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Shin Megami Tensei V

Taito - Asakusa

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Da’at: Taito of Shin Megami Tensei V, taking place in the Asakusa area. How to complete every objective, find every chest and locate every Miman.

Asakusa is home to the Hindu section of Bethel


Icon Name Lv Weakness
SMT_V_Loup_Garou_Icon.jpg Loup-garou 54 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Sui_Ki_Icon.jpg Sui-Ki 56 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Titania_Icon.jpg Titania 57 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Fafnir_Icon.jpg Fafnir 60 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Fuu_Ki_Icon.jpg Fuu-Ki 63 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Cerberus_Icon.jpg Cerberus 64 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Girimekhala_Icon.jpg Girimekhala 66 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Rangda_Icon.jpg Rangda 70 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png


Aogami Type-0 Essence
Camael’s Essence
Okuninushi’s Essence
Rangda’s Essence
Girimekhala’s Essence
Cerberus’s Essence
Thor’s Essence
Grimoire x3


Subquest Location Reward
An Incentive for Incense North of entrance to Asakusa Bead Chain

Asakusa is the area in the southeast corner of Taito, where you would be going to fight Vasuki, one of the three bosses needed for the main story quest. If you’re starting from the Ueno Leyline, jump off to the south and continue straight south, until you see the one NPC to your east on the map (this is a Rakshasa). Southwest of there, next to the giant blocks and just north of Goko, will be the Asakusa Main Street Leyline, so make sure to register it. Return to the previous spot, and pass through the gate where you met Nuwa earlier, while going after the one Abscess. You will pass by some more NPCs here, as well as some vending machines, so definitely loot them.

Miman #166 is in the pit area, behind a rock

Just beyond those vending machines will be a hill you slide down, leading you to the heart of the Asakusa area. It is basically shaped like a big circle, with different layers to explore. For now, start by dropping down into the center, where you won’t find much. A little east of where you drop down will be a Mitama spawning spot, which you should utilize to get some extra experience. There is a very large rock formation in the middle of this pit area and on the northeastern side of it will be Miman #166. Just north of that Miman will be where you can climb back up, so use that hill and return to where you first entered the Asakusa area.

Looking at your map, just north of the entrance is a Treasure Box on you map. Go north a little bit, then climb the hill to your west and head south to the big block to find the Treasure Box (Aogami Type-0 Essence). This Essence has one of the best Strength-based skills in the game, Murakumo, as it is Almighty and cannot be resisted by enemies. It also has another great Physical skill, Yabusame Shot, that can ignore resistances, due to its piercing properties. Should you be running a Strength-based build, you will want to include both of the above in your skillset, along with the Almighty Pleroma.

Continuing on with the exploration, head north, along the same layer, to the dead end, then jump down to find a Loa that gives you the quest, An Incentive for Incense. It wants two Balms of Life, so if you have them, you could hand them over to finish the quest. Return to the main path and follow it all the way around to the eastern side, making note of the thin path leading upwards on the northeastern side. Run past it and on the eastern side, look on the big block overlooking the pit to find Miman #167. Just south of that will be a Treasure Box at the end, which will contain a Camael’s Essence. Double back to that one path you saw and take it to the next layer, where you will be able to go west or east.

Head west first and keep going to the very end, where you will find another hill to climb. Before doing that, though, look on the block at the end to find Miman #168. Climb the hill now and you’re presented with another choice here, so choose west once more. You’ll start seeing Girimekhalas up here, so be careful with them, as they reflect Physical attacks. The same can be said for Rangda, who might start appearing in some battles. Luckily, both of them have three different sets of weaknesses, so they can be easier to take down with elemental strikes. A little past the Girimekhalas, you can make a U-turn to the right and find a path up to a small ledge, with a Treasure Box at the end (Okuninushi’s Essence). Return to the base of that upper path there that lead to the treasure and look along the northern edge to find Miman #169.

(1 of 5) Miman #167 is on a block on the opposite end of where you entered Asakusa

Continue south from there and to the southeast corner of this upper area, where you will happen up Amalgam #34, on top of a big block. Backtrack to the last fork and look north, which is where you found the Abscess in this area. To the east of there are another two paths, but they both lead to the same place and there’s nothing special on either of them. When you reach the other side and see the group of three Girimekhalas, look for a climbing block just north of them, along the edge. Drop down the two blocks to find a small ledge with Miman #170. Climb back up and to the south, you can drop down to a block with some vending machines on it, then drop further to the trail east of the narrow hill from earlier.

Southern Asakusa Exploration

From the previous spot above, you will be right next to some demons, so squeeze by them and continue moving south. Upon reaching the hill at the end, go up it and look southeast to find a Treasure Box (Rangda’s Essence). Continue exploring up here by venturing north, until you reach the Asakusa Leyline. One of the three main bosses you need to kill for the main story is just up the next hill, but that will be put on hold for now. You should notice a little path just west of the leyline fount, so look behind the giant rock there to find Miman #171. Double back to the last hill you just climbed to see a little spot with some vending machines.

(1 of 2) Miman #171 will be right next to the Asakusa Leyline

Miman #171 will be right next to the Asakusa Leyline (left), Miman #172 is to the west after going up the climbing blocks (right)

Just north of those vending machines is where you can drop down to access a previously inaccessible area. Find the narrow path to the west, leading to an area with some climbing blocks. At the top of those, if you explore to the west, you will find a dead end with Miman #172; the dead end to the east contains nothing. Near the climbing blocks is another hill to go up, leading to some train tracks. Follow them to another snowy area, which has more demons to fight/avoid, as well as some other goodies. On the northwestern end will be this region’s Cironnup, who will offer to point out the locations of all the Mimans in this region for 40,000 Macca (if you have the money, it’s a good idea to do this).

There’s a vending machine next to the Cironnup and a little southwest of that will be Miman #173. If you look over the edge just north of the northern set of Rangdas here, you can see another area to drop down to, so do that and just to the west will be Miman #174. There is an opening on the opposite side here, with some Magatsuhi orbs to highlight it, leading to a section underneath the above train tracks. Go to the southern end down here to find Demon Statue #15 - Flauros and if you check behind one of the support beams on the southern end, you will also discover Miman #175. To the north of the Miman and Demon Statue, on the eastern side of this section, there is a path that leads to the final section of this expedition.

(1 of 6) Miman #173 will be near the Cironnup

A little bit north of where you emerge, you can find another trail that leads to the same train tracks you were just under before. You can go to the southern end and loot the Treasure Box you saw on your map (Girimekhala’s Essence). Return to the previous area and head all the way north, past some Rangda demons, to the end, where you will happen upon Amalgam #35. Double back down to the southern end, to discover a path branching off to the east. At the end of this trail, you will find three more Treasure Boxes, which will contain a Cerberus’s Essence, Thor’s Essence, and Grimoire x3. That’s all there is to find in the Asakusa area of the map, so it’s time to continue exploring the other areas.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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