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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Eterna City (Locations & Items)

Staci Miller

Eterna City is the second place with a gym in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Here’s how to get through it.

Main Story

When you first come to Eterna City, you’ll want to head to the gym and battle Gardenia. This gym can take some time, because you’ll have to defeat every Grass-type trainer in the gym and there’s no option to skip them. Stock up on items or visit the Pokémon Center between battles.

If you have "Chimchar" IconChimchar as your starter, these fights will be no issue, as some good Fire-type moves will take them out. Make sure to avoid using "Piplup" IconPiplup if you chose it as your starter.

After you’ve defeated Gardenia, head up to the Team Galactic Building to meet up with Cynthia. She’ll give you Cut (TM93), which you can now use outside of battle.

(1 of 2) Cut will allow you to get through small trees

Cut will allow you to get through small trees (left), You can also teach it as a move to a Pokémon (right)

If you try to enter the Bicycle Store, you’ll be told the manager is gone - he’s been kidnapped by Team Galactic. This blocks your route onwards, as you need it for Cycling Road later.

You’ll have to head into the building to rescue him. The route through the building is fairly straight-forward, but you will have to battle a few grunts to reach the manager.

Team Galactic Battles

There are a few grunts to defeat to save the shop manager.

If you’ve leveled up your Pokémon decently, these fights should be no problem. The highest level is 15 and involves fighting a "Kadabra" IconKadabra. If you chose Chimchar as your starter and now have "Monferno" IconMonferno, avoid using them, as they will be weak to the Psychic-type moves.

Galactic Grunt & Galactic Grunt (Double Battle)

Pokémon Level Type
Wurmple.png"Wurmple" IconWurmple 13 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
Cascoon.png"Cascoon" IconCascoon 13 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
Zubat.png"Zubat" IconZubat 14 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png
Glameow.png"Glameow" IconGlameow 14 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png

Galactic Grunt

Pokémon Level Type
Wurmple.png"Wurmple" IconWurmple 13 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
Zubat.png"Zubat" IconZubat 13 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png

Galactic Grunt

Pokémon Level Type
Silcoon.png"Silcoon" IconSilcoon 15 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png

Galactic Grunt

Pokémon Level Type
Wurmple.png"Wurmple" IconWurmple 12 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
Silcoon.png"Silcoon" IconSilcoon 12 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
Zubat.png"Zubat" IconZubat 12 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png

Scientist Travon

Pokémon Level Type
Kadabra.png"Kadabra" IconKadabra 15 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png

Commander Jupiter

Pokémon Level Type
Zubat.png"Zubat" IconZubat 18 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png
Skuntank.png"Skuntank" IconSkuntank 20 pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png

Explorer Kit

You should ensure you enter the building to the house right of the Pokémon Center. The man inside will give you an Explorer Kit that will let you enter the Grand Underground. He’ll also kindly show you how to use it.


There are numerous other items to be found in Eterna City.

Poké Mart

First off is the Poké Mart. You’ll unlock more items in these as you travel on, but here’s what you can find on your first visit to Eterna City.

Item Price
Pokeball.pngPoké Ball 200
Nest_Ball.pngNest Ball 1000
Potions.png Potion 300
Super_Potion.pngSuper Potion 700
Antidote.png Antidote 100
Paralyze_Heal.png Paralyze Heal 200
Awakening_Icon.pngAwakening 250
Burn_Heal.pngBurn Heal 250
Ice_Heal.pngIce Heal 250
Escape_Rope.pngEscape Rope 550
Repel_Icon.pngRepel 350

Eterna City Herb Shop

Another shop to be found here is the Eterna City Herb Shop. Here, you can buy bitter herbs to help heal your Pokémon.

Item Price
Heal Powder 450
Energy Powder 500
Energy Root 800
Revival Herb 2800

Other Items

There are also a few items you should make sure to stop and find before you leave Eterna City.

Item Location
Super Potion To the right of the gym
Draco Plate Behind the statue at the Galactic building
Thief (TM46) Right side of the Galactic building
Rare Candy Talk to Professor Rowan’s assistant when heading to Route 206 and you’ll obtain this if you’ve collected 35 Pokémon

Other Notable Locations

You can trade your "Buizel" IconBuizel for a "Chatot" IconChatot if you head into the Condiminum and talk to the boy there.

You can also get a Friendship Checker for your Pokétch by talking to the woman in the Pokémon Center. This is handy for evolving Pokémon such as "Budew" IconBudew. To use it, open up the Pokétch and tap the Pokémon to see how many hearts come out. It’s not an exact science, but will give you a good idea.

Once you’ve done all this, travel south to Route 206.

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Actually, Professor’s Rowan’s assistant will you give a rare candy and not the exp share.

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Thanks! It's fixed now.

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Actually, Professor’s Rowan’s assistant will you give a rare candy and not the exp share.

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Thanks! It's fixed now.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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