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Icon Title Description Points of Interest Region Bestiary Screenshots
Item icon
Aracheole Stronghold

Aracheole Stronghold is an imperial base located in the southwestern…

"Battery Soldier" iconBattery Soldier Imperial
"Imperial Sniper" iconImperial Sniper Imperial
"MA Veles" iconMA Veles Imperial
"MA-X Maniple" iconMA-X Maniple Imperial
"Magitek Axeman" iconMagitek Axeman Imperial
Item icon
Burbost Souvenir Emporium

A small outpost found in the Cleigne region. This is a good place…

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Cape Caem

Promontory offering a sweeping view of the majestic Cygillan…

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Cauthess Rest Area

The Cauthess Rest Area is a small outpost located in the southern…

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Coernix Station - Alstor

The Coernix Station - Alstor Outpost is a gas station and rest…

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Coernix Station - Cauthess

The Coernix Station - Cauthess Outpost is a gas station and rest…

Item icon
Formouth Garrison

Formouth Garrison is a military installation located in the Leide…

"Battery Soldier" iconBattery Soldier Imperial
"Imperial Sniper" iconImperial Sniper Imperial
"MA Hoplomachus" iconMA Hoplomachus Imperial
"MA Veles-Bis" iconMA Veles-Bis Imperial
"MA-X Dux" iconMA-X Dux Imperial
"MA-X Maniple" iconMA-X Maniple Imperial
"Magitek Assassin" iconMagitek Assassin Imperial
"Magitek Axeman" iconMagitek Axeman Imperial
Item icon
Fort Vaullerey

Fort Vaullerey is a large military installation located in the…

"Aranea" iconAranea Imperial
"Battery Soldier" iconBattery Soldier Imperial
"Imperial Sniper" iconImperial Sniper Imperial
"MA Veles" iconMA Veles Imperial
Item icon
Galdin Quay

Stunning seaside getaway along the Vannath Coast in southern…

"Black Flan" iconBlack Flan Daemon
"Garchimacera" iconGarchimacera Daemon
"Goblin" iconGoblin Daemon
"Hobgoblin" iconHobgoblin Daemon
"Iron Giant" iconIron Giant Daemon
"Lich" iconLich Daemon
"Naga" iconNaga Daemon
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Daemon
"Tonberry" iconTonberry Daemon
Item icon

Pit stop situated in the easternmost reaches of the Lucian continent.…

"Mesmenir" iconMesmenir Leide
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Keycatrich Ruins

Though nary a trace of its rich past remains, Keycatrich was…

Item icon

A bustling industrial town in northern Cleigne. Despite imperial…

"Brutal Bee" iconBrutal Bee Duscae
"Killer Bee" iconKiller Bee Duscae
Item icon
Longwythe Peak

Colossal crag towering over the Weaverwilds in central Leide.…

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Longwythe Rest Area

The Longwythe Rest Area is a small outpost located in the Leide…

"Sabertusk" iconSabertusk Leide
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Meldacio Hunter HQ

Base of operations for the organization tasked with defending…

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Old Lestallum

The oldest town in Cleigne. One day, pioneers hoping to explore…

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Perpetouss Keep

Perpetouss Keep is a Niflheim military base. This area was initially…

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Prairie Outpost

Hunter encampment in northern Leide. Although Meldacio HQ thought…

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Saxham Outpost

Small hamlet founded founded by settlers from Lestallum hoping…

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Taelpar Rest Area

The Taelpar Rest Area is a small, peaceful outpost located in…

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The Nebulawood

Fog-laden forest located in the western Malacchi Hills. Often…

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The Three Valleys

The Three Valleys populate the center of the Leide region. The…

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The Vesperpool

The Vesperpool region is a large, sprawling area located in the…

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Verinas Mart - Ravatogh

The Verinas Mart - Ravatogh Outpost is a small trading post located…

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Wiz Chocobo Post

Duscaen dude ranch focused on the protection and propagation…

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