Sturdy Whetstone Upgrades
Sturdy material used to upgrade weapons even further.
Sturdy Whetstones are an item that players will craft as part of their weapon upgrading process. Players will use Sturdy Whetstones in their craft of any of the Glob elemental items, which are used to upgrade various elemental weapon types.
Players will need to collect around 15 Sturdy Quartzite Sahrds to upgrade a weapon from level 5 to level 7. Players may neeed 30 if they opt to progress through the mighty weapon upgrade path instead.
Players will unlock this recipe after acquigin the Black Hill BURGL chip, and buying the Advanced Smithing: Mighty Glob research for 2500 raw science.
How to Find this Item
There are two ways to craft Sturdy Whetstones in Grounded. Both methods requiore players to visit a workbench and craft them using one of the following recipes:
- 1x
Sap, 1x
Ladybird Shell.
- 1x
Sturdy Quartzite Shard.
The first method will require players to get sap. This is a commonly found material, which you can passively get via your Sap collecter players can build in their bases. The other material they require is the Ladybird shell. These enemies are typically found in the trenches around the BBQ spill site, along with the shed surroundings. It is easier to beat these enemies by using mint weapons or weapons embued with the fresh elemental type.
The other method is by finding Sturdy Quartzite shards. These are fairly common in the later stages of the game, and can be reliably found via the mid to late game labs, in caves, and the dungeon areas. Players can expect to find some in the early game dungeon areas, like the Red Anthill, along with the Hamster cave, Broken Lazer cave, the Larva/ Acorn cave, all of which are in the grasslands area, albeit in limited supply. Other great areas for higher geared players are in the Sandbox caves, Termite cave, and other end game locations.
Tier IIRequires

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