Supreme Plating Upgrades
Supreme material used to upgrade armors to near perfection.
Players will need to use this material to upgrade pieces of their armor from level 7 to level 9 at the Smithing Station. Players can create Smithing Stations at their base by going into the craft menu, opening storage and utilites, and then selecting the Smithing Station in the misc category.
Players should expect to gather atleast 6 Supreme Platings to upgrade a piece of armour from level 7-9.
You will also need to get the Stump Lab Burgl chip, and unlock the Advanced Smithing: Mighty Jewel research for the raw science.
How to Find this Item
There are two ways to craft the Suprmee Plating, which both require the Workbench in ordeer to do so. The two methods are:
- 1x
Sap, 1x
Ladybird Shell
- 1x
Supreme Marble Shard.
The first method requires players to get Sap, which is a commonly found natural resource that players will find from their Sap Collector in their base, along with finding along wooden areas of the map. As for the Ladbird Shell, this is an item players will find from defeating Ladybirds, which is the more agressive variation of the Ladybug species. You can typically find these Ladybird enemies around teh shed area the very top part of the map. They tend to patrol the shed, alongside being in the ground trenches and near the BBQ spill area. Note you will likely need a
Mint Mace, as Ladybirds are weak to fresh damage.
As for the second option, players will find Supreme Marble Shards as they explore the world. These items are very rare to find, and are typically in the more harder to reach areas of the map. One of the easiest to find is in the four leaf clover cave, which is an underwater cave players find in the grasslands area. There’s also some T3 Marble in the trench beside the stepping stones to the house in the haze area, underneath the yellow brick and the salt mine in the sandbox. There’s also some in the Koi pond cave with the Anthead totems. One of the hardest places but the most rewards in the bike basket near the shed. It’s hard to climb up there but you can either build up, or stack big items you can drop and use them as a jump boost, such as Grass Planks, Acron Shells, or any other item you can drop and physically climb on.
Tier IIIRequires

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