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Sea of Stars

Coral Cascades Walkthrough - Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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After defeating Malkomud in the Wind Tunnel Mines, you will finally be able to use the lift in Stonemasons Outpost, and will be one step closer to getting your boat to help reach Wraith Island. However, there will be another obstacle in your way, which is getting through Coral Cascades, a short and tropical area.

You will be passing through Coral Cascades to get to Brisk.

Enemies in Coral Cascades in Sea of Stars

Mangler Fish

All Treasures in Coral Cascades in Sea of Stars

Pirate Garb
Rainbow Conch
Mooncradle Fish Pie
2x Obsidian Ore
Rainbow Conch

Upon first entering Coral Cascades, you will be on a ledge at the top of a waterfall. Jump off the ledge to land in some water below you, where you’ll find a sign that’s pointing you towards Brisk. There’s also what looks like a hole on a ledge to the north. Standing on it and interacting with it will make a geyser shoot you upwards; this area is filled with them, so keep that in mind as you’re exploring. There will also be a save point nearby and if you check to the east, you will find some Grains on land over there.

(1 of 4) There is a chest hidden behind this waterfall, right at the beginning.

Cleverly hidden behind the waterfall on the right is a chest, which contains a Pirate Garb. You can now jump down the next waterfall to the south, where you’ll find your first encounter in this area. It will be a Croube and Mangler Fish, neither of which are much of a challenge. Beyond the enemies, you will see three more waterfalls, all of which lead to a different part of the map. Take the one on the right, then climb onto the left ledge to find some Red Berries. On the right bit of land, you will notice a chest sitting on the rocks.

If you look closely, there is a fan here, so use your Mistral Bracelet on it to cause a geyser to shoot the chest onto land; open it for a Rainbow Conch. Jump down the next waterfall and ignore the geyser to your right, as it just shoots you back up to the area with the chest you just opened. Another battle will await you here (2 Croubes and 2 Mangler Fish), which might be a little challenge, as there are four enemies. After defeating them, swim behind the larger waterfall to find a path that might seem like a dead end, but it’s not.

There is a hidden path behind the rocks here, leading to the left, bringing you out on that side to a chest (50G). Return to the previous section and climb the vines on the left side, then drop off the ledge, to the left. The current here is a little strong, but you’ll want to stay on the northern side. The reason for this is you’ll see some vines you can climb, so do that and head north for a basket containing a Mooncradle Fish Pie. Use the geyser to go up a level for some Grains and that’s about it.

(1 of 5) There is a path behind this one waterfall here.

Double back to the rushing waters and have it take you all the way to the end, down another waterfall. Climb out of the water to your south and head east to find some ledges. There will be some Red Berries, Potatoes and Grains up here, as well as another fan. Use your Mistral Bracelet on it to make a chest pop out of the hole you were just in; open the chest for 2x Obsidian Ore. Drop back down the hole and fight the three Mangler Fish swimming there. Climb out on your left and notice the little area to your south, although you can’t reach it from this portion.

Drop down the next waterfall, then look to the north for a geyser. Take this one, as well as the next, to appear on a trail that you couldn’t reach via the rushing waters. The path to the north leads to nothing, so head east a little bit and jump off the ledge. You will crash through the ground by that earlier sign and gain access to the one southern area. Open the chest there for another Rainbow Conch, then return to the area where that first geyser you took was located. There will be another three waterfalls to the south, but they all lead to the bottom of the area, to the same spot.

(1 of 9) Use the Mistral Bracelet on this fan, by the giant hole.

However, for the sake of easiness, drop down the middle one, then look behind it to spot a basket that contains a Chaudree. The path to the right leads to the exit, but the left leads to a save point and campfire. Just north of the campfire is a Solstice Puzzle, but it’s surrounded by four Croubes. Defeat them all, then stand on the rune. Light the right side first, then quickly move the light to the left side. If not correctly, the waterfall will part, revealing a hidden entrance. Go inside to find the Bash Drop Combo Skill.

That’s about everything here, so head all the way to the right, where you’ll see more enemies. You can skip this battle, if you want, but it will be three Mangler Fish and a Croube, should you fight them. After you’re done, exit to the right to get back to the world map. The next stop is the Port Town of Brisk!

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Guide Information
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
    Version History
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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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