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Sea of Stars

Malkomud Boss Guide - Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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Your goal once you arrive on Sleeper Island is to get access to a ship, but you are coerced into helping out the Stonemasons Outpost. You have to go through the Wind Tunnel Mines, where you actually get a new traversal tool, the Mistral Bracelet. This will allow you to complete the dungeon, but before you are finished, you will face off against the evil wizard, Malkomud.

Malkomud, and his pet Rockie, will be the boss at the end of the Wind Tunnel Mines.

How to Beat Malkomud in Sea of Stars

Malkomud isn’t too difficult of a boss fight, although he is joined by his pet, Salamander. However, you only have to defeat one of them to trigger the second phase of the fight, where Malkomud will ride on Salamander’s back. The second phase is where things get a little trickier, as you definitely don’t want their special move to be used, since it does a ton of damage. You will want to break the Locks for this attack, or else you might be short a person.

All Malkomud’s Attacks in Sea of Stars

Malkomud will be joined by his trusty pet, Salamander in this battle, who is a separate target. Salamander will have the same attacks as when you fought him previously, but Malkomud will also attack you. After defeating either one, they will combine and become a single target.

  • Crystal Spike: This is Malkomud’s normal attack, where he’ll get a crystal spike from the wall and shoot it at one of your characters. It does around 20 damage to that party member.

(1 of 3) Malkomud’s normal attack shoots a spike at someone.

  • Shovel Might: Malkomud’s special attack, where he’ll use his shovel to bounce on a character’s head three times. Note that the third hit will be a little delayed after the second one, so you have to time the block differently. This attack will deal around 30 damage to that character, should you not block it.

  • Stomp: The Salamander’s basic attack, where he’ll stand on his hind legs, then crash down on your character. The timing for the block is a little weird, but wait about a second or two after he stands up. The attack deals around 20 damage to a character.

  • Salamanger: The Salamander’s special attack, he will swallow one of your characters, then spit them at someone else. Both characters will take about 30 damage from this attack, if left unblocked.

  • Shovel Swipe: The normal attack when Malkomud and Salamander join up. Salamander will lunge forward and Malkomud will swing his shovel at your characters. It hits everyone for about 15 damage, so it’s not a brutal attack, but it does hit all party members.

(1 of 4) Salamander’s special has him swallow a character whole to start.

  • Geobress: The special attack when Malkomud and Salamander join. Salamander will shoot a bunch of rocks from his mouth, hitting a single character. This attack hits multiple times and hurts a lot, dealing upwards of 50+ damage. If your character doesn’t have max health, then they might be KO’ed from this attack.

Strategy for the Malkomud Boss in Sea of Stars

When the fight begins, you will have two targets, Malkomud or Salamander. Pick one and focus on them, as the first phase will end whenever you defeat that target. Of the two, Salamander has the potential to hit more than one character with his attacks, so you should just go after them. However, Malkomud is weak against normal attacks, while Salamander is weak to sun/moon, which can factor in to who you strike down. Just note that Malkomud’s special attack, Shovel Might, hits three times on a single character, so you will need to time blocks for all three hits.

Once you bring down either enemy, they will join together and become a single target. Not much has changed, though, other than their attacks, of course. The normal attack here will hit all of the characters, but it’s fairly easy to time the block. The bigger problem will be Geobress, as this special attack hits very hard. It connects multiple times and can deal upwards of 50+ damage to the character it hits, meaning they might get KO’ed very easily. Thus, it might be a good idea to keep everyone topped off on health, just in case.

(1 of 3) Once you defeat one of the two, Malkomud will mount his pet for the second phase.

You should use your strongest attacks in the second phase, although you may want to just need some of your skills in your back pocket, so you can break the Locks for Geobress. Both Garl and Zale have single target heals, with Garl’s being stronger, plus you should have enough food to survive here. If it comes down to being in danger, you can also fall back on Mending Light.

Stonemasons Outpost Revisited - Sea of Stars

After the battle is over, there will be a few scenes and you will appear back in Stonemasons Outpost. With the Mistral Bracelet in your possession, there are two things you can finish up here in the town. First, go down the big stairs from the entrance to the mines and enter the first door on the right. There is a hidden exit in the top right corner of the room, bringing you to the painter’s house. Move the green crystal out of the way and loot the chest there for a Rainbow Conch.

For the other thing, locate the one doorway that is only reachable by jumping from a ledge, which is just in front of the painter’s house. Go inside and make your way over to the fan on the right. Blow it with your Mistral Bracelet to start the water back up in the town. The bottom door will now be open, so exit and speak with the molekin on the right, who is now taking a bath. They will give you another Rainbow Conch for your troubles. Before leaving, speak to the mole by the western exit and he will clear some rocks for you, creating a shortcut that allows you to skip the Moorlands.

(1 of 7) Head into the one house left of the locked door and look for the opening in the back.

When you’re ready, get on the lift on the southern side of the town and pull the lever to descend. You will be back on the world map, with your next stop being Coral Cascades.

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  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
    Version History
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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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