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Shin Megami Tensei V

Taito - Kuramae and Motoasakusa

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Da’at: Taito of Shin Megami Tensei V, taking place in the Kuramae and Motoasakusa areas. How to complete every objective, find every chest and locate every Miman.

Ichiro will finally make his decision


Icon Name Lv Weakness
SMT_V_Loup_Garou_Icon.jpg Loup-garou 54 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Hecatoncheires_Icon.jpg Hecatoncheires 55 Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Decarabia_Icon.jpg Decarabia 55 Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Queen_Medb_Icon.jpg Queen Medb 56 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Titania_Icon.jpg Titania 57 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Cerberus_Icon.jpg Cerberus 64 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Throne_Icon.jpg Throne 64 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png


Nebiros’s Essence
Whittled Goat
Mot’s Essence
Titania’s Essence
Lilith’s Essence
Melchizedek’s Essence
Bead Chain
Surt’s Essence
Futsunushi’s Essence
Amrita Shower x2
Loup-garou’s Essence
Sui-Ki’s Essence
Cybele’s Essence


Subquest Location Reward
The Bull God’s Lineage Just southwest of Demon Statue #17 Gospel; Baal unlocked for fusion
Fionn’s Resolve West of where Garuda lands in Motoasakusa Battle Sutra; Fionn mac Cumhaill joins party

You will be starting off at the Umayabashi Leyline for this final exploration area, that will wrap up the two areas mentioned, as well as the rest of Ueno. From the leyline, go southwest and there will be a narrow path, bringing you behind the building there for a Treasure Box (Nebiros’s Essence). Return to the leyline and venture north now, stopping at the four-way intersection. On the northeastern side, there is a vending machine and behind that will be Miman #191. Head west, as if you were going to the Abscess, but stop and look in between the buildings on the southern side to discover some climbing blocks. At the top, you will be able to grab Amalgam #40, and on the nearby rooftop, there will also be Miman #192.

(1 of 5) Miman #191 will be right behind the vending machine

You can now drop down by the Amalgam’s location, to the ruined building below, where you can loot the Treasure Box there (Whittled Goat). Run down the trail, towards where the one Abscess was located, and long the way, you will find Miman #193 in the ruined building. Double back to the four-way intersection and continue north, stopping at the point where you can venture west. Go up the hill first to loot two Treasure Boxes, which will contain a Mot’s Essence and Titania’s Essence. Drop down and begin going southwest, where you will find a bunch of ruins. In the middle of them, you will see some stairs, allowing you to reach the upper portion and find Miman #194.

Continue north and follow the trail, until you see a split on your map. Take the upper path and near the end, you will be able to drop off to the west and secure Amalgam #41. Return to the split in the path and take the lower part now. If you’ve completed The Roar of Hatred, then you will find Demeter here and she will give you The Bull God’s Lineage quest. To the north of Demeter is a path that takes you to Demon Statue #17 - Jack Frost, so use it if you want. With that little area out of the way, return to the four-way intersection and go east, then past through the ruined building to your north, which is where you went to pursue the Motoasakusa Abscess.

As soon as you emerge, go straight north and on the rooftop there for Miman #195. The path to the west will result in a dead end, but you will discover Demon Statue #18 - Decarabia there (this will be the final Demon Statue). Back where you got out of that little tunnel, venture east this time and upon reaching the two demons, look to the south of them for a Treasure Box (Lilith’s Essence). At the very end of this area, to the northeast, is where the one flying Punishing Foe you’ve seen around the region, whose name is Garuda, will be able to be fought. It will land on the top, look around in all directions, then take off again. To the west of where that happens, there is a narrow ledge you can take, leading to a little area with Amalgam #42 and Fionn mac Cumhaill, who will give you the Fionn’s Resolve quest. Note that accepting the quest will force you into a battle with him, so only do that when you’re prepared.

(1 of 5) Amalgam #41 will require you to drop down near Demeter to obtain it

Head to the edge, where the Garuda will land, and look over the cliffside to see a bunch of buildings below you. To begin, you will want to jump to the building to the northeast and if done correctly, you will be able to reach Amalgam #43 on the next building over. From there, jump onto the building to the east for two Treasure Boxes (Melchizedek’s Essence and Bead Chain) and on the ground to the south will be Miman #196. Make the long trek back to where Garuda lands and aim for the corner of the building to the southwest, which will allow you to jump to the east to reach the building with Amalgam #44. In the southwest corner of that building, jump to the west to fall in an area with a collapsed building, where you will find Miman #197.

Exit to the east and make your way to the Loup-garou demons just south of the Ueno Leyline. There are a bunch of ruined buildings to the south of there, but if you head southwest and then south, you should find one that has a hole in the side of it. Go through the hole, then through the next one to the south, keeping straight south and over the little bump to find a Treasure Box (Surt’s Essence). Double back a little bit, to right before the bumps, and look in the adjacent alley to see some stairs. Climb these all the way to the top, then hop over to the building on the west to find another Treasure Box (Futsunushi’s Essence).

(1 of 6) Jump down to this building from the Garuda perch to get close to Amalgam #43

Teleport to the Ueno Leyline and jump off to the south. Head straight southwest and look for the ruined buildings that form some kind of bridge. Go in between them to find a little area with two more Treasure Boxes, which contain Amrita Shower x2 and Loup-garou’s Essence. Locate the highway to the north of this and follow it southwest-west, looking behind the one support pillar near where you can get on the highway to find Miman #198. Get on the highway now and head northeast, to the end, to loot the Treasure Box there (Sui-Ki’s Essence). Backtrack a little bit while still on the highway, keeping an eye out for the one set of buildings forming a bridge on your southern end.

Jump on the building and carefully make your way across, noting that the ends have windows that are not there so you will fall through them and to the ground below. At the end, hop over to the building and grab Miman #199. Teleport back to the Umayabashi Leyline and go back to where the Garuda lands. Jump down to the southeast, landing to where you were grabbing the second Amalgam. Hop over to the building to the north, then the one east of that, and look down in the giant hole to see a lower ledge that has Miman #200 (the final one in the game). Teleport back to the Umayabashi Leyline and venture north, past the Thrones and to underneath the highway.

Head east and get on the highway there, then keep following it until you see a piece of a building forming a bridge on your northern side. This will allow you to reach Amalgam #45 on a nearby building, so grab it and return to the highway. At the end of the highway, by the Titania and before dropping down, you can hop over the fence and onto another building, which will let you loot the Treasure Box near there (Cybele’s Essence).

(1 of 4) Miman #198 is hidden behind one of the support pillars

You should now have access to all of the leyline founts in the region, including the ones right before the bosses, allowing you to simply teleport to them to confront the big bads. You should also have all of the Mimans, Amalgams and Demon Statues in the region, so head to any leyline fount to reap your rewards. You should be at least level 70+ for the next set of bosses, so grinding on the Yamata-no-Orochi demons in the Komagata area, as they are level 72 and the highest ones in the region.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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