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Grounded Creature Cards Guide: Locations and Tips

Craig Robinson
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Grounded has a game mechanic called ‘Creature Cards’, which allows players to snap images of creatures and collect information about them. This is a fun little mini-game players can do to help them get achievements, along with providing useful information on how to combat the little critters. Here is everything you need to know about the Grounded Create Cards.

We shine a light in teh dark to help you find all the creature cards in the game.

Creature Card Overview

Grounded’s creature card system allows players to enter a sort of binocular mode, called PEEP-R, allowing them to scan the area. If a creature you have not yet photographed comes along, you will get to see question marks at the bottom of the screen, along with an option to press a button and snap a photo of them. The controls of this will depend on the platform you use, but players on PC can enter the mode by pressing ‘X’ and then document the creature by pressing ‘E’. Controller players Xbox-ButtonY and then Xbox-BumperRight to document the creature.

Once you have successfully seen a creature and documented it, you then get a creature card. These creature cards go into the Data folder in your game menu. Each creature card you collect will then show a little cartoon image. Clicking a creature’s card will then reveal information about the creature, including the creature’s weaknesses. This allows players to learn which weapons and elemental weapon types are effective against which creatures. More so, you also get a stat tracker, which shows you how many times you have beaten this creature.

Lastly, there’s a chance when you take a peep at the creature, you may get a gold card. These are just another cool collectible for 100% completionists to acquire. You can also get gold cards by killing and looting the corpses of these creatures too. You can also get an achievement for collecting every single creature card in Grounded.

Grounded Creature Card Collection Guide

This section will teach you the easiest ways to get all the creature cards in Grounded. Note we have linked to our map to relevant places on the map where you can expect to find these creatures for most of the listing in the table.

Creature Easiest Location
"Antlion" iconAntlion Commonly found in the Sandbox area of the map
"Aphid" iconAphid Very common small green bug found scurrying across the ground in all grassy areas.
"ARC.R" iconARC.R Pond Lab
"Assistant Manager" iconAssistant Manager Black Anthill Lab
"Black Ox Beetle" iconBlack Ox Beetle Upper Grasslands area, like the Shed Surroundings trenches.
"Bee" iconBee Often seen around the Picnic Table.
"Black Soldier Ant" iconBlack Soldier Ant Found defending the Black Anthill, with entrances around the Trash Heap and the Sandbox
"Black Widow" iconBlack Widow Found in small caves around the Moldorc castle
"Black Widowling" iconBlack Widowling Guarded by the "Black Widow" iconBlack Widow, which is inside the caves around the Moldorc Castle.
"Black Worker Ant" iconBlack Worker Ant Often found inside the Black Anthill and its entrances, on the Shed entrance,
Bombadier Beetle Bombardier Beetle istypically found in the flooded area to the east of the grasslands. We have seen one near the "Larva" iconLarva Cave resting near the Acorn entrance.
Director Schmector Optional boss in the Mysterious Lab below the Moldorc Castle.
Diving Bell Spider Often found swimming in the Koi Pond or in the swimmable pipes near the Haze.
"Dust Mite" iconDust Mite Found near the Shed Mat.
Fire Soldier Ant Found near the Lawnmower Anthill, which is in the top right area of the map.
Fire Worker Ant Found near the Lawnmower Anthill, which is in the top right area of the map.
"Firefly" iconFirefly Found in the Hedge or the Oak tree areas of the map, located in the southeast corner of the map.
"Gnat" iconGnat You can find these around the light to the south of the Oak Tree.
"Green Shield Bug" iconGreen Shield Bug You can find one below the Shed Porch in the Buster Cap Gun room.
"Grub" iconGrub You can dig these up from the dirt tremors around the Oak tree with a pebblet shovel.
Hedge "Broodmother" iconBroodmother A boss you spawn once you get the "Broodmother BLT" iconBroodmother BLT from the Ledge Lab.
"Infected Ladybug" iconInfected Ladybug Found in the Haze area or in the Haze Lab.
Infected "Larva" iconLarva Found in the Haze trench area or in Haze Lab.
Infected "Gnat" iconGnat Found flying around the Haze area.
"Infected Mite" iconInfected Mite In the Haze or in the Flower Bed after you seal the weed killer.
"Infected Weevil" iconInfected Weevil Commonly spotted in the Haze grassy areas
Infected Wolf Spider Spawns after the weed killer is sealed, where Wolf Spiders typically spawn.
"Ladybird" iconLadybird Found underneath the Shed decking and the surrounding areas.
"Ladybird Larva" iconLadybird Larva You can find these in the "Charcoal Hot Springs" iconCharcoal Hot Springs and BBQ Spill by digging them up with a shovel.
"Larva" iconLarva There is a Larva cave south-east of the Oak Tree
"Lawn Mite" iconLawn Mites Spawn eating the cable of the broken lazer for the Mysterious Machine Quest.
Mantis A boss you summon after crafting the "Orchid Mantis" iconOrchid Mantis Kebab and placing it in the Orchid Pot on the Shed’s decking.
Mant A boss creature found in the "Undershed" iconUndershed Lab
"Meaty Gnat" iconMeaty Gnat Flying around the Trash Heap in the southwest corner of the map.
"Mosquito" iconMosquito Commlnmy found near water areas in the grasslands, such as the Koi Pond and the water near the Picnic Table.
"Moth" iconMoth Can be found near the Stump in the northeast area of the map.
Orb Weaver Commonly found in the Grasslands, Hedge, and Oak Tree.
"Orb Weaver Jr" iconOrb Weaver Jr. Easiest to find them in the Hedge or near the Oak Tree.
"Red Soldier Ant" iconRed Soldier Ant Found in the northwest area of the grasslands, near the Ice Cap tub or in the Red Anthill.
"Red Worker Ant" iconRed Worker Ant Found in the northwest area of the grasslands, near the Ice Cap tub or the Red Anthill.
"Roly Poly" iconRoly Poly You can find these in the Upper grasslands. Some normally spawn near the Upper Ascent.
"RUZ.T" iconRUZ.T Robot in the Hedge and near the Hede Lab.
"Scarab" iconScarab Run around the Upper Grasslands, often seen scurrying around the trenches behind the BBQ and the Charcoal Hot Springs.
"Sickly Roly Poly" iconSickly Roly Poly Trash Heap in the southwest corner of the map.
"Spiderling" iconSpiderling Inside Spider caves, such as the Hamster Cave below the rake near the haze/grasslands area border.
Spiny Water Flea Inside the water ponds around Moldorc castle and its surrounding areas.
"Stinkbug" iconStinkbug Around the outskirts of the grasslands, typically near the koi pond or the swamp to the east.
"Tadpole" iconTadpole Found swimming in the Koi Pond.
"TAYZ.T" iconTAYZ.T In all the major labs in the game.
"Termite King" iconTermite King In the throne of the Termite Mound, in the very northwest of the map near the bike.
"Termite Soldier" iconTermite Soldier Inside the Termite Mound, northwest of the map.
"Termite Worker" iconTermite Worker Inside the Termite Mound, northwest of the map.
Tick Around the Stump in the Northeast of the map.
Tiger "Mosquito" iconMosquito Surround the watery areas near the Moldorc Castle and its surrounding areas.
"Water Boatman" iconWater Boatman Passive creature found in the Koi Pond.
Water Flea Passive Creature in the Koi Pond.
"Weevil" iconWeevil Commonly found in the grasslands
Wolf Spider Guaranteed to find them in the Oak tree den and under the BBQ lid.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Grounded is a survival game published by Oblivion Entertainment. It has been in early access since July 2020, and was fully released on September 27th, 2022.

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