You will have completed one of the four Buck National challenges already as part of the story and, well the others are just a bit more of the same. These challenges are all about getting the highest score possible through killing OD. As such, the most important thing to remember is to keep comboing – the higher your combo multiplier and the higher your style level, the more points you will earn per kill.
In addition to the standard killing everything approach, Buck will also give you sets of specific challenges to undertake within the time limit. Each of the four challenges features four optional tasks which will grant a nice score boost upon completion.
Below youll find a list of the Buck National challenges in the game and some short hints and tips as to how to approach each one to get the best possible score.
Episode 1 – Buck National vs the Apocalypse¶
You will have already completed this challenge once as part of the main storyline and as you likely remember, you’ll need to fight off various forms of OD for several minutes whilst trying to earn the highest score possible. A few things will make obtaining target scores easier:
I can’t stress how important it is to keep moving and comboing – you’ll need to link everything you do together! By doing this you can fill your style meter full and this will allow you to activate your amps which can kill enemies in close proximity without you doing anything, but it will also exponentially increase your score.
Follow Buck’s instructions – he will shout out various optional objectives and killing enemies as he suggests will give bonus points. There are four optional objectives and completing one will have the next appear. They will cycle through continuously until the end of the challenge. The objectives include:
- Bounce Kills,
- Grind Kills,
- OD Blower Kills and
- Pain Train Kills.
Unfortunately, you will be required to complete each of Bucks four objectives the first time through during this challenge. Until you do so, scoring for other kills will be locked. After you have gone through all objectives once, you can do what you like to earn those points!
You can start the mission here (left). During the challenge, make use of the pain train switch (right) to clear out large numbers of OD.
Medal | Score | Reward/s |
Bronze | 50,000 | $ 300 |
Silver | 150,000 | $ 1,000 |
Gold | 250,000 | 1,000 x Overcharge |
Clothing: Bucky Pants |
Episode 2 – Buck Strikes Back¶
As with the first episode, the tactic remains essentially unchanged. It is very important when going for that high score to keep moving and comboing to fill your style meter. Once you have your weapon and epic Amps active, your combo count and score will shoot through the roof.
As with the previous Buck challenge there are optional objectives and killing enemies in the methods suggested will award bonus points. There are six optional objectives this time around and completing one will have the next appear. They will cycle through continuously until the end of the challenge. The objectives include:
- Grind Kills,
- Melee Kills,
- Undergrind Kills,
- Bounce kills,
- OD Blower Kills and
- Electric Barrel Kills.
As an alternate strategy, with the correct Amps equipped there is a much easier, simpler and efficient method to earn that gold medal without breaking a sweat. Equip the Chance of Lightning or It Burns Epic Amps and the Roid Rage or un-Defibrillator melee Amps. Now jump onto the small square garden that you start the challenge in front of and grind around it continuously, mashing the melee button as enemies appear. Doing this for 3 minutes can see a massive combo with an excess of 200x multiplier and plenty of kills thanks to your passive Amp attacks. Using this technique reached the gold medal target score with almost 1 minute to go on the timer.
You can start the mission here (left). Grind around the central platform and melee attack constantly to build a large combo (right).
Medal | Score | Reward/s |
Bronze | 50,000 | $ 400 |
Silver | 150,000 | $ 1,500 |
Gold | 250,000 | 2,000 x Overcharge |
Clothing: Bucky Shoes |
Episode 3 – Buck’s Revenge¶
As with the first episode, the tactic remains essentially unchanged. It is very important when going for that high score to keep moving and comboing to fill your style meter. Once you have your weapon and epic Amps active, your combo count and score will shoot through the roof.
As with the previous Buck challenge there are optional objectives and killing enemies in the methods suggested will award bonus points. There are six optional objectives this time around and completing one will have the next appear. They will cycle through continuously until the end of the challenge. The objectives include:
- Melee Kills,
- Grind Kills
- Spawner OD kills
- Bounce Kills
- Undergrind Kills,
- Mugger OD Kills and
- Pyro Geyser Kills.
Fortunately, the strategy mentioned above for Episode 2 will work here in episode three as well, although it is not nearly as effective this time around. Equip the Chance of Lightning or It Burns Epic Amps and the Roid Rage or un-Defibrillator melee Amps. Now jump onto the U-shaped railing that you are facing when you begin the challenge and grind back and forth along the length of it continuously, mashing the melee button to attack enemies as they appear.
Doing this for 3 minutes can see a massive combo with an excess of 300x multiplier and plenty of kills thanks to your passive Amp attacks. If you do get knocked off your railing (and you will) use a ground pound or melee a nearby enemy to keep your combo going and jump back onto the railing.
You can start the mission here (left). Grind around the U-shaped railing and melee attack constantly for some solid points (right).
Medal | Score | Reward/s |
Bronze | 50,000 | $ 500 |
Silver | 150,000 | $ 2,000 |
Gold | 250,000 | 3,000 x Overcharge |
Clothing: Bucky Jacket |
Episode 4 – Buck Stops Here¶
As with the first three episodes, the general tactic behind accruing a high score is the same - keep moving and comboing to fill your style meter. Once you have your weapon and epic Amps active, your combo count and score will shoot through the roof.
As with the previous Buck challenges there are optional objectives and killing enemies in the methods suggested will award bonus points. There are five optional objectives this time around and completing one will have the next appear. They will cycle through continuously until the end of the challenge. The objectives include:
- Melee Kills,
- Grind Kills
- Winger OD kills
- Herker OD Kills
- Catapult Kills,
Fortunately, the strategy mentioned above for Episode 2 and 3 will work here as well and is incredibly effective – you can have the gold medal wrapped up with a minute to go! Equip the Chance of Lightning or It Burns Epic Amps and the Roid Rage or un-Defibrillator melee Amps. Now jump onto the long railing in front of the gas station we spawn in front of and grind back and forth along the length of it continuously, mashing the melee button to attack enemies as they appear.
Doing this for 3 minutes can see a massive combo with an excess of 500x multiplier and plenty of kills thanks to your passive Amp attacks. If you do get knocked off your railing (and you will) use a ground pound or melee a nearby enemy to keep your combo going and jump back onto the railing.
You can start the mission here (left). Grind up and down the railing in front of the gas station whilst melee attacking all the way (right).
Medal | Score | Reward/s |
Bronze | 50,000 | $ 1,000 |
Silver | 150,000 | $ 4,000 |
Gold | 250,000 | 4,000 x Overcharge |
Clothing: Bucky Bandana |
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