Information about how to unlock and complete the Target Practice Challenge in Saints Row.
How to Unlock and Complete the Target Practice Challenge¶
Target Practice is one of the initial nine Challenges you’ll unlock immediately after finishing the Mission Making Rent. It tasks you with completing two objectives:
- Find and start a shooting gallery.
- Headshot kill 15 enemies.
(1 of 2) Headshot kill 15 enemies,
Headshot kill 15 enemies, (left), and destroy any target at a Shooting Gallery to complete this Challenge. (right)
Shooting Galleries are an uncommon form of Discovery - there are only six of them in the game, and they’re all located in desert regions (Badlands North, Badlands South, Rojas Desert North and Rojas Desert South). Shooting Galleries are marked by a yellow bullseye icon on your map, and when you stumble close to one a search area will appear. Each Shooting Gallery has fifteen targets you need to destroy to complete the Discovery, but for this objective you only need to find and shoot one target. These usually take the form of yellow-and-orange humanoids on black backgrounds, but you can also find UFO targets, alien targets and animal targets (wolf and bird).
Headshots are pretty easy to score, as in most Saints Row games; just aim for an enemy’s head and you should wrack up headshot kills as you play through the game. You don’t even have to really be competent to complete this Challenge, grab a shotgun and aim in the general direction of an enemy’s head and eventually you’ll finish this objective. You’ll probably achieve this without even trying.
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