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Explorer - Rake Rock Point

Scott Peers
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This page details everything you need to know about how to complete the Explorer - Rake Rock Point quest, which can be acquired from an ASL Terminal after speaking with the robot named BURG.L in the Oak Lab. We’ll cover where you can find the trail marker and what materials you need to construct it.

"Trail Marker" iconTrail Marker Reward
Rake Rock Point 100 T_UI_Science_MainChunk.png (Raw Science)

Where to Find the Trail Marker at Rake Rock Point

The Rake Rock Point trail marker can be found on top of the large rock next to the rake, in the southwest part of the lower yard, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The location of Rake Rock Point, in the southwest of the lower yard.

The location of Rake Rock Point, in the southwest of the lower yard. (left), You can either run to the trail marker and quickly build it to avoid the infected bugs, or kill them first. (right)

This can be a dangerous area since it’s close to the Haze Lab, which is surrounded by creatures that are infected. This makes the creatures not only more aggressive, but also more powerful. They will hit harder and they take more hits to kill, so you should be prepared to either avoid them as you run up to the trail marker and quickly build it before running away, or have sufficiently powerful weapons and armor to deal with them. The "Infected Mite" iconInfected Mites shouldn’t be too much trouble, but the "Infected Ladybug" iconInfected Ladybugs may give you a tougher time. Any weapon of the insect level (such as the "Insect Hammer" iconInsect Hammer) and above should serve you well.

Even the Ladybugs in this area are hostile and potentially deadly. You can differentiate them based on appearance from the regular neutral ones.

How to Construct the Rake Rock Point Trail Marker

To construct the trail marker here you’ll need 2 "Sprig" iconSprig, 2 "Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber, and 1 "Clover Leaf" iconClover Leaf. You’ll find plenty of clover leaves and sprigs throughout the grasslands to the east and northeast. Plant Fibers can be extracted from most vegetation as you cut it down, but you’ll also get it from bits on the floor if you’re lucky. The springs are generally found throughout grassy parts of the yard, and often intermingled with the clover leaves.

Trail Marker Materials

Icon Material Quantity
Sprig.png "Sprig" iconSprig x2
Plant Fiber "Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber x2
Clover Leaf "Clover Leaf" iconClover Leaf x1

Once you have all of the materials to construct the trail marker, all you need to do is interact with it and press the key to build. You can then customize the icon and its color if you wish. This icon will be visible on your HUD as you wander through the yard, which basically means that you’ll be able to see it in the distance when you’re facing in the right direction.

How to Disable Trail Markers

With the trail marker constructed, you should have earned 100 Raw Science. You can always disable the trail marker from the map so that it doesn’t display on your HUD if you have no use for it, but it shouldn’t be too intrusive to leave on and they are very useful orienting icons.

Copying Trail Markers

You’ll notice that when you interact with the constructed trail marker, you have an option to copy it. You can do this to create another trail marker nearby, which you can also customize with its own icon and color. This can be useful to mark the location of specific Field Stations on your HUD, or to mark the location of a particularly good farming spot for materials / bugs. You can even just mark a site that you think is pretty, or place the marker at the top of one of your bases, for example.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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