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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

How to Defeat the Masters Leaders (Single Battles)

Staci Miller
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When you enter the Masters part of the Battle Tower, you’ll have to face a leader every seventh battle. There are a variety of trainers you can face, with most of them being Gym Leaders. Here are their possible teams.

Tower Tycoon Palmer

You’ll be familiar with Palmer, as you’ll already have faced him in your 21st and 49th battle. Now, he has a combination of his possible teams.

They do, however, have different attacks and items to take note of. These Pokémon may come out in any order.

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Heatran.png "Heatran" IconHeatran 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Earth Power, Magma Storm, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Cresselia.png "Cresselia" IconCresselia 50 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png Lunar Dance, Thunder Wave, Moonlight, Ice Beam SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Dragonite.png"Dragonite" IconDragonite 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Thunder Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry


Roark is one of the possible gym leaders you’ll face. He uses a wide combination of Pokémon, but veers towards Rock/Ground-types — just as you might expect.

Possible Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Aerodactyl.png "Aerodactyl" IconAerodactyl 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Aerial Ace, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Iron Head LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Slowbro.png "Slowbro" IconSlowbro 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png Scald, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Slack Off Leftovers.png Leftovers
Tyranitar.png "Tyranitar" IconTyranitar 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png Dragon Dance, Rock Slide, Crunch, Ice Punch FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Possible Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Tyranitar.png "Tyranitar" IconTyranitar 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Rock Tomb, Crunch ChopleBerry.png Chople Berry
Salamence.png "Salamence" IconSalamence 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Earthquake, Outrage, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Dance LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Rampardos.png "Rampardos" IconRampardos 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png Head Smash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Iron Head LeftOvers.png Leftovers

Possible Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Lunatone.png "Lunatone" IconLunatone 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png Trick Room, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Psychic FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Torkoal.png "Torkoal" IconTorkoal 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png Eruption, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Earth Power Charcoal.png Charcoal
Rampardos.png "Rampardos" IconRampardos 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png Head Smash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Iron Head LifeOrb.png Life Orb


Gardenia is another potential battle. She favors Grass-types, of course, but does have a couple of Water and Fire-type based curveballs.

Possible Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Breloom.png "Breloom" IconBreloom 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png Spore, Mach Punch, Bullet Seed, Rock Tomb FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Cradily.png "Cradily" IconCradily 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Stockpile LeftOvers.png Leftovers
Roserade.png "Roserade" IconRoserade 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam WhiteHerb.png White Herb

Possible Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Rotom.png "Rotom" IconRotom 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png Thunderbolt, Leaf Storm, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Milotic.png "Milotic" IconMilotic 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse LifeOrb.png Life Orb
Roserade.png "Roserade" IconRoserade 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Possible Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Ninetales.png "Ninetales" IconNinetales 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Will-o-wisp, Hex HeatRock.png Heat Rock
Rotom.png "Rotom" IconRotom 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png Thunderbolt, Leaf Storm, Volt Switch, Trick ChoiceSpecs.png Choice Specs
Venusaur.png "Venusaur" IconVenusaur 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power BlackSludge.png Black Sludge


Your next potential is Maylene, who tends towards the Fighting-type.

Possible Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Breloom.png "Breloom" IconBreloom 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png Spore, Mach Punch, Bullet Seed, Rock Tomb FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Blaziken.png "Blaziken" IconBlaziken 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png Protect, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Rock Slide LifeOrb.png Life Orb
Empoleon.png "Empoleon" IconEmpoleon 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Hydro Pump, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Grass Knot ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf

Possible Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Hitmontop.png "Hitmontop" IconHitmontop 50 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png Close Combat, Bulldoze, Bullet Punch, Fake Out SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Dragonite.png"Dragonite" IconDragonite 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Thunder Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Lucario.png "Lucario" IconLucario 50 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Vacuum Wave FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Possible Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Infernape.png "Infernape" IconInfernape 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png Overheat Stealth Rock, Fake Out, Close Combat FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Dragonite.png"Dragonite" IconDragonite 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Thunder Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Lucario.png "Lucario" IconLucario 50 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch ShucaBerry.png Shuca Berry


Next up on the list of potentials is Crasher Wake. Look out for his Water-based team — he even has a legendary in there.

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Swampert.png "Swampert" IconSwampert 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Earthquake, Waterfall, Rock Tomb, Avalanche RindoBerry.png Rindo Berry
Suicune.png "Suicune" IconSuicune 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png Scald, Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Rest ChestoBerry.png Chesto Berry
Floatzel.png "Floatzel" IconFloatzel 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Focus Blast Kingsrock.png King’s Rock

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Politoed.png "Politoed" IconPolitoed 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png Scald, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Perish Song Damprock.png Damp Rock
Armaldo.png "Armaldo" IconArmaldo 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png X-scissor, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Knock Off FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Ludicolo.png "Ludicolo" IconLudicolo 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Focus Blast LifeOrb.png Life Orb

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Pelipper.png "Pelipper" IconPelipper 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Ice Beam, U-turn ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf
Scizor.png "Scizor" IconScizor 50 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png Bullet Punch, Quick Attack, Superpower, U-turn ChoiceBand.png Choice Band
Kingdra.png "Kingdra" IconKingdra 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Hurricane, Flash Cannon LifeOrb.png Life Orb


Fantina favors the Ghost-type Pokémon, which her teams very much reflect.

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Shedinja.png "Shedinja" IconShedinja 50 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png Shadow Claw, Leech Life, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Dusknoir.png "Dusknoir" IconDusknoir 50 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png Pain Split, Curse, Will-o-wisp, Night Shade MagoBerry.png Mago Berry
Mismagius.png "Mismagius" IconMismagius 50 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png Shadow Ball, Mystical Fire, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot BrightPowder.png Bright Powder

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Dusknoir.png "Dusknoir" IconDusknoir 50 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png Pain Split, Curse, Will-o-wisp, Night Shade MagoBerry.png Mago Berry
Crawdaunt.png "Crawdaunt" IconCrawdaunt 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png Knock Off, Crabhammer, Swords Dance, Aqua Jet SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Gengar.png "Gengar" IconGengar 50 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Icy Wind, Destiny Bond FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Sableye.png "Sableye" IconSableye 50 pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png Will-o-wisp, Recover, Night Shade, Foul Play SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Spiritomb.png "Spiritomb" IconSpiritomb 50 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.png pokemon_bdsp_dark17.png Memento, Night Shade, Shadow Sneak, Hypnosis QuickClaw.png Quick Claw
Dragonite.png "Dragonite" IconDragonite 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Thunder Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry


Next comes Byron! He loves Steel-type Pokémon and yet, the legendary he has on his team isn’t even Steel-type.

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Moltres.png "Moltres" IconMoltres 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Mystical Fire, Hurricane, Will-o-wisp, Roost LaxIncense.png Lax Incense
Metagross.png "Metagross" IconMetagross 50 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Agility SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Bastiodon.png "Bastiodon" IconBastiodon 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Metal Burst, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Stone Edge MagoBerry.png Mago Berry

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Scizor.png "Scizor" IconScizor 50 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Bullet Punch, U-turn, Quick Attack, Thief ChoiceBand.png Choice Band
Pelipper.png "Pelipper" IconPelipper 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Surf, Ice Beam, Hurricane, U-turn ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf
Aggron.png "Aggron" IconAggron 50 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Metal Burst, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Stone Edge MagoBerry.png Mago Berry

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Metagross.png "Metagross" IconMetagross 50 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Scizor.png "Scizor" IconScizor 50 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Bullet Punch, U-turn, Quick Attack, Thief ChoiceBand.png Choice Band
Heatran.png "Heatran" IconHeatran 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Magma Storm, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse FocusSash.png Focus Sash


The second last possible gym leader you can face as Candice. She, of course, loves her Ice-types!

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Abomasnow.png "Abomasnow" IconAbomasnow 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Blizzard, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Ice Shard IcyRock.png Icy Rock
Regice.png "Regice" IconRegice 50 pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Amnesia, Rest LeftOvers.png Leftovers
Cloyster.png "Cloyster" IconCloyster 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Shell Smash, Razor Shell, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Heatran.png "Heatran" IconHeatran 50 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Magma Storm, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, Dark Pulse ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf
Mamoswine.png "Mamoswine" IconMamoswine 50 pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Earthquake, Icicle Spear, Rock Tomb, Ice Shard FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Glaceon.png "Glaceon" IconGlaceon 50 pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Freeze-dry, Shadow Ball, Ice Shard, Mirror Coat IcyRock.png Icy Rock

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Lapras.png "Lapras" IconLapras 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png Surf, Freeze-dry, Thunderbolt, Sheer Cold SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Mamoswine.png "Mamoswine" IconMamoswine 50 pokemon_bdsp_ice17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Earthquake, Icicle Spear, Rock Tomb, Ice Shard FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Venusaur.png "Venusaur" IconVenusaur 50 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis BlackSludge.png Black Sludge


The final gym leader you could possibly come up against is Volkner. He’ll put mostly Electric-type Pokémon up against you.

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Rotom.png "Rotom" IconRotom 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Will-o-wisp JabocaBerry.png Jaboca Berry
Magnezone.png "Magnezone" IconMagnezone 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Flash Cannon, Body Press CustapBerry.png Custap Berry
Luxray.png "Luxray" IconLuxray 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Ice Fang, Wild Charge SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Zapdos.png "Zapdos" IconZapdos 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Heat Wave, Hurricane SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Gyarados.png "Gyarados" IconGyarados 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Electivire.png "Electivire" IconElectivire 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Volt Switch, Wild Charge Magnet.png Magnet

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Zapdos.png "Zapdos" IconZapdos 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Heat Wave, Hurricane ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf
Rotom.png "Rotom" IconRotom 50 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png Overheat, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Will-o-wisp SitrusBerry.png Sitrus Berry
Swampert.png "Swampert" IconSwampert 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Earthquake, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Counter LifeOrb.png Life Orb


The last leader you might face is the champion that gave you so much trouble before the postgame — Cynthia.

Potential Team One

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Lucario.png "Lucario" IconLucario 50 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Close Combat, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch LumBerry.png Lum Berry
Togekiss.png "Togekiss" IconTogekiss 50 pokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Air Slash, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Blast, Grass Knot ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf
Garchomp.png "Garchomp" IconGarchomp 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Earthquake, Outrage, Stone Edge, Swords Dance FocusSash.png Focus Sash

Potential Team Two

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Togekiss.png "Togekiss" IconTogekiss 50 pokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png Thunder Wave, Air Slash, Roost, Mystical Fire LeftOvers.png Leftovers
Milotic.png "Milotic" IconMilotic 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png Scald, Icy Wind, Mirror Coat, Recover FlameOrb.png Flame Orb
Garchomp.png "Garchomp" IconGarchomp 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Poison Jab ChoiceBand.png Choice Band

Potential Team Three

Pokémon Level Type Attacks Held Item
Gastrodon.png "Gastrodon" IconGastrodon 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Scald, Earth Power, Mirror Coat, Recover LeftOvers.png Leftovers
Lucario.png "Lucario" IconLucario 50 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png pokemon_bdsp_steel17.png Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse FocusSash.png Focus Sash
Garchomp.png "Garchomp" IconGarchomp 50 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.png pokemon_bdsp_ground17.png Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Poison Jab ChoiceScarf.png Choice Scarf

How to Win

The Battle Tower is specifically designed so that no one team you could put together will be over-powered against the rest of the Tower. One team could work great for one leader, and be useless against the next.

However, there are some Pokémon that are highly recommended for use.

"Gyarados" IconGyarados has high defense stats and the Intimidate ability, and sending him out early will really help you. "Tyranitar" IconTyranitar and "Scizor" IconScizor are another couple of great Pokémon to put in a team, because Tyranitar has extremely high defense and Scizor has many different moves it can learn that can counter the other Pokémon.

"Garchomp" IconGarchomp is another Pokémon often recommended for Battle Towers, but with the addition of Fairy-types, he can prove problematic.

The most important thing is to use Pokémon with a high defense stat and a wide range of moves. That way, you should be able to find counters for the other Pokémon and survive the moves that land on yours.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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