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Sunset Overdrive has 70 achievements. These are awarded for experiencing the single player campaign, finish off all of the side-quests, using the environment to kill enemies in various ways, trying out the chaos squad mode, nabbing all of the collectibles and undergoing some additional miscellaneous tasks. Below youll find a categorized list of the achievements in the game and how you can unlock each one.

Story Achievements

The following 10 achievements/trophies will all come with story progression, so as long as you finish the game these should be pretty much un-missable. As these contain plot elements, I have left off the descriptions to avoid potential spoilers.

Here’s a list of said achievements:

Achievement Description
Oh, the Horror! Complete the ‘Horror Night’ Mission
Overachiever You’ll get this paired with the above achievement.
Dusk Till Dawn Complete the ‘Amptastic’ Mission
Buck National Complete the ‘Buck National vs. the Apocalypse’ Mission
Plan B Complete the ‘Up in the Air’ Mission
That Balloon Complete the ‘It’s Me, Fizzie!’ Mission
Scout’s Honor Complete the ‘The Fall of Emperor Norton’ Mission
Ultra Mega Kill Complete the ‘Tastes Like Chicken’ Mission
Save Everyone Complete the ‘A Hero’s Duty’ Mission
Excalibro Complete the ‘Awesomesmithing’ Mission
This is My City Now Complete the ‘This Ends Here’ Mission

Side-Quest Achievements

There are 7 achievements tied into the side-missions available in Sunset Overdrive. Each of them is fairly self-explanatory and can be obtained by following the relevant sections in the above guide.

Here are a list of the achievements that fall into this category and what needs to be done to unlock each of them:

Achievement Description
Defender of the Realm Complete the three ‘Warlock’s Red Gaze’ side-quests from the Fargathia Base.
Ultimate Collection Complete the three ‘Collect Comics’ side-quests from Stanley in Little Tokyo.
Revolutionary Complete the four ‘Take Back the Streets’ side-quests from the theatre in Downtown.
Roleplay While Roleplaying Complete the ‘The Most Epic Quest for XP’ side-quest from the Fargathia Base.
Not So Secret Ingredient Complete the three part Fizzco quest chain.
Equal Opportunity Complete a side-quest for each faction.
Vat Pack Rat Complete the four base upgrade side-quests.

Challenge Achievements

There are 54 challenges in the game to test your skill at combat, traversing the terrain and just generally destroying stuff. Good fun! In addition to the cash and gear unlocks, there are also 4 achivements that can also be earned by partaking in these challenges.

Here are a list of the achievements that fall into this category and what needs to be done to unlock each of them:

Achievements Description
A Challenger Appears Complete 10 challenges with at least a bronze rating
Second Place Complete 30 challenges with at least a silver rating
The Champion Complete 50 challenges with a gold rating
I Should Get Paid for This Beat Insomniac QA’s high score of 534,080 on the Challenge “Buck’s Revenge.”

For general tips on how to earn those tricky gold medals and for beating that particularly high score for the individual achievement, please refer to the Challenges guide above.

Combat Achievements

There are 10 cumulative achievements that are tied into the games combat system and using the various traversal methods at your disposal in order to kill enemies. They are all fairly easy, but will take time to complete due to the numbers required to unlock them.

Here’s a list of said achievements and how to accomplish each:

Achievement Description
Grind Kills Kill 100 enemies while grinding.
Bounce Kills Kill 100 enemies while bouncing or in the air.
Grind Melee Kills Melee 50 enemies whilst grinding.
Stylish Kills Kill 500 enemies while at Style Level 3
Trap Kills Kill 500 enemies with traps
Flung to Safety Kill 100 enemies by flinging them into danger using the Springboard Trap
Let me Count the Ways Burn, Shock, Freeze, or Enrage 1000 enemies
Crash Landing Destroy 25 Fizzco Blimps
Orange Soda 5,000 OD massacred.
Orange Soda II 15,000 OD massacred

Collectibles Achievements

These 9 achievements are tied into finding and collecting each and every one of the Sunset Overdrive collectibles. Well need to gather all of the Toilet Paper, Fizzboy Balloons, Shoes, Overcharge signs and Smartphones, destroy all of the Security cameras, hack each satellite, deface all the blank billboards and locate and utilise all of the sightseeing locations in order to get them all.

These are the achievements/trophies we are looking at right here:

Achievement Description
Big Brother Destroy all 150 Fizzco security cameras
What’s Your Sign? Collect all 150 Overcharge hologram signs
Hot Air Collect all 150 Fizzie balloons
Shoe Closet Collect all 150 shoes hanging from wires
Litter Collect all 150 scraps of toilet paper
Intel Collect all 40 Smartphones
It’s Art, Ok? Deface 40 billboards with graffiti
Explorer Find all 20 secret sightseeing locations
Wire Tapping Eavesdrop on 9 conversations by hacking satellites

For general information about the various collectibles and how to find them, please refer to the Collectibles guide above.

Character Progression Achievements

Mixology 101

Description: Collect 20 Amps from Floyd

Simply complete the in-game defence sequence missions that take part during the campaign and you should unlock it after the Theater defence Downtown. However, you can (and should) purchase Amps from Floyd at any one of the bases at any time after the Amptastic mission. These can be purchased by providing Floyd with various amounts of collectibles. Once you have a total of 20 in your possession, the achievement will unlock.

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Mixology 101

Collect 20 Amps from Floyd.

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Amped Up

Description: Equip five AMPs on your character at the same time

Once you have acquired 5 different Amps, go into the character menu and equip one to each of the available slots. This will unlock the achievement.

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Amped Up

Equip five AMPs on your character at the same time.

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Badge, Overdrive and More Overdrive

Description: Earn a Badge, Earn an Overdrive and Unlock a level 4 Overdrive

All three of these achievements are related. You can earn badges by completing the same actions over and over again - kind of like EXP grinding. Your first badge will unlock the ‘Badge’ achievement.

Badges can be earned for all manner of actions including traversal (grinding, bouncing, wallrunning etc.), Weapons (single shot, traps, melee etc.) and combat (Killing OD, Killing Scabs etc.). Once you have acquired a sufficient number of badges you can purchase an Overdrive from the character menu. This will unlock the ‘Overdrive’ achievement.

Once you have purchased an Overdrive, you can continue to use badges to level it up until it reaches max level (level 4). This will unlock the ‘More Overdrive’ achievement.

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Earn a badge.

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Unlock an Overdrive.

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More Overdrive

Unlock at least one Rank 4 Overdrive.

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Favorite, Many Favorites, I Like Them All

Description: Upgrade 1 gun to level 5, Upgrade 10 guns to level 5, Upgrade 20 guns to level 5.

As you use guns to kill enemies, they wiill gain experience points. Once sufficient experience has been accumulated they will level up. Note that the higher the combo and style level are, the more XP you will gain per kill. Simply level 20 weapons up to level 5 (this will take a very long time) and you’ll unlock all three achievements along the way.

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Upgrade one of your guns to Level 5.

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Many Favorites

Upgrade 10 guns to Level 5.

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I Like Them All

Upgrade 20 guns to Level 5.

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Chaos Squad Achievements

The following 5 achievements relate to experiencing sunset Overdrive’s multiplayer Chaos Squad mode. Four of the five achievements relate to specific high scores in each of the four in-game districts whilst the final one is awarded for earning an Amp in the mode (just keep playing and you’ll unlock it eventually).

Here are the achievements in question:

Achievement Description
Chaos in Downtown Survive Chaos Squad in Downtown District with at least 1625 Chaos
Chaos in Little Tokyo Survive Chaos Squad in Little Tokyo District with at least 325 Chaos
Chaos in the Harbour District Survive Chaos Squad in the Harbour District with at least 750 Chaos
Chaos in the Old Factory District Survive Chaos Squad in the Old Factory District with at least 150 Chaos
Over-Amped Earn an Amp upgrade in Chaos Squad

Miscellaneous Achievements

These achievements/trophies are a little bit random as I was unable to pool them together into another category. Without further ado, here are the miscellaneous achievements included in Sunset Overdrive and a bit of information on how you can unlock each of them:


Description: Watch the credits all the way through.

Simple. Either complete the game and let the credits roll all the way through, or if you are impatient you can pull up the menu and go to the Options page. Here you can play the credits whenever you feel like. Either way, watching them through to the very end will earn you the achievement.

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Watch the credits all the way through.

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Going to Need a Bigger Closet & Can’t Commit

Description: Collect 250 fashion items.

You can earn clothing by purchasing new items from Calista’s store, through completion of main-game quests, completing specific side-quests, getting gold medals on challenges and finding all of the collectibles of each type. Once you have acquired a total of 250 you will unlock the ‘Going to Need a Bigger Closet’ achievement.

The ‘Can’t Commit’ Achievement can be unlocked by equipping one piece of gear from each of the four available factions: Oxfords, Troop Bushido, Fargathia and Las Catrinas.

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Going to Need a Bigger Closet

Collect 250 fashion items.

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Cant Commit

Equip one piece of clothing from each Faction at the same time.

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Replay & Not the Boss of Me

These two achievements are both tied into the replay feature in the game. Once you have completed a story or side-mission, the replay function becomes unlocked for it. You can replay any completed mission from the Log menu. Replaying the mission will give you a nice cash reward and also imposes a par time for you to try and best.

To earn the achievements, you need to complete any mission under par time for ‘Replay’ and the final mission in the game under par for ‘Not the Boss of Me’.

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Replay any Mission and complete it under par.

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Not the Boss of Me

Replay the final mission and defeat the boss under par.

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Out of Stock

Description: Destroy 250 Overcharge XT vending machines

You’ll see vending machines all over the city. Destroying these will grant you a small amount of overcharge but can also summon OD to your location. Rather than trying to hunt down and destroy 250 of these without any markings on a map, destroy them whenever you see them.

If you want to get this done in a hurry, you can replay the side-quest ‘Garage Chaos’ in which you will need to destroy a number of machines in order to progress.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Out of Stock

Destroy 250 Overcharge XT vending machines.

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Description: Complete an optional Night Defence without losing any of your Overcharge

This achievement requires that you replay one of the defence sequences at your base and complete it without losing any Overcharge. Obviously, the goal is to keep the enemies away from the barricade and the vats behind them. The Old Factory District is by far the easiest defence as there are fewer entrances from which enemies can attack from. Note that the more advanced your weapons, amps and traps are the better your chances of successfully completing the achievement.

There’s not a whole lot of additional strategy to this one outside of what we’ve already learned through the campaign: just place your traps to slow down enemies and level your weapons and equip your best possible Amps. Oh and practice, practice makes perfect!

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Complete an optional Night Defense without losing any of your Overcharge.

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The Floor is Lava

Description: Chain together 100 traversal moves without stopping or touching the ground

Sounds easy enough right? Well it is! Just keep bouncing, grinding, wallrunning and transitioning between objects until you reach the 100 x combo. Some easy ways to do this include:

  • Bouncing between cars in one of the game’s many car parks.
  • Hopping back and forth between power lines.
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The Floor is Lava

Chain together 100 traversal moves without stopping or touching the ground.

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Who is Sending These?

Description: Loot 25 emergency supply drops.

As you play through the game, you will likely on occasion, spot chests parachuting into the city. When they land, they will throw up green smoke to help you track them down. They usually contain money and Overcharge. To earn this achievement, you simply need to find and open 25 of these.

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Who is Sending These?

Loot 25 emergency supply drops.

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The 0.1%

Description: Spend at least 25,000 Overcharge

Easy! Just earn and spend 25,000 Overcharge in the in-game shops and this one is yours!

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A Challenger Appears

Complete 10 challenges with at least a bronze rating.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    23 October 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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Welcome to your Awesomepocalypse! Create your own character and enter the colourful, vibrant Sunset City, a metropolis in the throes of a faux soft-drink fuelled zombie apocalypse. Utilise your new found super agility to grind, wall run, bounce and swing your way through the city as you encounter dangerous foes, meet some unusual allies and gain some extraordinarily unusual and powerful weapons. With more pop-culture references than you can shake a stick at and ridiculously fun gameplay, Sunset Overdrive is the gift that keeps on giving and we’ve got you covered every step of the way!

Our Sunset Overdrive guide covers all the most important elements of the game including:

  • A complete walkthrough for the main campaign.
  • Walkthroughs to all 32 side-quests.
  • Strategies to earn gold medals on all 54 challenges.
  • Tips and tricks to unlocking all of those pesky achievements.
  • Unlock every Demon Door to reveal their secrets!

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