When out questing, stop by where the cats hide out to find more Palico companions!
Once you’ve reached Cheeko Sands and Sunsnug Isle and completed the Wild Palico Panic key quest, you’ll be able to recruit Palicos! In order to do so, you’ll have to meet Wild Palicos while questing in the various areas. Every major area has a spot where cats will live.
For example, Ancestral Steppe has area 10 as what is commonly referred to as the “Cat shrine”. It’s where Felynes, Melynxes, and sometimes Wild Palicos will store their belongings.
While you’re out on a quest, it’s worth your time to go there and see if a Wild Palico shows up. If it does, it will look a bit different from the standard Felyne and Melynxes that are there.
When you walk up to the Wild Palico, there will be an action sign indicating you can press A to scout the Palico. Once you’ve scouted it, go ahead and complete the quest.
After you’ve collected the rewards, you’ll see a screen displaying information on the Palico you’ve scouted. Most everything is determined either based on location or at random, so you’re unlikely to recruit the same Palico twice! You’ll be given the option to recruit or not, and if you do, you can rename your newfound Palico.
Palicos you recruit will live at Sunsnug Isle. At first you can have up to twenty Palicos. But later on, you can upgrade Sunsnug Isle to increase the maximum number of Palicos!
You can also send out a Palico via StreetPass. If you StreetPass a fellow hunter, they can recruit the Palico and you could potentially recruit theirs. You cannot send out your first Palico, however, or the Palico that will automatically join you after completing Wild Palico Panic.
Later after completing that quest, you can complete another quest Meownster Hunter Havoc and you will automatically recruit another three Palicos. You can send these out via StreetPass however.
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