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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Champion Title Defense

Vincent Lau
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As with previous games, you can return to the Pokemon League to challenge the Elite Four again and again, which is one of the best ways to earn experience points and get your coveted Pokemon to Level 100.

During subsequent rematches with the Elite Four, their Pokemon will be slightly stronger (Level 63 instead of 54 to 55) and have better moves. But if you’ve been diligent with the postgame sidequests, they shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

Hau managed to make it to the top after all!

Rather, the biggest difference is after you defeat the Elite Four and reach the Champion’s seat. Upon sitting on your glorious throne, rather than facing Kukui once more, you will face off against your cheery rival, Hau instead.

After that, each time you reach the end of the Pokemon League, you will get to battle 1 of 10 random challengers , which include some familiar faces, such as Kukui and Hau, and some not-so-familiar ones.

By this stage, you should have all the tools necessary to defend your title. But if in doubt, you can refer to our lists to see what Pokemon they’ll send out and formulate a battle plan from there. For reference, their Pokemon range from Level 59 to 65.

Trainer Possible Pokemon
Hau "Raichu" IconRaichu (Alolan), "Jolteon" IconJolteon, "Flareon" IconFlareon, "Vaporeon" IconVaporeon, "Komala" IconKomala, "Crabominable" IconCrabominable, "Primarina" IconPrimarina, "Decidueye" IconDecidueye, "Incineroar" IconIncineroar
Sophocles "Togedemaru" IconTogedemaru, "Magnezone" IconMagnezone, "Electivire" IconElectivire, "Vikavolt" IconVikavolt, "Golem" IconGolem (Alolan)
Ryuki "Garchomp" IconGarchomp, "Drampa" IconDrampa, "Turtonator" IconTurtonator, "Dragonite" IconDragonite, "Kommo-o" IconKommo-o
Gladion "Crobat" IconCrobat, "Weavile" IconWeavile, "Porygon" IconPorygon-Z, "Lucario" IconLucario, "Silvally" IconSilvally (Fire, Water or Grass)
Molayne "Skarmory" IconSkarmory, "Sandslash" IconSandslash (Alolan), "Magnezone" IconMagnezone, "Metagross" IconMetagross, "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio (Alolan)
Plumeria "Gengar" IconGengar, "Muk" IconMuk (Alolan), "Crobat" IconCrobat, "Toxapex" IconToxapex, "Salazzle" IconSalazzle
Hapu "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio (Alolan), "Gastrodon" IconGastrodon, "Krookodile" IconKrookodile, "Flygon" IconFlygon, "Mudsdale" IconMudsdale
Tristan "Emolga" IconEmolga, "Sharpedo" IconSharpedo, "Exeggutor" IconExeggutor (Alolan), "Magmortar" IconMagmortar, "Tauros" IconTauros
Faba "Slowbro" IconSlowbro, "Bruxish" IconBruxish, "Raichu" IconRaichu (Alolan), "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, "Hypno" IconHypno
Kukui "Lycanroc" IconLycanroc (Midday), "Ninetales" IconNinetales (Alolan), "Braviary" IconBraviary, "Magnezone" IconMagnezone, "Snorlax" IconSnorlax, "Incineroar" IconIncineroar, "Primarina" IconPrimarina, "Decidueye" IconDecidueye

After successfully defending your title, you’ll be sent straight to the entrance of the Pokemon League. So you won’t have to sit through the credits roll again or anything like that. A bit anticlimatic perhaps, but hey it saves time!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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