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Saint's Row

A Piece Of The Action

Paul McNally
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It seems that you made a work friend in the last mission. JR - your driver during the Panteros convoy attack calls you and asks you to come over as he has a proposition for you it’s time to head over there.

If it isn’t your old driving buddy JR, and he looks like he needs your help.

How To Complete A Piece Of The Action Mission In Saints Row

Use the foillowing steps to complete A Piece of the Action and get your first slice of a business up and running.

Objective 1: Meet With JR

JR is actually only around 500m away from your Apartment, so it is possible to walk, but you can always just boost a car to get there quicker. On the way, you will see a number of Panteros walking around and if you are looking for some extra action and XO yhou can always start a little gang fight.

Either way, head over to where JR is waiting for you, a disused piece of land where he is waiting inside.

JR will tell you that after your close call with the convoy he has decided to put his funds into opening a garage, but that the Idols gang has stolen a container with all his car parts in, so he asks you to help get them back in return for a percentage of the business.

Naturally, you agree!

Objective 2: Go To The Idols’ Camp

The Idols are holed up in a camp on some derelict land, so get in your car and head over there following the mission markers. Once you arrive at the large warehouse head for the door lit up in neon and pass through until you are halted by an Idol who will tell you that if you want to join, you must speak to Sheryl.

Objective 3: Find Sheryl In The Snake Mask

Sheryl is raving away in her snake mask. You need to speak to this young lady.

There are a lot of Idols busy raving with glowsticks but you will find Sheryl dancing with two friends towards the back right of the camp. If you need help just follow the glowing LED strip on the floor and it should lead you right to her.

Objective 4: Speak To Martin

For no reason other than a bit of grindy busywork she will tell you to go an speak to Martin who is behind you, headbanging. Just look for the guy moshing away on his own and go and speak to him.

Objective 5: Find Timmy O Near His Bike

You guessed it, Martin will then send you to another NPC in a twist that feels like we are playing a 1990s adventure game. Timmy O is working on his bike to is easy to spot and he will tell you the stolen goods are out back in the warehouse so that’s where we are headed next.

Objective 6: Find JR’s Container

Your mission marker will show you the way, so make your way from the rave and head to the land at the back. Approach the warehouse. If you go around the side to the left you will be confronted by the Idols who will attack you. However, if you circle round to the right you can sneak up right behind them and take a fair few of them out before they even realize you are there. Top tip for you.

Objective 7: Defeat All The Enemies

There are probably around 10 Idols you will need to kill and a few more will appear at intervals. Most are just cannon fodder but there is a female that spins glowsticks around that act as a shield that is a little bit out of the ordinary. She will also toss some form of explosive at you as well so you need to stay frosty and take her out quickly.

Objective 8: Steal The Buggy

The Idols have a dune buggy right there so get in it because we are going for a drive.

Objective 9: Attach Tow Cable To The container

We are going to have to drag JR’s container back to his place so we need to attach the tow cable to it and then pull it along. Follow the platform dependant on-screen instructions to learn how to do this and then line up the buggy and attach the cable.

Once the cable is attached you must drag the container back to JR.

Objective 10: Return To JR

While not exactly difficult dragging the container provides a new challenge to driving as it flails around behind you. It is quite possible to go too fast and flip either the container or buggy so badly that you have to restart from the last checkpoint, so take it as easy as you dare.

It’s also not a simple ride as you will be attacked by Idols en route, You can sideswipe them off their bikes with your buggy or even the container, but we found it easier to just stop, get out and shoot them and then continue on our way.

Objective 11: Clear Out The Remaining Idols

As you approach JR’s you will be attacked by another large batch of Idols. You need to kill them all. You can use the container for cover if you need to. Again there will be a girl with the spinning shield that needs to be removed quick smart.

Objective 12: Talk To JR

Head back inside and speak to JR, during which time you will get a phone call telling you yet more Idols are headed your way for a big showdown.

Objective 13: Defeat The Idols

Immediately after they will arrive and start to attack you through the gates, They all need killing but JR will help. Opening fire with a machine gun to help keep the numbers down. Watch out for ones sneaking up behind you as you open fire on the gate.

Try to suppress them as much as possible and move towards the street. You can create a bit of a kill zone between the container and the gate, but ultimately you will end up fighting on the street to finish the last of them off.

Objective 14: Talk To JR

And that’s that, JR will tell you he can now open his garage, and time till fast forward to the grand opening and all the future business possibilities that brings.


  • Idols Anubis Helmet
  • Jimrob’s Business Venture
  • Ca$h Tran$fer App
  • Vehicle Customization

JR is helped out and you now have a slice of your first business in Saints Row,

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    24 September 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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