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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Ula'ula, Poni, Aether Clean Up

Vincent Lau
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Finally, in this section, we’ll be covering pretty much everything else.

Virtual Gifts

You’ll still need a friend (or another 3DS) to get Porygon2.

With Aether Foundation on the road to recovery, you should go visit the Aether House located on Route 15 of Ula’ula Island. Inside, head towards the room on the right side. There, chat to the helmet-wearing employee to receive a rare "Porygon" IconPorygon .

That’s not all. The female employee in the opposite corner will give you an Up-Grade . If you trade Porygon while holding this, it will evolve into "Porygon2" IconPorygon2. You’ll still need the Dubious Disc to make it evolved into "Porygon-Z" IconPorygon-Z, but we’ll get to that soon enough…

Mysterious Man

There’s a peculiar man loitering in the rest area of Haina Desert, which you can reach by following this path from the entrance: North, East. If you show him a "Solrock" IconSolrock in Pokemon Sun or a "Lunatone" IconLunatone in Pokemon Moon, he’ll give you a Sun Stone or Moon Stone .

Team Skull Fashion

Are you wondering how the ne’er-do-wells in Po Town are doing? If so, don’t be shy and go pay them a visit, especially the rapping pair in the Pokemon Centre. After listening to another relentless rap, you’ll be given the option of buying a Skull Tank for 10,000 Poke Dollars.

Shiny Preview

A free Shiny Pokemon would be great, but no dice.

Inside the Pokemon Centre in Seafolk Village, there’s an interesting tourist that you can meet near the cafe area. He’ll challenge you to a battle using his Level 55 "Exeggcute" IconExeggcute. The catch is that his Exeggcute is shiny!

Anyway, this battle is super easy and mostly serves as an introduction to Shiny Pokemon, in case you’ve never seen one before. Sadly, the tourist won’t give you his Shiny Exeggcute, but you will be given six shiny Nuggets .

Surfs Up!

For this obscure event, head for the south-most part of Poni Breaker Coast, near the entrance to the Ruins of Hope. Near the bubbling fishing spot is a pair of swimmers. Chat to them to be invited to a Multi Battle.

Swimmer Girls Kylie and Ashlyn

Pokemon Level Type
"Lumineon" IconLumineon 45 Water
"Lanturn" IconLanturn 45 Water/Electric

An easy win no matter which angle you look at it from. But just to be safe, send out a Grass-type supported by an Electric-type.

Show off your surfing skills and you’ll receive TM98 Waterfall and TM94 Surf . The latter is kind of made redundant by Scald, but is useful in Double Battles. Meanwhile Waterfall is great for physical attackers.

Rematch with Faba

You’ll find the… former Aether Branch Chief Faba chilling to the west of the north exit in the entrance area of Aether Paradise. To save him from boredom, you may as well accept his challenge for a battle.

Aether Foundation Faba

Pokemon Level Type
"Slowbro" IconSlowbro 61 Water/Psychic
"Bruxish" IconBruxish 61 Water/Psychic
"Alakazam" IconAlakazam 61 Psychic
"Raichu" IconRaichu (Alolan) 61 Electric/Psychic
"Hypno" IconHypno 61 Psychic

"Slowbro" IconSlowbro is the same old with Yawn to induce sleep and Amnesia to bolster its main weak point, its low Special Defence. However it does have Ice Beam to counter Grass-types. Hit it with super-effective special attackers and fast.

Likewise, "Bruxish" IconBruxish hasn’t really learned many new tricks, besides the ability to Screech at your Pokemon. It has high Attack and decent Speed, but its other stats are somewhat sub-par. If your Pokemon are speedy and can take a hit or two, it should be a straightforward affair.

Now "Alakazam" IconAlakazam is trickier. This pure Psychic-type has insane Speed and Special Attack, but poor HP and Defence. It carries Psychic and Psyshock to do physical and special damage and Dazzling Gleam to punish Dark-types. Ghost, Bug or Steel-types would be good here.

Alolan "Raichu" IconRaichu is somewhat like Alakazam, but less fast and less of a heavy hitter. But what it loses out in stats, it gains in coverage, with strong STAB Electric and Psychic-type attacks. Plus Nuzzle to cause paralysis and Quick Attack to pick off weakened targets.

Finally, his beloved "Hypno" IconHypno loves to use Hypnosis to send your Pokemon to sleep, followed by Dream Eater to deal damage and restore HP. Never let your Pokemon stay asleep. On top of that, it has Focus Blast to punish Dark-types. Ghosts and Bugs will be invaluable.

Show Faba you’ve still got it in you and you’ll receive the Dubious Disc . If you trade a Porygon2 while holding this, it will evolve into its final form–the bizarre-looking Porygon-Z.

Gift from Gladion

Last but not least, you can find Gladion waiting at the far end of the 2nd floor conservation area, where you fought "Nihilego" IconNihilego during the story. Listen to his story and you’ll receive your very own "Type: Null" IconType: Null ! Additionally, you’ll receive a stack of 17 memory disks for its evolution, "Silvally" IconSilvally, to use.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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