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Sea of Stars

How to Unlock the Wheels Minigame in Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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No RPG is good without a mini-game, and Sea of Stars will have one in the form of Wheels. You will unlock the Wheels mini-game once you make it to the Port Town of Brisk. Upon first getting there, follow the story bits until the events at The Humble Boast, after which, you will receive the starter pieces. The Wheels table is located inside taverns, so if you’re looking to play more games, then you simply need to head there.

Wheels is one of the bigger minigames you can unlock during your adventure.

How to Play the Wheels Mini-Game in Sea of Stars

As mentioned above, you will first unlock the Wheels mini-game upon reaching the Port Town of Brisk. When you leave the tavern after learning about your next destination, you will receive some starting pieces for the game. You will receive a Copper Wheel, the Mage Figurine, and the Warrior Figurine. You will then be able to speak to the NPC sitting at the table at the bottom of the screen to start playing the mini-game.

Each NPC that can play Wheels will have two options, a Casual match and a Champion match. The former is just playing for the fun of it and should you win, then you will receive some Gold. It is the Champion option you want, especially if you’re looking to progress in this minigame. Winning the Champion match will usually net you a better rank (you start with a Copper Wheel, which is sort of your rank), or reward you with another figurine that you can use for future battles. Once you’ve won the Champion match, challenging the same NPC again and winning, will only reward you with some Gold.

(1 of 2) Yolande will give you your first pieces for the minigame.

Yolande will give you your first pieces for the minigame. (left), The NPC at the southern end of the tavern is where you play the minigame. (right)

The basic goal is that each player will have 10 HP, and you will need to bring the other player’s HP to zero, before they do that to you. This is the Crown (the number at the middle, on both the top and bottom) and both players will have access to two Heroes, which are the figurines you received. At the beginning of the game, you will be able to choose the two Heroes you want to include, whenever you gain more figurines. Underneath each of the figurines will be their damage numbers, for both the Crown and the Bulwark.

The slots on the bottom of the screen will be your Wheels and each round, you will be able to get three spins on them. Once you finish a spin, you can move to each tab and lock/unlock them, depending on what you get. Note that the matching parts will usually require you to have a three of a kind (or better), in order for those symbols to take effect. As for the symbols, the Square is energy for the left Hero, while the Diamond is energy for the right Hero. Slots with more than one of a symbol on it just increases the potency.

(1 of 2) You are able to lock, and unlock, slots on each roll.

You are able to lock, and unlock, slots on each roll. (left), The goal is to get a three of a kind to contribute energy towards one of the Heroes. (right)

For a Hero to act, its action rod must be lowered by matching the associated energy (mentioned above). So, if you get three Squares, then the action rod will lower by one (each number past three will increase the energy amount by one). It appears to take like four or so energy for the rod to lower all the way, which will cause the figurine to take an action. The action that occurs depend on the Hero itself, as each one is different. As an example, the Warrior will do an attack. If the Bulwark is up, then the Warrior will hit that; otherwise, it will hit the Crown.


The Bulwark is a wall that can be erected, which can help depending on your Crown. The max height that the Bulwark can go is five, which is enough to block most Heroes’ attacks, although some of them can bypass it. Similar to the energy used on the Heroes, the Bulwark is raised by matching hammers on the slots (requires three of a kind to count). For the most part, erecting a Bulwark is a great defensive move, but there are a few instances where Heroes’ actions can ignore the Bulwark.

If you evolve a Hero to Gold and fill up their XP bar, you will spawn a Bomb that deals two damage directly to the Crown. The Mage is a Hero that attacks twice, with its second attack completely going over a fully built Bulwark. Likewise, the Archer unit’s arrow can go over a Bulwark, when it’s at two or less. Lastly, the Assassin unit will deal damage to the Crown directly, completely ignoring the Bulwark.

(1 of 3) Get enough energy and a Hero will attack, with the goal to reduce the Crown to 0 HP.

How to Evolve Heroes in Wheels in Sea of Stars

Whenever you start playing Wheels, you will see that your Heroes have little notches underneath their figurine. There’s six of these and those will tally the experience your Hero receives during a match. Whenever you spin the slots and get a tile with a blue background, that will contribute some XP towards its respective Hero. The “three of a kind” rule doesn’t apply here, so as long as you get one tile with a blue background, you will get receive one XP for that Hero. If you get three tiles with that blue background, then you will get three XP.

In addition to the above, Heroes will also gain two XP whenever they act. Upon reaching six XP, they will evolve into the next tier, which will increase their stats. All Heroes start at the Bronze tier, then can evolve into Silver and finally, Gold. Note that this is for each match, so you just will have to evolve them every time. If you fill their XP bar after achieving Gold tier, then you will deal two damage directly to the opponent’s Crown.

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  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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