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Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

N7: Cerberus Abductions

Claire Farnworth
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Dog Tags are needed for a Citadel side mission so remember to collect the one found here (left). Look out for troops hiding in buildings and jetting in from the sky (right).

This is a self-contained map with an abundance of Cerberus troops (Assault, Centurion and Engineers only), so if you have armour-piercing powers or other effective ammo-upgrades (such as Disruptor) switch them on for every weapon you have as soon as you land (as they stay activate for the whole mission, giving you an edge against your armoured opponents).

There’s a building 12 o’clock of where you land (you’ll see a woman inside it); run up here and on the left you’ll have a height advantage when protecting the civilians. Pick off the Engineer near the turret in the middle of the street, then destroy the turret and keep an eye out for troops in the open doorway up in front of you (they like to throw grenades your way).

After you’ve killed everyone here, go out to the pillar in front of you and pick up the Dog Tags for the Citadel side mission. There’s also some ammo refills nearby - go up and to the right. Look for the number 97 on a wall and on the ground nearby you’ll find the well-hidden Capacitor Helmet near the dumpster.

Turn around and head into the building labelled ‘27’ and inside you’ll find ammo and a Medical Station (leave that alone for now, but remember its location). Just across the street you’ll encounter two Assault Troopers and a Centurion; bust the skull off the Centurion first and finish off the other two. Make your way over to the civilians and speak to them to get them to follow you.

Battle to the Landing Pad

A small platoon of Cerberus troopers will now turn up and they can put up a pretty good fight if you’re not careful. Be aware of two Assault Troopers attempting to flank you from inside the building to your right; also beware of guards who like to run down the ramp just around the corner, so going into the building opposite will give you an excellent long-range view if you’re of the sniping persuasion.

So, place one comrade by the left-hand door to where you’re standing; they’ll hold off anyone trying to flank you; set another by the entrance to the cabin on the right giving you an undisturbed view of the main street yard.

Most attacks in the first wave will come from the right and left flanks, so leave the colleague on your right to their own devices, as most enemies will come from the left, so help them out until the civilians announce they’re going to move location (this is the trigger for each subsequent wave of enemies).

You must protect the civilians from Cerberus attacks. Watch both flanks until the civilians say they will move location (left). You will be surrounded soon enough (right) so stay in cover.

Get back to the door and move from side to side on the door overlooking the main square as you’ll see guards coming from more angles that way. Snipers will have great fun popping heads with minimal hassle.

Wave three sees Centurions and Engineers running straight down the ramp ahead, making them perfect fodder for your scopes. Just stand still, let them come to you and you’ll win this without too much effort. If you need additional ammo, there’s some on the main street, just below you to your right.

Before you leave, the right-hand cabin holds salvage under the sink worth 2,500 Credits and then look inside the cabin overlooking where you found the Dog Tags, for another 2,500 Credits in between the bunk beds. Jump on the shuttle to end the mission. You’ll be rewarded with +5 Reputation Points and 10,000 Credits for your troubles.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, Wii U, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    15 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills, Claire Farnworth

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