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Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

Best EDI Builds

Matt Chard
1 Comment

This page will show you some of the best builds for your squad mate EDI in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition. Here, you’ll find details on the best abilities to pick, the best weapons to equip, and the best Outfit to wear.

EDI Overview

The Enhanced Defense Intelligence, also known as EDI, was an AI created by Cerberus to assist Shepard aboard the Normandy SR-2 in Mass Effect 2. Due to the potential of rogue AI, Cerberus installed behavioral blocks to restrict her power. EDI was responsible for helping the Normandy elude the Illusive Man when Shepards defects from them, and then pretended to be a simple AI when the Normandy was placed in the Alliance’s possession. Some things happen early in Mass Effect 3 which allows EDI to become a fully fledged playable squad mate.

When do you get EDI

EDI becomes available once you complete the Mission Priority: Palaven, Joker will tell you about a fire in the AI Core room.

Overload and Incinerate Build

This build revolves around maxing out EDI’s Overload and Incinerate, making her an excellent squad mate to bring as she can strip both shields and armor. We then max out her Defense Matrix due to Power Synergy which will increase her Tech Damage by 25% as long as it’s active. Finally, we max out Unshackled AI to increase her Health, Power, Tech and Weapon Damage as well as a 10% Tech Damage and Duration for the entire squad.

Power Upgrade Path
Incinerate Radius > Recharge Speed > Armor Damage
Overload Chain Overload > Recharge Speed > Chain Overload
Defense Matrix Durability > Power Synergy > Power Recharge
Decoy Leave at Level 3
Unshackled AI Power Damage > Tech Damage > Squad Bonus


This section will go into more detail on why the Powers are chosen for this particular build.


Overload is one of the main reasons you bring EDI along. Overload is the best power to use when you want to take down enemies who have shields, which in Mass Effect 3, by taking the Chain Overload passives, you can hit up to two additional enemies with one cast.


Incinerate is a Tech power that can deal fire damage to enemies, it’s great against armored targets, and it can also stop enemies regenerating their health. Furthermore, by taking the final upgrade Armor Damage, it’ll increase your damage to armor an extra 50%.

Defense Matrix

Defense Matrix is a great buff type power, by maxing this out, you’ll gain 5% protection against all sources, and an extra 25% Tech Damage whenever Defense Matrix is activated.


Decoy is an average distraction tool, which could give you some valuable seconds to reposition. Unfortunately, melee enemies will completely ignore it, other than the Geth.

Unshackled AI

Unshackled AI is a unique passive, the final upgrade path will allow you to boost the entire squads Tech Damage and Duration by 10%, making it invaluable for Tech Builds. On top of that, you’ll also gain +80% Power Damage, and +30% Tech Damage for EDI as well as a 30% increase in Health and Shields.

Best Outfit

In Mass Effect 3, each outfit gives squad mates different bonuses. For EDI, choose the Alternate Appearance Pack 1 outfit, as this gives her +25% Recharge Speed.

Best Weapons

This section will talk about what weapons are best for this particular build. This build relies mainly on using your powers, so you’ll want to keep your weight as low as possible. Doing this will keep your cooldowns low, allowing you to use powers more often.

Heavy Pistol

Weapon Base Damage Clip Size Reserve Ammunition Capacity Rate of Fire Accuracy
M-6 Carnifex Medium 6 30 Low Very Low High

The M-6 Carnifex is obtained during the Mission Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists on a pipe in the tunnel immediately after leaving the scientists, it can also be purchased at Kassa Fabrication in the Citadel if you missed it.

The M-6 Carnifex is a pretty strong weapon as it has lowish weight compared to its damage output, equipped with Ultralight Materials to bring the weight down even more, and equipped with a Pistol Scope to give you a decent, lightweight pseudo Sniper Rifle.


Weapon Base Damage Clip Size Reserve Ammunition Capacity Rate of Fire Accuracy
M-358 Talon Medium 4 24 Low Medium High

The M-358 Talon can be obtained during the Mission Priority: The Citadel II inside a locked room. The door control is found in the nearby room used to bypass a malfunctioning door. It is not purchasable from a shop if missed during the mission.

Once again, this weapon is picked purely for its low weight, but make no mistake, it’s no slouch. As the Carnifex is like a lightweight Sniper, the Talon is like a lightweight shotgun. Equip an Ultralight Materials mod, with a Pistol Scope, and you have another strong lightweight weapon that doesn’t interfere with your power usage.

Submachine Gun

Weapon Base Damage Clip Size Reserve Ammunition Capacity Rate of Fire Accuracy
M-9 Tempest Very Low 50 350 Very High Very Fast Medium

The M-9 Tempest can also be found during the Mission Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, early in the mission, next to some Turian bodies after killing the first group of Husks.

This is a great SMG that can compete with some Assault Rifles, this weapon has a high rate of fire, it’s relatively accurate, and it has low weight.

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Noticing how all your party member builds recommend inferior weapons and comment on weight. Weight is only a concern with shephard. It has no effect on party member recharge speeds.

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Noticing how all your party member builds recommend inferior weapons and comment on weight. Weight is only a concern with shephard. It has no effect on party member recharge speeds.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, Wii U, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    15 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills, Claire Farnworth

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For years, a lone soldier has told tales of the Reapers, of their return, of these sentient machines reaching out across the vastness of space, to harvest all sentient life. But the warnings were all for nothing. Until now. The Reapers have at last come to Earth and these warnings can no longer be ignored. You are Commander Shepard, the first human spectre and elite soldier of the Alliance, tasked with uniting the galaxy in the fight to stop the Reapers destroying everything you hold dear. In your hands lies the fate of the entire Milky Way but luckily, this time, you are no longer alone.

  • All side missions completed containing the included DLC.
  • Find every single weapon mod tucked away in the game.
  • In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
  • Full details on all possible Romances.
  • Class builds to get the most out of your chosen class.
  • All Biotic Combos and Tech Bursts explained.
  • Details on every Power.
  • Builds for all squad mates.
  • Trophy/Achievement guide.

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