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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Route 5 - North Side

Vincent Lau
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We arrive at Route 5 the long way.

Pokémon Encounters - Route 5

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Diglett" IconDiglett* Ground/Steel Rushing out of dens (100%)
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie Bug All grass north of Pokémon Center (115%)
"Metapod" IconMetapod Bug All grass north of Pokémon Center (10%)
"Butterfree" IconButterfree Bug/Flying All grass north of Pokémon Center (5%)
"Grubbin" IconGrubbin Bug All grass north of Pokémon Center (10%)
"Fomantis" IconFomantis Grass All grass north of Pokémon Center (30%)
"Bonsly" IconBonsly Rock All grass north of Pokémon Center (10%)
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak Normal/Flying All grass north of Pokémon Center (20%)
"Crabrawler" IconCrabrawler Fighting Berry Tree pile (100%)
"Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo Rock (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Bonsly" IconBonsly
"Happiny" IconHappiny Normal (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Bonsly" IconBonsly

*** indicates Alolan form.**

This is the upper half of Route 5, which you visited earlier along your way to Lana’s trial in Brooklet Cave. From the Route 8 side, head east. Soon, you’ll reach the captain’s gates to the north. Past here is the Lush Jungle, the site of your 4th trial–the Grass-type trial.

If you’re in a hurry, head straight in. Otherwise, let’s explore the rest of Route 5 shall we? Start by heading south from the gates. As you step on the rocky highland, go south-east and search the rock in the corner for a rare PP Up . Continue south, up the slope.

Towards the west side, near the bottom, there’s a small den. Get too close and a burrowing Pokemon may come out to ambush you. Leap over the ledge south from the route signpost. Carefully go west, past the pair of small dens. Expect an ambush if you get close.

After passing the first small den, search the second one (to its left) for a shiny Nugget . Going along the lower path sends you straight towards a trainer. So if you want to avoid a scrap, head along the upper path.

Youngster Caleb

Pokemon Level Type
"Charjabug" IconCharjabug 20 Bug/Electric

The middle evolution of "Grubbin" IconGrubbin. This odd-looking critter is weak to Fire and Rock moves only. Pokemon weak to Flying moves should beware since it knows Acrobatics.

Past here, it can be hard to see during the day since it camouflages into the grass, but along the south side of the cliff face above, right after the rocky path ends and the grassy path begins is a "Zygarde" IconZygarde Cell (20) . From this corner, head north through the tall grass.

Once free of the tall grass, go north-east along the rocky path. Unless you’re a master of stealth, you’ll need to fight your way through to continue.

Hiker Gabriel

Pokemon Level Type
"Mudbray" IconMudbray 21 Ground

A Pokemon you should have met at Paniola Ranch. Let you Grass or Water Pokemon take it head on with their super-effective attacks. Flying-types are good too because of their immunity.

Up the slope, there’s a big rock mound in the middle. Go around it from the north to retrieve an Ether by the cliff edge. Next, head south from the rock mound. Be careful not to accidentally leap over the ledge on the right. As you go south towards the narrow path, you will probably be ambushed.

If you want, you can go anti-clockwise around the rock mound and run south from the west side. At the end of the narrow path is TM59 Brutal Swing . Return to the tall grass north-east from the Pokemon Centre. This time, head west towards the Pokemon trainer in the far corner.

Ace Trainer Alexis

Pokemon Level Type
"Goomy" IconGoomy 22 Dragon
"Sylveon" IconSylveon 23 Fairy

"Goomy" IconGoomy is a Dragon-type, which is a reasonably formidable Type with few weaknesses and many resistances. It’s weak to Fairy moves and Ice moves if you have them. Otherwise hit it with moves that aren’t Fire, Grass, Water or Electric.

"Sylveon" IconSylveon is the Fairy-type evolution of "Eevee" IconEevee. You can get one for yourself by playing with Eevee in Pokemon Refresh until it has 2 hearts. After that, so long as it has Fairy-type move (such as Baby-doll Eyes or Charm), it will evolve after you level it up.

Anyway, back to the strategy! Sylveon can be deceptively strong. Avoid special moves since has high Special Defence. If possible, hit it with strong Steel or Poison moves. Failing that, try to resist it with Fire Pokemon.

Continue onward and pick up the Hyper Potion at the far end. That’s Route 5 finished at long last. Glide back to the Route 5 Pokemon Centre to heal your Pokemon and replenish your supplies. After that, return towards the south-east entrance to take on the trial guide!

Trial Guide Bronson

Pokemon Level Type
"Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke 22 Water/Psychic

"Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke has Psychium Z, so a Dark-type Pokemon is ideal. If you don’t have one, you can hit it with a strong Grass, Electric, Bug or Ghost-type before it has time to react.

You’ll be rewarded with TM96 Nature Power for your efforts. After this, you’ll be challenging nature itself! Call "Charizard" IconCharizard and glide to the Route 8 Pokemon Centre. From here, make your way to the Lush Jungle via the upper half of Route 5.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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