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Shin Megami Tensei V

Taito - Ueno, Uguisudani, and Ueno Park

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Da’at: Taito of Shin Megami Tensei V, taking place in the Ueno, Uguisudani, and Ueno Park areas. How to complete every objective, find every chest and locate every Miman.

The journey in Taito will truly begin now


Icon Name Lv Weakness
SMT_V_Clotho_Icon.jpg Clotho 52 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Loup_Garou_Icon.jpg Loup-garou 54 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Hecatoncheires_Icon.jpg Hecatoncheires 55 Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Decarabia_Icon.jpg Decarabia 55 Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Sui_Ki_Icon.jpg Sui-Ki 56 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Titania_Icon.jpg Titania 57 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Lachesis_Icon.jpg Lachesis 58 Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Fafnir_Icon.jpg Fafnir 60 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Cerberus_Icon.jpg Cerberus 64 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Atropos_Icon.jpg Atropos 64 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png


Clotho’s Essence
Grimoire x3
Queen Medb’s Essence
Loki’s Essence
Chimera’s Essence
Hecatoncheires’s Essence
Ananta’s Essence
Barong’s Essence
Atropos’s Essence


Subquest Location Reward
On Bended Knees Rooftop northwest of Ueno Leyline Yatagarasu’s Essence
Downtown Rock ’n Roll Rooftop west of Ueno Leyline Critical Gem x3
A Princess in a Pickle Northwest of Demon Statue #14 Chakra Pot
In Defense of Tokyo South of Ueno Park Leyline Strength Balm x2
A Need for Nectar Southwest of Zeus’ location Balm of Life

Ueno Exploration

You’ve cleared some of the Abscesses from the surrounding areas, allowing you to see some of the map, so it’s time to explore those areas now. Once again, start off from the Ueno Leyline, but stay on the rooftop of the building there. On the southern side of the building, behind the raised section, you will find Miman #151; note that the Miman in Taito give you 10 Glory. Jump off the southern side of the building, but stick close to it. Upon landing on the bottom, you will see an opening in the building, allowing you to barely make the jump inside to reach the two Treasure Boxes inside (Soma and Clotho’s Essence).

(1 of 4) Miman #151 will be on the same rooftop as the Ueno Leyline

Return to the leyline and slide down the hill on the northern side. To the northeast is a piece of road, right before the Hecatoncheires, and on the road will be Miman #152. Continue past the demons and take a small detour to the path heading southeast on the southern side past the Hecatoncheires. You should see the area name change to Iriya, which is a dead end that doesn’t have much to it. Right as the trail turns straight south, look on the northern end to see a dancing Miman #153 behind some rocks. Keep going along this trail to the very end, where you will find Amalgam #30. As with the Mimans, the Amalgams in Taito got a boost, too, with them giving you 100 Glory now.

Double back to the Hecatoncheires and head up the small hill to the north of the highway, then look to the northeast to spy Demon State #14 - Eligor along the rocky terrain. Directly east of the Demon Statue, at the base of the hill there, you will see a small opening in the terrain. Enter this cave-like area and at the very end will be Miman #154. Climb that previously mentioned hill to get on some train tracks. Pass the Decarabias and stick to the south side of the train as you venture southwest. Along the edge/railing not too far down the line will be Miman #155. Take a glance to the north of that Miman to see the path split a little ways back, so head on over to the northern path.

If you follow this west (ignore the hill), you will eventually find a Yatagarasu on a building, who will give you the On Bended Knees quest. It asks you for three Ambrosias, which is an item you can purchase from Gustave at Cadaver’s Hollow. Return to the tracks and continue southwest while still on them, until you reach the train with the slanted nose on the engine car. Hop on the train, then use it to reach the rooftop with the Ippon-Datara, who will give you the Downtown Rock ’n Roll quest. He asks you for 10 Dragon Scales, an item that drops from both the Fafnir and Yamato-no-Orochi demons. If you keep going southwest on the rooftops, to the end, there will be a Treasure Box on a rocky ledge connected to the final building (Grimoire x3).

(1 of 8) Demon Statue #14 is up a hill just past the first group of Hecatoncheires

Slight northwest of the Ippon-Datara are some large rocks, right next to the tracks, and on those rocks will be Miman #156. Continue west from those rocks to find a ruined building and if you drop to the first floor from the top, you will find Miman #157 in the one corner. You can jump over to the next building, which you see has a hole in the side, but there’s nothing but a single vending machine in it, so it’s not very rewarding. Return to the train tracks and follow to the west, sticking on the northern side of them. Right next to the one wall, not too far from the end of the tracks, you will find a Treasure Box, which contains a Queen Medb’s Essence. Go to the end of the tracks to the southwest and get on the southern side of the train. Head back eastward, but you want to go on the side of the tracks, on the one side of the wall/fence there. Follow it a little bit until you see the tunnel underneath the tracks, so go inside and at the end, you will find Miman #158.

Uguisudani and Ueno Park Exploration

Teleport back to the Ueno Leyline and make your way back to the train tracks, where you first got on them. If you head in the other direction this time, to the north, you will eventually run into a Kaya-no-Hime, who will give you the quest, A Princess in a Pickle. She wants you to hand over two Beads, which can be a slightly rarer item, although Mishagujis (in Chiyoda) and Yamato-no-Orochis can drop them. Directly across from the Kaya-no-Hime, just south of the vending machine, you will see Miman #159 on the ground. As you continue northwest, right around where the Cerberus is roaming, check the very small gap between the northern set of buildings to find a Treasure Box (Loki’s Essence).

(1 of 2) Miman #159 is directly across from the Kaya-no-Hime NPC

Miman #159 is directly across from the Kaya-no-Hime NPC (left), Miman #160 will be on the opposite side of the Futsunushi NPC on the shoreline (right)

Sprint to the end of the train tracks and go up the nearby hill, where you find two vending machines. Climb the sloped road to your south and stop at the shallow water, which is where some Sui-Ki will appear out of nowhere to try and attack you. Ignore the water for right now (you’ll be back to it in a few moments), and go east, up the little hill as if you were going to the Ueno Park Abscess. To the north will be some climbing blocks, but venture south to the cliff’s edge, then southwest along the thin ledge to find a Treasure Box (Chimera’s Essence). Double back to the shallow water now and begin crossing it, sticking to the southern side to find Miman #160. On the northern side of the waters, there is a Futsunushi that will give you the In Defense of Tokyo quest.

Continue southwest, past Futsunushi, and through the narrow passage. Ignore the area to the west and head to where the Decarabias are roaming. Head to the cliff’s edge south of them, then west to find another Treasure Box, which contains a Hecatoncheires’s Essence. Double back all the way to where you climbed the one hill at the end of the train tracks, which was before the shallow waters you just crossed. This time, you will want to start going north, where you will eventually run into the Bishamonten Punishing Foe. Northwest of him is a Treasure Box that is holding an Ananta’s Essence. As you move northwest, you will see a demon running away from you.

This is a Nebiros, who is level 67 and while running away, will spawn some Decarabias to chase after you. You can ignore them all for now and hug the southern edge of the map just past the Nebiros, which will lead you to Miman #161. Keep going in this direction and you will run into another Punishing Foe, an Abaddon. North of Abaddon is another Treasure Box, so loot it for a Barong’s Essence. There will be a small trail to the southwest of Abaddon, leading to a dead end and Amalgam #31. Head southeast of the Abaddon, ignoring the hill to the east for now, and go south, through the narrow passage with the Hecatoncheires demons.

(1 of 4) Miman #161 will be on the ground right past the Nebiros that runs away from you

On the opposite end, you will come out to another shallow body of water, but stick to the high ground. If you go to the southern end of the water, though, you will find Amalgam #32, but be wary of the Sui-Ki that pop out of the water. The exit out of the water is on the northern side, so head there, then follow the trail southwest to a vending machine. The path will split here, so you want to go southeast and follow this to a small clearing with a Sarasvati, who will give you the quest called A Need for Nectar. There is another little clearing opposite the Sarasvati, with a bunch of rocks, and behind one of them will be Miman #162.

You’re getting awfully close to the part of the map covered by another Abscess, so let’s turn around for now. Return to the Sarasvati and look for the thin trail next to her, taking it to the Three Sisters of Fate (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) that are just normal demons here. Climb the hill behind them and head straight to the end of this ledge, where you will find Miman #163. There is a climbing block nearby, so go up it to find a Treasure Box (Atropos’s Essence), then turn around and go in the opposite direction to another climbing block. On the southern end, in a little dip in the ground, you will find Miman #164. If you go up the hill near that last Miman, you will find a Mitama spawn point.

Return to the last Treasure Box and drop down to the ground level, where you had to squeeze by some Hecatoncheires. Climb the hill to the east this time and in the upper right corner of this area will be the Ueno Park Leyline, so touch it to register the fount. You will be right by where one of the targets for your main story quest, Zeus, but you are probably still a bit too weak to be fighting him right now. Go north, but avoid the big area and look off to the side to spy a narrow passage that goes up a hill. Go to the edge here and look over, where you should see a building you can drop to, where you’ll find Miman #165. On the southern side, you can drop to a lower section of the same building, which is housing Amalgam #33.

(1 of 4) Go to the end of this ledge to find Miman #163

That wraps up this lengthy bit of exploration, with the next page focusing on clearing some more Abscesses.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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