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Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

Efficient Planet Scanning (Part 3)

Claire Farnworth
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Krogan DMZ

You’ll enter via the Aralakh ** solar system where the planet Tuchanka ** resides (which plays host to multiple missions). There’s nothing to scan here, so head to the neighbouring solar system of Dranek ** and scan the planet Rothla ** for the Shadow Broker Wet Squad. This find will allow you to complete the Citadel side-mission Barla Von . There’s also a fuel wreckage hidden South-East of the sun, which contains 200 Units of Fuel .

The Nith ** solar system contains a hidden fuel wreck holding 300 Units of Fuel (but nothing else), so only go to it if you’re wanting to 100% every asset in the whole galaxy.

Attican Beta

Inside the Hercules ** solar system, scan the planet Eletania ** for a new War Asset - Interferometric Array . There’s also a fuel wreck located just South of the sun worth 370 Units of Fuel .

In the ‘nearby’ solar system of Theseus ** scan to the right of planet Feros ** to reveal an asset on the planet and a hidden fuel wreck. The planet is hiding War Asset - ExoGeni Scientists. The fuel is worth 240 Units of Fuel .

As with many of the systems, War Assets and Fuel can be found here (left). There’s quite a few assets to be had in this system (right).

Aethon Cluster

In the Aru ** solar system scan to the left of planet Irune ** for an asset on the planet and a fuel wreck to be highlighted. The planet reveals the Book of Plenix for the side-mission Irune: Book of Plenix . The fuel wreck holds 370 Units of Fuel . Now scan the planet Cherk Sab for the War Asset - Volus Fabrication Units .

Head off now to the Esori ** solar system - in here scan the planet Solu Paolis ** for the War Asset - Volus Dreadnought Kwunu . Scanning just south of the planet Kailo ** reveals a fuel wreck harbouring 300 Units of Fuel .

With 100% of the last solar system’s assets uncovered, make your way to the Satu Arrd system where, if you scan south of the planet Nalisin, ** you can pick up the War Asset - Volus Engineering Team . The fuel wreck holds 200 Units of Fuel .

In the third and final solar system in this galaxy, Nura , scan to the right of the planet known as Oma Ker ** for two assets to be highlighted in one scan. The planet has Volus Intelligence Archives (these allow +5% Power Damage Bonus or +5% Health Bonus) and the fuel wreck contains 250 Units of Fuel .

Nimbus Cluster

A large galaxy, you’ll start off in the Pelion ** solar system - scanning the planet Trategos ** will reveal an asset and a fuel wreck. The planet asset is an Intact Reaper Weapon (offers +5% bonus to weapon damage or +5% to ammo capacity). The fuel wreck is worth an impressive 750 Units of Fuel (so only use it when you really need it). If you scan below the Mass Relay, you’ll uncover another hidden fuel wreck worth 650 Units of Fuel . A third - and final - hidden fuel wreck can be found by scanning north of the planet Sthenia; it’s worth another 750 Units of Fuel .

The Kalini ** solar system is rather small, but by scanning just south of the planet Pania ** you’ll uncover a fuel wreck hiding 300 Units of Fuel . There’s no more assets in this area.

Next up is Mesana ** (where the Asari Colony mission can be located on planet Lesuss ). There are no assets to be found here, so don’t waste your time looking.

Agaiou ** hides an asset on the planet Carcosa . The asset is the Library of Asha (used in the Side Mission Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha ). There’s no further assets to find in this solar system.

This massive galaxy holds a few items of interest as well as an enormous amount of fuel (left). You will use up a fair amount of fuel exploring this galaxy so be sure to scan for fuel wrecks (right).

Valhallan Threshold

The solar system you arrive in here, Raheel-Leyya , scan just south of the Micah ** exit point. This will reveal a fuel wreck holding 95 Units of Fuel .

The Micah ** solar system takes a good chunk of fuel to reach and if you scan south of the planet Farlas ** you’ll reveal an asset on the planet and a fuel wreck nearby. The planet holds the War Asset - Element Zero Convertor . Scanning the planet Elohi ** will reveal the War Asset - Emergency Fuel Pods . The fuel wreck is worth 340 Units of Fuel .

Enter the Paz ** solar system, and scan the planet Garvug ** for the artifact Prothean Data Drives (you can take this back to the Citadel to complete the side-mission Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives ). There’s also a fuel wreck located South-East of the sun worth 160 Units of Fuel.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, Wii U, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    15 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills, Claire Farnworth

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