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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

4-star Quests

Vincent Lau
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Welcome to Cheeko Sands, a.k.a Felyneland

Welcome to Cheeko Sands , a strange land of only Felynes which is said to be found only by those who get lost at sea… Here is where you will rest while the ship undergoes necessary repair. The Ace Hunters who landed with you will leave shortly after arriving, saying that they have been tasked with defeating the Gore Magala, but you’re here for a little bit longer. Don’t worry, there’s plenty to do.

A Felyne purradise

First, why don’t you check out the small island off of the sands? It’s a place called Sunsnug Isle and it’s Felyne heaven! In fact, chat with the Headwhiskress , the nice lady dressed in a pink apron constantly sweeping up the place, and she’ll suggest that you use this place to recruit more Palicos. See the Palico 101 section of this guide for how to recruit more Palicos!

Great timing with the arrival, hunter! It looks like a message has been sent to Sunsnug Isle. Wonder where your cat learned that arrow-catching trick?

And it looks like you have your first key quest!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Wild Palico Panic Slay 1 Congalala Primal Forest Wound the Congalala’s comb.

A new monster for you, this time the very…weird…Congalala…lalala? Well, never mind that. Head to Area 10 of Primal Forest to meet a monkey. Er, gorilla. And here’s your periodical, friendly reminder to please oh please bring your paintballs . Congalala works out and can fart so hard jump so high he can launch himself to another area.

After completing this quest you will hire the Palico you saved, and you’ll now be able to recruit Palicos when out questing!

When you return, you’ll see a lonely Felyne known as the Cowardly Palico moping around feeling sorry for himself. He’ll put in a quest for you to slay what terrified him. Then go talk to the Wycoon. He will put in a quest request that will give him a second multiplier cart! You’ll be able to multiply two items at once! After that, head on back to Sunsnug Isle to check out your new Palico friends and you’ll get another message on an arrow. Uh-oh! Seems like some famous Ace Felynes have run into a spot of trouble. Well, your next quest is clear.

You’ve also unlocked the Casting Machine. More information on how to use the Casting Machine is in the Palico section of this guide.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Meownster Hunter Havoc Slay 1 Zamtrios Frozen Seaway Wound the Zamtrios’s top fin.

Man this place is freezing! Lucky for you, your supply box came equipped with free Hot Drinks for you. In the future, make sure you bring your own! Head to Area 2 to witness the brave Ace Felynes get…frightened away by Zamtrios?? Weren’t they aces? Well, time for you to clean up their mess. Surf’s up!

After completing this quest, you can recruit all three cats!

The Caravaneer has some great news: As soon as repairs are ready, we’re going to have to go back to Harth to turn our ship into an airship . But only once the repairs are ready! In the meantime, let’s finish up business at Cheeko Sands.

As a thank-you for rescuing all these cats, the head lady of Cheeko Sands would like to give your kitchen another ingredient upgrade . But this isn’t a plot without the obligatory blockage in the path. This time it’s the nifty Najarala that has caused quite a stir…fry?

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Najarala Hunt Slay 1 Najarala Primal Forest Wound the Najarala’s back.

Head to Area 5 to start the cutscene. The best way to break the back frills is to mount Najarala twice .

After completing this quest, you will receive an upgrade to your kitchen! A nice one too. The Street Cook is very happy.

Unfortunately, it’s time to end the cheer. The Ace Hunters who left Cheeko Sands long ago have failed to defeat the Gore Magala. And, to make things worse, two of them have gone missing! And…your cat?! Where has that Felyne gone off to?? Well the answer apparently is plain. They have gone to where all mysterious, missing things go to, the Everwood. I mean I guess it works right? The Everwood has no disclosed location, right? And nobody knows what it looks like since it keeps changing?

…Nah. They’re just all magically in the Everwood. Well, it’s time for what is basically your next Key Quest.

Quest Main Objective Location
Gore Magala Drama Repel 1 Gore Magala Everwood

When you first arrive in the Everwood ( did you eat? ) you’ll notice that indeed, two of the four Ace Hunters are there, and alive (along with your cat). One of them, however, is evidently injured, and so they’re hobbling along at snail’s pace. What’s worse, the Gore Magala is right on their tails! You’re going to have to hold off the Gore Magala as they slowly make their way to the exit. Drama indeed!

And uh…other…humorous things will happen as they attempt to make their escape. Because clearly a big eyeless dragon isn’t enough trouble, the game will also be tossing some minions at you. After you drive the Gore Magala away you’re the first area, Velociprey will come to harass you. Clear them out, and then deal with a pack of Conga. Gore Magala will come back. Deal enough damage and make the area safe for the last time.

Looks like you’ve proved yourself to both the Ace Hunters and the guild. Since it’s obviously safer to let Gore Magala be handled by one person and their cat instead of four people fully armed, the urgent task of defeating Gore Magala once and for all will be handed to you. Congratulations, hunter!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Tipping the Scales Slay 1 Gore Magala Ancestral Steppe Wound the Gore Magala’s feelers.

Welcome back to the Ancestral Steppe! You’ve dealt with Gore Magala twice already, this can’t be any different, he’s just going to be the usual eyeless dragon who is way cooler than you that you’re used to, right? …Right?

Of course! Head on over to Area 7 to knock him out once and for all and… Oh. Looks like Gore Magala was expecting you. Gore Magala will start the battle already in its second rage mode, known as frenzy mode. In previous repels, you only ever saw its first rage mode. Well, like any good monster designed to decorate the box art, Gore Magala has a second one, and it is fearsome indeed. What’s worse, you can’t just wait it out. Gore Magala will exit rage mode only after you’ve dealt enough damage. So hop to it! A better-than-the-Ace-Hunters hunter like you shouldn’t have any problem! I’m just kidding. Take your time. You have 50 minutes. The feelers are the horns that become upright when Gore Magala is in frenzy mode. If you’re feeling brave, go for the head.

Congratulations on succeeding! The Ace Hunters are officially scrubs! Now it’s time to go to Harth officially…and build an official airship!

In the meantime, check out all these other quests. Many of them are obtained by returning to Val Habar and Harth through the World Map and talking to those with yellow speech bubbles.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Oil Toil Deliver 5 Slagtoth Oil Primal Forest Slay 7 Slagtoth

Slagtoth are those ugly frog things you’ll see milling around. They frequent areas 1 and 5 primarily. If you get hides, hold onto them. You will need them for various villager requests.

Complete this quest and get your second multiplier cart at the Wycoon!

Quest Main Objective Location
Zamite Fight Slay 5 Zamite Frozen Seaway

Zamite are mainly found in areas 2 and 7. Remember Hot Drinks! Some of the smaller ones will hop onto your body and suck the life out of you if you’re not careful. Giggi, anybody? By the way, hang onto those Meaty Hides. They’re used for a lot of equipment.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Snow with the Occasional Lagombi Slay 1 Lagombi Frozen Seaway Wound the Lagombi’s head.

You will know when the Lagombi has a wounded head when the ears are half their size. Lagombi starts in Area 3 . Here is your periodical reminder to bring Paintballs!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
The Smell of Fear Hunt a Congalala and a Gendrome Sunken Hollow Wound the Gendrome’s head.

Both monsters will be on the map at the same time, but don’t be intimidated! Use Dung Bombs to shoo one away if they travel to the same area. You may need to throw two. Be sure to paintball both so you can keep tabs on them.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Hanging by a Thread Hunt 2 Nerscylla Primal Forest Topple monster while mounted.

Another multimonster quest. Since Nerscylla are contained to only a few areas in Primal Forest they might come into the same areas a lot. Bring Dung Bombs. Completion of this quest will upgrade your ingredients, so it’s highly recommended you complete it.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Poison Patrol Hunt 2 Gypceros Primal Forest Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear

What is a Wyvern Tear, you ask? When you break the Gypceros’s crest, they will drop a shiny onto the ground that manifests as a blinking white dot. Pick it up and it will be a Wyvern Tear. If you feel like putting in the additional effort, deliver to to the red box at base camp.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
The Walls Have Eyes Hunt a Khezu Frozen Seaway Wound the Khezu’s body.

Area 6 intiates the introductory cutscene. Khezu can be a bit unsettling, especially because no battle music will play. Do not allow this to prevent you from staying on top of your game, though! Make sure you bring Hot Drinks.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Goldenfish Gold Mine Deliver 3 Goldenfish Primal Forest Deliver 3 Small Goldenfish

Area 3 is the fishing area this time. Bring extra Goldenfish bait to speed things along, and Dung Bombs in case a guest monster shows up.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Egg-straction: Wyvern Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs Ancestral Steppe Sever the Rathian’s tail.

Oh no, not another one. Unfortunately, yes, it is another one. Area 9 will initiate the wyvern egg cutscene, but because they’re dragon eggs, they have a mommy, and that mommy is a Rathian! Either hunt her (and try to cut her tail), or use Dung Bombs to send her on her way. Paintball her either way. First egg, you’ll want to go through areas 9, 5, 8, 3, and then 1. On the second go, areas are being blocked (of course), so take this route: areas 9, 5, 8, 4, 2, and then 1.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Troverian Trouble Hunt a Rathian Primeval Forest Wound the Rathian’s head

Bring Antidotes, Rathian has poisoning moves in her arsenal. Area 3 initiates the introductory cutscene. Aim for the head to get subquest rewards.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    30 March 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun, Vincent Lau

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En route to Val Habar, what begins as a bumpy ride in the great desert quickly descends into the fight of your rookie hunter’s life, as a dangerous Elder Dragon appears out of nowhere, threatening to level your ride and the town ahead.

After somehow surviving the attack, your efforts impress the Caravaneer and you’re quickly enlisted into the Caravan. Your mission? To discover the secret of a mysterious “Article”, which will almost surely involve hunting bigger and deadlier monsters in a magical, colorful world that is the world of Monster Hunter.

Overwhelmed? Not so sure what to do? This guide will give you the reference point you need to not only complete the solo campaign with flying colors, but look awesome while doing so!

  • Information regarding Key Quests for both Caravan and Gathering Hall quests.
  • Tips for becoming the best hunter possible–from preparations to Palicos.
  • Breakdown of the 14 unique weapon types and how to wield them to their full potential.
  • Detailed maps and insights for all of the major hunting grounds.
  • Inside scoop on every monster you will face in battle (select postgame monsters pending).

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