Plusle - #311
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PLUSLE always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this POKéMON shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.
Pokémon Data
Number | 311 |
Height | 0.4m; Weight: 4.2kg |
Gender | 50% ♀, 50% ♂ |
Abilities | Plus, Lightning Rod |
Generation | Generation III |
Base Stats
Stat | Value |
HP |
Speed |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Moves List
Move list for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Level | Move | Type | Class | Pow | PP | Acc | Effect |
1 | Growl | Normal |
Status | — | 40 | 100 | Lowers the target's Attack by one stage. |
1 | Thunder Wave | Electric |
Status | — | 20 | 90 | Paralyzes the target. |
1 | Play Nice | Normal |
Status | — | 20 | — | Lowers the target's Attack by one stage. |
1 | Nuzzle | Electric |
Physical | 20 | 20 | 100 | Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. |
1 | Quick Attack | Normal |
Physical | 40 | 30 | 100 | Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect. |
4 | Helping Hand | Normal |
Status | — | 20 | — | Ally's next move inflicts half more damage. |
7 | Spark | Electric |
Physical | 65 | 20 | 100 | Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. |
10 | Encore | Normal |
Status | — | 5 | 100 | Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns. |
13 | Bestow | Normal |
Status | — | 15 | — | Gives the user's held item to the target. |
16 | Swift | Normal |
Special | 60 | 20 | — | Never misses. |
19 | Electro Ball | Electric |
Special | — | 10 | 100 | Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150. |
22 | Copycat | Normal |
Status | — | 20 | — | Uses the target's last used move. |
25 | Charm | Fairy |
Status | — | 20 | 100 | Lowers the target's Attack by two stages. |
28 | Charge | Electric |
Status | — | 20 | — | Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn. |
31 | Discharge | Electric |
Special | 80 | 15 | 100 | Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. |
34 | Baton Pass | Normal |
Status | — | 40 | — | Allows the trainer to switch out the user and pass effects along to its replacement. |
37 | Agility | Psychic |
Status | — | 30 | — | Raises the user's Speed by two stages. |
40 | Last Resort | Normal |
Physical | 140 | 5 | 100 | Can only be used after all of the user's other moves have been used. |
43 | Thunder | Electric |
Special | 110 | 10 | 70 | Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. |
46 | Nasty Plot | Dark |
Status | — | 20 | — | Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages. |
49 | Entrainment | Normal |
Status | — | 15 | 100 | Copies the user's ability onto the target. |
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