Information about the @TCHA Side Hustle in Saints Row, including the locations of each @TCHA event, how to complete @TCHA events, and what rewards you get for completing them.
The location of all the @TCHA Side Hustles in Santo Ileso.
What is the @TCHA Side Hustle?¶
@TCHA is a Side Hustle in Saints Row, a sort of side mission/minigame that is otherwise not connected to any particular Venture. @TCHA is one of the initial Side Hustles that’ll unlock after you complete the Mission Making Rent (along with Wingsuit Saboteur and Pony Express, and while there’s no incentive to complete these Side Hustles in terms of progression, you’ll earn various rewards for completing them, including XP, cash, and potentially new weapon skins and patterns.
To kick off @TCHA Side Hustles, you’ll need to meet a contact along the northwestern edge of the Mercado district, near the Santo Ileso Public Library. Once this obligatory chat is out of the way, @TCHA events will populate the map. Your goal with these events is simple: make your way to an @TCHA marker which indicates a store sign, then interact with said sign and leave a rating for the store. In the modern internet age, the opinion of some rando carries undue weight, and anything less than perfect marks can cause legitimate monetary harm to a business. Businesses have therefore taken steps to defend their good name, and anybody leaving less than a 5-star review will find themselves being visited by angry Marshall, Panteros or Idols thugs. Why can’t you leave these reviews from the safety of your home? How do the gangs know where you are? Don’t overthink it - the lower the review you leave, the more energetic the gang response will be, and the better your rewards.
(1 of 4) Talk to Sylvia to get the @TCHA Side Hustles populated across the map.
How to Complete @TCHA Side Hustles¶
@TCHA is a very useful Side Hustle, as it essentially allows you to summon specific gangs to fight any time you wish, and earn bonus cash and XP while doing so! Not only can you visit different @TCHA locations to provoke different gangs (the gangs that will respond aren’t geographically segregated - some responder is determined by the specific @TCHA event, not the region where the event is located) as well as different numbers and types of enemies. If you want to fight Idols, just look at each @TCHA event on your map to find who will be provoked by each one, and if you want to fight more/stronger enemies, leave a lower review, if you want to fight fewer/weaker enemies, leave a higher review. This is very useful for grinding out Challenges and the Signature Abilities on weapons, especially earlier on before you have the [KAKTS Radio] Venture established.
Just keep in mind that you only need to kill marked enemies to complete an @TCHA event, although unmarked reinforcements may show up during the event. Once all the marked foes are defeated, the @TCHA event will end, you’ll get your rewards, and your Notoriety will be cleared. Note that you can replay @TCHA challenges as many times as you wish, although the icon may be removed from your map after completing the 1-Star @TCHA for each site. If you find the shop sign without the assistance of the map icon, however, you can still interact with it and leave more reviews.
In addition to XP and cash (typically $10,000 and 2,500 XP), you can get various other rewards for completing each @TCHA event by leaving a 1-star review, as follows:
@TCHA Location | 1-Star Completion Rewards |
Badlands South | Pool Cue, New Weapon Patterns |
East Flats | Gravedigger, New Weapon Patterns |
El Dorado | Pipe Wrench, New Weapon Patterns |
Marina East | Bowie Knife, New Weapon Patterns |
Marina West | Pinata Stick, New Weapon Patterns |
Mercado | Twinkle Bat, New Weapon Patterns |
Old Town West | Police Baton, New Weapon Patterns |
Rojas Desert South | Hatchet, New Weapon Patterns |
Smelterville East | Blackjack, New Weapon Patterns |
West Providencia | Longsword |
The [Longsword] is required to complete the Have at Them, Boys Challenge, while the [Pinata Stick] is required to complete the [Fiestivities] Challenge.
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