.
  • Jump into the billboard and hold the jump button down to climb the sign for ring nine.
  • Upon jumping from the sign to the other side, you’ll also collect the tenth as you go.
  • Bounce from the boat towards the next rings and water dash through the eleventh ring.
  • Continue water dashing through the twelfth.
  • Jump and air dash from the previous ring to maintain speed and collect number thirteen in the process.
  • Land on the boat for ring fourteen.
  • Bounce from the boat to the fifteenth ring and water dash through it.
  • Jump into the base of the bridge support and hold the jump button down to climb it for ring sixteen.
  • Drop down the far side and water dash through ring seventeen.
  • Jump and air dash through ring eighteen.
  • Jump to the low dock and hold the jump button down to climb it for number nineteen.
  • Continue to hold the jump button down to climb to the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge has a little bit of everything - but mostly bouncing, water dashing and more bouncing (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 900
Silver 700 $ 3,500
Gold 1,400 2,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Grave Digger

Traversal Challenge #8

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • From the start, jump to the railing in front and grind through the first ring.
  • Grind the next railing ahead before jumping to the lamp pole for the second ring.
  • Land on the bush nearby with the third ring atop it.
  • Bounce to the railing on the footbridge and grind through ring four.
  • Continue grinding along this railing for the fifth ring as well.
  • Jump to the shade tent for ring six.
  • Bounce from the parasol to the information booth with ring seven above it.
  • Bounce from the information booth to the gutter of the build in on the left. Grind through ring eight.
  • Jump to the shade tent below for ring nine.
  • Bounce down to the pipeline below and grind along the top of number ten.
  • Jump and grind on the billboard on the right for the eleventh ring.
  • Hit the parasol for ring number twelve.
  • Bounce to the next parasol for the thirteenth.
  • Grind up the wire nearby for the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). get ready to bounce and grind all the way! (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 400
Silver 1,100 $ 1,500
Gold 1,600 2,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Love Birds

Traversal Challenge #9

This is definitely one of the trickier traversal challenges in the game (and the longest to boot at twenty-seven rings!). It will test out all of your abilities, most notably quick grind transitions and wall running. This was the last challenge that I managed to get a gold medal on, so it is definitely not easy and the time limit required for gold allows next to no screw ups along the way. Having said that, practice makes perfect, so try it enough and eventually you’ll get it right.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • From the start, jump to the parasol and bounce through the first ring.
  • Bounce up to the next parasol for ring two.
  • Jump to the wall and perform a wall run for ring number three.
  • Jump to the sign and hold the jump button down to climb it for the fourth ring.
  • Continue to hold down the jump button to hop up through ring five. Grind the rail here.
  • Continue grinding along this railing for the sixth ring.
  • Jump from near the end of the railing to hit ring number seven.
  • Land on the railing below and grind through the next ring.
  • Quickly jump to the next railing to the right and grind for ring nine.
  • Perform another quick jump to the next railing on the right for ring ten.
  • Hop to the parasol at the end of the railing for the eleventh ring.
  • Bounce up to the roof ahead for ring twelve.
  • Drop down to the railing below and grind through ring thirteen.
  • Hop to the next railing on the left for the fourteenth ring.
  • Jump to the food stall to bounce through ring fifteen.
  • Bounce down to the shade sail below for the sixteenth ring.
  • Super bounce from the shade sail to the next shade sail for number seventeen.
  • Bounce from this shade sail up to the parasol on the platform above for the next ring.
  • Bounce to the next parasol for ring nineteen.
  • Bounce from the parasol up to the ledge above and grind to the left for the twentieth ring.
  • Transition to a wall run to grab ring twenty-one.
  • Continue wall running for number twenty-two.
  • …And twenty-three.
  • Continue wall running until you reach twenty –four. At this point hold the stick towards the wall and hit the jump button to go through it.
  • Continue to hold down the jump button to hop up through ring twenty-five.
  • Again, keep holding down the jump button to jump through the next ring.
  • Hop through the final ring on top of the building.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). Wall running, grinding and bouncing will see you through to the end…eventually (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 400
Silver 1,450 $ 1,500
Gold 2,050 2,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Desperate Friends

Traversal Challenge #10

As with challenge 9, traversal challenge 10 is also a bit of a marathon at twenty-seven rings in length. This time though, all of the rings are in a much closer area as we’ll be spending the majority of the time climbing a building and then once at the top, we’ll be dropping down to end it all.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump through the first ring and grind the rail behind it.
  • Jump to the shade sail at the top of the railing and bounce through ring two.
  • Bounce from the shade sail to the platform above to grab number three.
  • Hop on the railing here and grind right for ring four.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for number five.
  • Jump to the vent at the end of the railing for the sixth ring.
  • Grind the railing here to grab ring seven.
  • Jump the gap from railing to railing to get number eight on the way.
  • Land on and keep grinding the railing here to grab ring nine.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for number ten.
  • Jump to the vent at the end of the railing for the eleventh ring.
  • Grind the left hand railing here to grab ring twelve.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for number thirteen.
  • Jump from the railing through the fourteenth ring floating in mid-air towards the bounceable bush.
  • Land on the bush for ring fifteen.
  • Bounce from the bush up to the shade sail across the gap for ring sixteen.
  • Bounce from the shade sail to reach ring seventeen.
  • Grind the railing here to grab ring eighteen.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for number nineteen.
  • Jump to the wall on the right and hold the jump button to climb through ring twenty to a higher level.
  • Hop on the vent here for ring twenty-one.
  • Bounce from the top of the vent towards the ring in the centre of the gap and fall down it.
  • As you fall, this ring will appear.
  • As you fall, this ring will appear.
  • As you fall, this ring will appear.
  • As you fall, this ring will appear.
  • As you fall, the final ring will appear.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge has us climb to the top of the building just to drop down to finish(right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 500
Silver 700 $ 2,000
Gold 1,200 3,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Tribal

Traversal Challenge #11

This challenge is also quite tricky to get the gold medal on as it requires just about absolute perfection and the slightest mishap or loss of momentum will often cost you the grand prize. As such it is best to play through the sequence a few times to learn the various spots where you could conceivably use an air dash or cut a corner to save some time.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • From the start, jump to the car in front and bounce through the first ring.
  • Grind the wire above the car for ring two.
  • Continue to grind the wire for ring three.
  • Transition to undergrind on the wire for ring four.
  • Transition back to grinding for number five.
  • Transition back to undergrinding for the sixth.
  • Transition back to regular grind again for the next ring.
  • Return to undergrinding one last time for ring eight.
  • Transfer back to regular grinding to hit ring nine.
  • Jump from the wire to the wall on the left and wall run through ring ten.
  • Continue to wall run for ring eleven.
  • Continue to wall run around the corner to snag number twelve as you do.
  • Continue to wall run for ring thirteen.
  • Continue to wall run for ring fourteen.
  • Jump and air dash to the building ahead and land on the pool chair for ring fifteen.
  • Bounce from the deck chair up to the billboard on the next floor above to gather ring sixteen.
  • Jump to the nearby wire and grind through the next ring.
  • Jump down to the boat with ring eighteen above it below.
  • Bounce from the boat to the next boat with ring nineteen on board.
  • Bounce from the boat and water dash through the twentieth ring on the water.
  • Jump through ring twenty-one onto the boat.
  • Bounce from the boat and air dash, then water dash through ring twenty-two on the water.
  • Jump up to the next ring on the dock.
  • Jump onto the boat on the far side for ring twenty-four.
  • Bounce up and grind the wire to the left to grind through ring twenty-five.
  • Continue to grind along the wire for the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge has looping around the building in front and back past the start point (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 650
Silver 1,250 $ 2,500
Gold 1,750 3,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Rage

Traversal Challenge #12

  • This is the longest traversal challenge in the game, but despite this it is actually fairly straightforward and does not have too many overly difficult transitions or places that can be failed easily. There is a lot of grinding and bouncing though, so I hope you are ready for a bit of a workout on that front!

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump onto the shade sail in front and bounce through the first ring.
  • Bounce over to the vent in the distance for ring two.
  • Bounce up to the higher level platform for ring three.
  • Jump into the support ahead and hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • Continue to hold the jump button down to climb the next support and jump up to the ring above.
  • Again, hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • One final time, continue to hold the jump button down to jump up to the ring above.
  • On top of the building you’ll hit ring eight.
  • Drop down onto the railing below and grind to the left for ring nine.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for the next ring.
  • Jump down to the lower tier on the right and grind through the next ring.
  • Hop off to the right and land on the parasol for ring twelve.
  • Bounce from the parasol to the statue nearby and grind it through to reach ring thirteen.
  • Jump to the next parasol for ring fourteen.
  • Jump onto the nearby railing and grind down the stairs through ring fifteen.
  • Jump to the boat in the water nearby for the next ring.
  • Bounce to the next boat for ring seventeen.
  • Bounce again to the next boat for the eighteenth ring.
  • Bounce over to one final boat for the nineteenth ring.
  • Bounce from the boat and air dash over to the next railing. Grind this for ring twenty.
  • Continue to for the twenty-first ring.
  • Although it looks as if you need to jump, don’t and keep grinding for the next ring.
  • Continue to grind around the corner for the ring twenty-three.
  • Jump and swing from the lamp pole for the next ring.
  • From the lamp pole jump and then air dash to another lamp pole ahead for ring twenty-five.
  • Hop down to the railing to grind through ring number twenty-six.
  • Jump to the boat nearby for ring twenty-seven.
  • Bounce to the next boat for twenty-eight.
  • Bounce and air dash to the parasol above for the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge starts with some serious wall climbing (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 500
Silver 800 $ 2,000
Gold 1,200 3,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Crown

Traversal Challenge #13

This traversal challenge can be quite difficult as the majority of it is happening very high up, as such the slightest mistake will have you falling for a fair distance, wasting a lot of time and pretty much guaranteeing that you’ll need to go again. It is fairly generous with time, but execution of efficient and quick transitions between grinds and wall running are incredibly important in order to taste success in this challenge.

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump through the first ring and grind the rail behind it.
  • Jump the gap and air dash through the ring in front.
  • As you drop down below, land on the railing here and grind through the third ring.
  • When you reach the corner, jump through the ring hanging off the side.
  • Aim to land on the bounceable bus nearby to grab ring five.
  • Bounce from the bush and hit the ring above.
  • Drop down and land on the destroyed car below for the next ring.
  • Bounce from the car up onto the balcony above and grind through ring eight.
  • Continue to grind for the next ring.
  • Jump to the billboard ahead and wall run to the right to snag ring ten.
  • Jump to the next building and continue to wall run for another ring.
  • Continue to wall run around the corner to snag number twelve as you do.
  • Jump to the billboard nearby and grind through the next ring.
  • Drop to the next billboard below for ring fourteen.
  • Hop down to the railing on the right and grind through ring number fifteen.
  • Jump up and wall run to grab number sixteen.
  • Bounce from the shade sail ahead and wall run to the left at the top of the bounce to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge has a little bit of everything - but mostly bouncing, grinding and wallrunning (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 1,000
Silver 1,100 $ 4,000
Gold 1,600 4,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Pig Fighter

Traversal Challenge #14

Following the last few challenges, one would expect this one to be brutally difficult. Fortunately, it is not and if you have been able to conquer all of the other challenges to this point, you should have little or no difficulty finishing this one off with the gold (I managed to do it first try!). There is a heavy focus on wall running, so if you need to up your skill at that traversal method, there is no better place to do it!

The rings can be found in the following order:

  • Jump onto the vent in front and bounce through the first ring.
  • Bounce up and grind the wire above for the second ring.
  • Continue to grind for the next ring.
  • Jump and wall run to the left to snag ring four.
  • Jump to the billboard across the gap and wall run to the left for the next ring.
  • Jump to the next billboard and wall run on this as well for ring six.
  • Jump to the vent on the next balcony and bounce up to the next ring.
  • Wall run to the left from the top of the bounce for ring eight.
  • Continue to wall run around the corner to snag number nine as you do.
  • Keep wall running to reach ring ten.
  • Jump to the adjacent building and continue to wall run for the eleventh ring.
  • At the end of the wall, hop up and undergrind the wire above for ring twelve.
  • Transition to a proper grind for ring thirteen.
  • Continue to grind to reach the final ring.

Start the challenge at the icon (left). This challenge has a large primary focus on wallrunning (right).

Medal Score Reward/s
Bronze Complete the challenge $ 700
Silver 1,100 $ 3,000
Gold 1,600 4,000 x Overcharge
Clothing: Body Art - Underworld
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    23 October 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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Welcome to your Awesomepocalypse! Create your own character and enter the colourful, vibrant Sunset City, a metropolis in the throes of a faux soft-drink fuelled zombie apocalypse. Utilise your new found super agility to grind, wall run, bounce and swing your way through the city as you encounter dangerous foes, meet some unusual allies and gain some extraordinarily unusual and powerful weapons. With more pop-culture references than you can shake a stick at and ridiculously fun gameplay, Sunset Overdrive is the gift that keeps on giving and we’ve got you covered every step of the way!

Our Sunset Overdrive guide covers all the most important elements of the game including:

  • A complete walkthrough for the main campaign.
  • Walkthroughs to all 32 side-quests.
  • Strategies to earn gold medals on all 54 challenges.
  • Tips and tricks to unlocking all of those pesky achievements.
  • Unlock every Demon Door to reveal their secrets!

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