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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

3-star Quests

Vincent Lau
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Welcome to…Harth?

Welcome to the new village, Harth! Looks kinda dumpy though. I wonder what happened here? The Caravaneer will ask if you can go talk to Harth’s village chief to see what’s the matter, and not a bad idea. You’ll see quite a few yellow speech bubbles, so chat up everyone you can find, and make sure you include the chief! The chief will tell you that the volcano that provides them lava has become inactive, and worse, a Tetsucabra has been running amok in their mines! Now nobody can continue in their livelihood. No wonder the village has become so sad.

You know what to do hunter. Let’s tackle our first key quest of the 3* quests and put turn those frowns upside-down.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Boulder-bash Slay 1 Tetsucabra Sunken Hollow Wound the Tetsucabra’s jaw.

I hope you have your Jaggi armor ready. Head to Area 9 to witness the introduction of the might of Tetsucabra! Notice his giant tusks on his lower jaw ? You can break them both once, for two breaks total . To complete the subquest, you’ll need to break them both. You’ll get some nifty, rare materials if you manage to do so, so aim for the tusks whenever you can.

When you return, you’ll find that Harth has become much livelier already! The Caravaneer has also struck up a seemingly great friendship with the chief, and is showing off the basis for his adventure—the golden scales he keeps under his hat. The chief tells the Caravaneer that there is a village high up in the mountains that might know more, but it is only accessible via ship. Materials are going to be needed to make it, particularly the materials of the Gypceros . The man at the forge knows what to do, but you’re going to have to get the materials for him.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Shipshape Skin Slay 1 Gypceros Sunken Hollow Wound the Gypceros’s crest.

Gypceros is awaiting you with his fearsome cutscene in Area 3 . You don’t need to give the man at the forge any specific Gypceros materials, you just need to complete this quest. After you’ve done it, however, there’s still no ship. Why is that? It seems like the volcano still isn’t active, and without its magma nothing can be forged.

Some of the people around the town are going to have more quest requests for you. Be nice and see what they need, why don’t you? This will lead to your next key quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Road Work Capture 1 Gendrome Sunken Hollow Slay 5 Genprey

Uh-oh! Your first capture quest! Well, if you read over the questing basics covered earlier in this guide, you’ll be a pro in no time. But just as a reminder, you’ll want to bring along your very own Shock Traps and Pitfall Traps , and along with that, if you can make them, Tranq Bombs or Tranq Ammo. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, the supply box provides you with an EZ Shock Trap along with EZ Tranq Bombs.

Gendrome will start in Area 2 . As is my duty as your Monster Hunter guide, here is your periodical reminder to bring paintballs along with you.

When you return from this quest, the chief will have words for you. He’s found the source of the volcano’s inactivity. A Nerscylla, a nasty big spider, has made its nest in front of one of the major lava tubes and is blocking off everything (just what is it with monsters and blocking things?) Time to catch this big bug in a net! …of death?!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Nerscylla Thrilla Slay 1 Nerscylla Sunken Hollow Break Nerscylla’s poison spikes.

I’m still wondering how a very flammable bug can block off an entire volcano’s lava with just its nest, but I suppose in the world of Monster Hunter, bugs are coated in a magical substance that protects them from anything fiery and did you know that spider webs are actually not flammable at all? Well that explains a lot…

Anyhow, head to area 6 and meet a spider that totally isn’t a Skulltulla. Nerscylla is much tougher than Tetsucabra, if you didn’t have armor then, you’d better have some good armor now. Oh, and a weapon with at least Green sharpness .

Congratulations, you have brought lava back to Harth! And in the meantime you’re meeting some very famous faces. Say hello to the Ace Hunters , supposedly the best hunters in the world! Apparently they’re old friends with the Caravaneer and they’re on a very important mission. Basically, they have been pasted into the plot so that you’re not the only character doing things. Pay them no mind, we have a village to get to.

The ship is ready to go. Make sure your item bag and item box are ready to go, however. The chief and the Caravaneer are indicating that the sea is potentially a very dangerous place and their incredibly subtle warnings shouldn’t be taken lightly at all! After all, who knows, you might just get attacked at sea and it wouldn’t do to have poor equipment , would it?

In the meantime, there’s a bunch of other non-key quests you should check out and complete. It’ll get you achievements! Otherwise, it’s time to move on to 4* quests. We’re moving up in the world!

Quest Main Objective Location
Harvest Tour: Ancestral Steppe Survive until time expires or deliver 1 Paw Pass Ticket Ancestral Steppe

Welcome to your first ever Harvest Tour quest! These quests are geared specifically to players who need non-monster materials and do not want to have to go hunting a monster just to be in the right area to gather. For 50 minutes, you can gather to your heart’s desire. After 2 minutes, however, a Paw Pass Ticket will be placed in the blue box at base camp. When you’re ready, pick it up, and then place it in the red item box and it will be quest complete.

Quest Main Objective Location
Harvest Tour: Sunken Hollow Survive until time expires or deliver 1 Paw Pass Ticket Sunken Hollow
Quest Main Objective Location
Rhenoplos Slayer Slay 5 Rhenoplos Sunken Hollow

Rhenoplos are annoying little buggers. They will charge at you even if you didn’t hit them, and will ruin your day. Now is your chance to have revenge. Rhenoplos spawn in area 8 primarily.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Kecha Wacha Wallop Slay 1 Kecha Wacha Sunken Hollow Slay 5 Konchu

Completion of the quest will give you another Urgent Expedition. It is not required to progress the game, however, but will be listed at the end of this quest list for your convenience.

Quest Main Objective Location
Genprey Payback Slay 8 Genprey Sunken Hollow

More small minion hunting. Genprey spawn in areas 2, 7, and 9 primarily.

Quest Main Objective Location
Crystal Bone Collector Deliver 5 Crystal Bones Sunken Hollow

Oh you thought you were done with delivery quests? No, you’re not, sorry. Crystal Bones can be found while mining and are an account item similar to Unique Mushrooms. Mine in areas 2, 3, 8, and 9 primarily.

Quest Main Objective Location
Congo Bongo Slay 5 Congas Primal Forest

Oh hey, a new location! Welcome to the Primal Forest. Take the time to do some gathering while you’re at it, hmm? You’ll find a lot of Congas in Area 5. After that, look through areas 2, 6, and 7.

Quest Main Objective Location
Fish Wish Deliver 4 Small Goldenfish Sunken Hollow

Remember, regular sized Goldenfish won’t count (although they sell for a pretty penny). Fishing is in Area 2 .

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Research: Basarios Hunt 1 Basarios Everwood Successfully mount and topple the monster.

This will allow you to hunt another Expedition-exclusive monster, the Basarios . Once again you will start the quest out mounted when you do it for the first time, so it’s a free opportunity to fulfill the subquest. This quest is in the urgent section but is not mandatory for plot advancement.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    30 March 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun, Vincent Lau

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En route to Val Habar, what begins as a bumpy ride in the great desert quickly descends into the fight of your rookie hunter’s life, as a dangerous Elder Dragon appears out of nowhere, threatening to level your ride and the town ahead.

After somehow surviving the attack, your efforts impress the Caravaneer and you’re quickly enlisted into the Caravan. Your mission? To discover the secret of a mysterious “Article”, which will almost surely involve hunting bigger and deadlier monsters in a magical, colorful world that is the world of Monster Hunter.

Overwhelmed? Not so sure what to do? This guide will give you the reference point you need to not only complete the solo campaign with flying colors, but look awesome while doing so!

  • Information regarding Key Quests for both Caravan and Gathering Hall quests.
  • Tips for becoming the best hunter possible–from preparations to Palicos.
  • Breakdown of the 14 unique weapon types and how to wield them to their full potential.
  • Detailed maps and insights for all of the major hunting grounds.
  • Inside scoop on every monster you will face in battle (select postgame monsters pending).

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