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Where to Find All MIX.Rs

Scott Peers
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This page details where you can find all MIX.R Raids in Grounded. We’ll cover the MIX.Rs in the Lower Yard Grasslands, the Hedge, the Haze, the Upper Yard Grasslands (North of the Picnic Table), and the Sandbox. We will also link to pages which cover strategies for completing each of the raids.

All MIX.R Locations in Grounded

There are currently 5 regular MIX.Rs located throughout the yard in Grounded, 3 of which are located in the lower yard, one in the upper yard, and one in the Sandbox. Each one has different types of enemies that you’ll need to face, and they become increasingly more difficult.

How to Defend Against MIX.R Raids

One of the best ways to ensure that you’re prepared to face these MIX.R Raids, especially if you’re playing alone, is by upgrading your armor and weapons. This will make you much tougher so that you can sustain multiple hits without dying, and it will help you to defeat the waves of enemies more quickly. The less you have to worry about your own defences, the more you can concentrate on protecting the MIX.R.

Aside from upgrading your gear using a Smithing Station, you can also make these MIX.R Raids much easier by constructing defensive structures around them. This can be in the form of one or more layers of "Grass Wall" iconGrass Wall or "Sturdy Wall" iconSturdy Wall panels to begin with, but you may need something tougher, such as "Stem Wall" iconStem Wall or "Mushroom Wall" iconMushroom Wall panels for the more difficult MIX.Rs. You can also place Spike Strips at the base of your wall panels to make it even more difficult for creatures to penetrate, while also providing an additional source of damage against them.

The possibilities for constructing protective structures around a MIX.R are endless, so the limit is your imagination. If you find yourself struggling to fend off the raid of creatures at a particular MIX.R, you can always come back and try again with a more elaborate defensive structure around it. If you need more help with a particular MIX.R Raid, see the individual pages for them using the links below.

What Is the MIX.R Overdrive?

As you begin your first MIX.R Raid you’ll notice that two bars appear at the top of your screen. The one on the left is referred to as the MIX.R Overdrive, and this represents the amount of time left before the raid is complete. Once this bar is completely full, the MIX.R Raid will end and all of the creatures attacking will become neutral as they walk away. It will take approximately 5 - 6 minutes for each MIX.R Raid to be over.

The bar on the top right of your screen represents the health of the MIX.R. If it loses all health the MIX.R will be destroyed. If you fail to defend a MIX.R and allow it to be destroyed by creatures during a raid, you will need to craft a Repair Tool and use it on the MIX.R to restore it, then interact with it again to begin a new raid and try again.

Lower Yard Grasslands

The MIX.R in the Lower Yard Grasslands is the easiest one to complete, and you can try this fairly early on without needing too many upgrades to your armor and weapons. You may not even need to construct any defensive structures, especially if you try it with allies and if you’re wearing something like the Spider Armor with a few upgrades. You’ll find it in the northwest part of the Lower Yard Grasslands, as shown in the screenshot below.

You will face the following creatures during this MIX.R Raid:

(1 of 2) The location of the MIX.R in the Lower Yard Grasslands.

The location of the MIX.R in the Lower Yard Grasslands. (left), You’ll find the MIX.R surrounded by grass. (right)

The Hedge

This MIX.R is located in the east part of the Hedge, itself located in the southeast of the Lower Yard, as shown in the screenshot below. This MIX.R Raid is significantly more difficult than the one in the Lower Yard Grasslands, and you’ll need to construct tougher defences to keep the machine safe. You can still use multiple layers of the Grass Wall panels if you want, but the Sturdy Wall or Stem Wall panels will be a much safer bet. Towards the end of this raid you may find yourself overwhelmed by enemies, so it’s worth constructing a place that you can retreat to while still defending, such as a small tower that you can fire arrows from.

You will face the following creatures during this MIX.R Raid:

(1 of 2) The location of the MIX.R in the Hedge, in the southeast of the yard.

The location of the MIX.R in the Hedge, in the southeast of the yard. (left), This raid will almost certainly be in the dark, unless you’re lucky with light shining through the Hedge or if you use your own source of light. (right)

The Haze

This MIX.R is located within the Haze, which is in the southwest part of the Lower Yard. It’s actually underneath the porch area which appears outside of the Haze on your map, as shown in the screenshot below. However, you will need a "Gas Mask" iconGas Mask to reach the area without dying to the toxic fumes which are present the area. You can either run past the infected creatures or kill them as you go, but once you arrive at the MIX.R you should get building. This one will need more substantial structures to protect the machine, since some of the infected creatures, especially the "Infected Weevil" iconInfected Weevil, will cause explosive damage when they get close to the MIX.R.

You will also need to contend with "Infected Mite" iconInfected Mite enemies, which are capable of spitting at the MIX.R from a great distance. As soon as you see these you should kill them quickly. The "Infected Ladybug" iconInfected Ladybug will also be present, and they’ll take a lot more damage to kill. They will also cast projectiles at the MIX.R, but they have a much shorter range than the Infected Mite. Be sure to build some Spike Strips around the base of your protective wall panels, and we’d recommend using at least one layer of Stem Wall panels, preferably more.

You will face the following creatures during this MIX.R Raid:

  • Infected Mite
  • Infected "Weevil" iconWeevil
  • Infected Larva
  • Infected Ladybug

(1 of 2) The location of the MIX.R in the Haze, in the southwest of the Lower Yard.

The location of the MIX.R in the Haze, in the southwest of the Lower Yard. (left), The MIX.R here is located just beneath some of the porch flooring. (right)

Upper Yard Grasslands

The MIX.R in the Upper Yard Grasslands is located just north of the Picnic Table or northwest of the BBQ Spill. You will need to gain access to the Upper Yard before you can reach it, so if you haven’t done this yet be sure to check our page on How to Reach the Upper Yard. This MIX.R Raid represents a fairly significant increase in difficulty compared with the others, so you’ll want to make sure that you’ve upgraded your armor and weapons further using a Smithing Station. You will generally find that you’re much tougher after upgrading lower tier armor than you will be if you use a higher tier armor with no upgrades, so keep this in mind. The same applies to weapons: if you craft a new weapon with no upgrades, it may not inflict as much damage as your lower tier weapon does if it has been significantly upgraded.

The main difference that you’ll experience with this MIX.R is that you’ll now face some attacks from the air. There are only two types of creatures which attack you during this raid:

The Black Soldier Ants are fairly easy to deal with so long as you attack them as soon as they appear and keep their numbers thin, but the Mosquitos can become a real pain if you allow them free reign to attack from above. We’d recommend building a roof structure to protect the MIX.R from above, or use floor panels so that you can stand on the roof as you attack with your bow. You can also choose to wait for the Mosquitos to come to you so that you can attack them in melee, but this will give the ants more time to break the defences from below.

(1 of 2) The location of the MIX.R in the Upper Yard Grasslands, north of the Picnic Table or northwest from the BBQ Spill.

The location of the MIX.R in the Upper Yard Grasslands, north of the Picnic Table or northwest from the BBQ Spill. (left), It’s worth building a roof structure to protect this MIX.R from the Mosquitos. (right)

The Sandbox

The MIX.R located within the Sandbox is arguably the most difficult of all in this list. You won’t be able to complete this MIX.R Raid during the day due to the Sizzle Effect that will cause you to overheat if you’re exposed. The only way around this would be to construct a structure which provided you with shade, but it’s much easier to do this one at night. If you haven’t accessed the Sandbox yet, be sure to check our page on How to Reach the Sandbox in Grounded.

There is only one type of enemy that you’ll be facing during this MIX.R raid, but it’s a tough one:

The Antlion is one of the most damaging creatures that you can encounter in Grounded, so you’ll need to make sure that you have decent upgraded armor and weapons. It’s worth eating a meal such as the "Black Ox Burger" iconBlack Ox Burger which increases your max health for this raid. As with most of the higher level MIX.R Raids, you should also construct sturdy defences with multiple layers of wall panels, with at least Stem Wall panels or better. You can also place spikes at the base of these walls, but ultimately they won’t do much damage to the Antlion enemies. What will inflict more damage is a weapon that inflicts Salt damage, so if you can upgrade one of your weapons with this that will be useful.

If you get too close to these Antlions it can be dangerous if you don’t have sufficiently upgraded armor, so ranged weapons might be preferable. In this case you should have a reserve of Gas or Bomb arrows to use, which will be handy when fighting multiple enemies. However, keep in mind that if you get too close to an explosion or gas cloud, you will also sustain damage, so try not to damage yourself or your own structures too much with these, and fire them as soon as Antlion enemies arrive when they’re (hopefully) further away from the MIX.R.

(1 of 2) The location of the MIX.R in the Sandbox.

The location of the MIX.R in the Sandbox. (left), You’ll need to do this MIX.R raid during the night to avoid the sizzle effect. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Grounded is a survival game published by Oblivion Entertainment. It has been in early access since July 2020, and was fully released on September 27th, 2022.

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