Supreme Whetstone Upgrades
Supreme material used to upgrade weapons to near perfection.
This item is crucial to upgrading your weapons from level 7 to level 9 by using them to craft the elemental, and/or mighty jewels.
How to Find this Item
There are two ways to obtain Supreme Whetstones, and both require the use of a workbench.
The first option is to purchase the “Advanced Smithing: Mighty Jewel” recipe for 2,500 Raw Science which is obtained by acquiring the Stump BURG.L Chip from the end of the Stump Lab Outpost. This option will give you the finite version of the recipe which requires the following materials:
The Second option is obtained by defeating the final boss at Castle Moldorc in the Mysterious Lab. This recipe has infinite uses, and can be crafted with the following materials:
- 1x
- 1x
Black Ox Horn
Each craft of either recipe will yield just the one whetstone.
Players can get their hands on the Supreme Quartzite Shards through a variety of locations. There are some early game areas, including the 4 leaf clover cave, and the Koi pond cave with the ant head totems. Both of these will require underwater light and diving gear to access. Players can also find more shards in the sandbox cave areas, the termite mound, and in the bike basket.
Tier IIIRequires

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