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Icon Title Description Location Region Bestiary Screenshots
Item icon
Balouve Mines

Excavating facility dug out of the Callaegh Steps. These mines…

Found in the mountains to the southeast of the Longwythe Rest…

"Aramusha" iconAramusha Daemon
"Goblin" iconGoblin Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Killer Wasp" iconKiller Wasp Cleigne
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Psychomancer" iconPsychomancer Daemon
Item icon
Costlemark Tower

Enormous tower constructed millennia ago by the ancient civilization…

Found to the southeast of the Cauthess Rest Area Outpost, in…

"Bilröst" iconBilröst Duscae
"Braindrainer" iconBraindrainer Daemon
"Bussemand" iconBussemand Daemon
"Ereshkigal" iconEreshkigal Daemon
"Flan" iconFlan Daemon
"Galvanade" iconGalvanade Daemon
"Garchimacera" iconGarchimacera Daemon
"Gelatin" iconGelatin Daemon
"Havocfang" iconHavocfang Cleigne
"Iron Giant" iconIron Giant Daemon
"Jabberwock" iconJabberwock Duscae
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Nagarani" iconNagarani Daemon
"Red Giant" iconRed Giant Daemon
"Serpentess" iconSerpentess Daemon
"Uttu" iconUttu Daemon
Item icon
Crestholm Channels

Flood control facility once under direct control of the royal…

The Crestholm Channels can be found just outside the gates that…

"Black Flan" iconBlack Flan Daemon
"Bussemand" iconBussemand Daemon
"Coraldevil" iconCoraldevil Cleigne
"Ereshkigal" iconEreshkigal Daemon
"Gaiatoad" iconGaiatoad Cleigne
"Gelatin" iconGelatin Daemon
"Havocfang" iconHavocfang Cleigne
"Hvitrormr" iconHvitrormr Cleigne
"Jormungand" iconJormungand Leide
"Malbodoom" iconMalbodoom Cleigne
"Manxom" iconManxom Leide
"Nagarani" iconNagarani Daemon
"Phalaris" iconPhalaris Duscae
"Seadevil" iconSeadevil Cleigne
Item icon
Daurell Caverns

Series of caves situated in the once resource-rich Schier Heights.…

Found at Schier Heights, located to the south of the Duscae…

"Custard" iconCustard Daemon
"Dolce" iconDolce Daemon
"Hecteyes" iconHecteyes Daemon
"Iron Giant" iconIron Giant Daemon
"Iseultalon" iconIseultalon Daemon
"Mahanaga" iconMahanaga Daemon
"Malbodoom" iconMalbodoom Cleigne
"Necromancer" iconNecromancer Daemon
"Ronin" iconRonin Daemon
"Sir Tonberry" iconSir Tonberry Daemon
Item icon
Disc of Cauthess

Circular crater created when the Meteor crash-landed into the…

Found in the center of the Duscae region, you will visit this…

Item icon
Fociaugh Hollow

Grotto tucked away deep in the woods of Malacchi Hills. After…

Found in the Malacchi Hills, located to the east of Wiz Chocobo…

"Aramusha" iconAramusha Daemon
"Chandravarma" iconChandravarma Daemon
"Ganymede" iconGanymede Daemon
"Hobgoblin" iconHobgoblin Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Naga" iconNaga Daemon
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Daemon
"Thunder Bomb" iconThunder Bomb Daemon
"Ziggurat" iconZiggurat Daemon
Item icon
Greyshire Glacial Grotto

Fabled “waterfall cave” tucked away behind Callatein’s Plunge.…

Found to the northwest of Cleigne. You must go down to the stream…

"Arachne" iconArachne Daemon
"Ariadne" iconAriadne Daemon
"Elder Coeurl" iconElder Coeurl Duscae
"Flan" iconFlan Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Kengo" iconKengo Daemon
"Kingatrice" iconKingatrice Cleigne
"Kokyangwuti" iconKokyangwuti Daemon
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Ronin" iconRonin Daemon
"Royalisk" iconRoyalisk Cleigne
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Daemon
Item icon
Keycatrich Trench

The Keycatrich Trench is a long-abandoned dungeon located in…

Found to the far north of the Leide region, in the Keycatrich…

"Arachne" iconArachne Daemon
"Bavarois" iconBavarois Daemon
"Black Flan" iconBlack Flan Daemon
"Ereshkigal" iconEreshkigal Daemon
"Galvanade" iconGalvanade Daemon
"Goblin" iconGoblin Daemon
"Imperial Sniper" iconImperial Sniper Imperial
"Lakhmu Flan" iconLakhmu Flan Daemon
"Magitek Axeman" iconMagitek Axeman Imperial
"Marshmallow" iconMarshmallow Daemon
"Tarantula" iconTarantula Daemon
Item icon
Malmalam Thicket

Densely grown jungle feared by many as the alleged home of “the…

Located in the southwestern part of the Cleigne region in the…

"Bandersnatch" iconBandersnatch Cleigne
"Flan" iconFlan Daemon
"Gelatin" iconGelatin Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Mandrake" iconMandrake Cleigne
"Naga" iconNaga Daemon
"Soldier Wasp" iconSoldier Wasp Cleigne
Item icon
Pitioss Ruins

Ancient Solheim training grounds situated in southwestern Cleigne…

Located in the northwestern portion of Cleigne In order to…

Item icon
Steyliff Grove

Stone mausoleum built by the ancient people of Solheim, who saw…

Found to the northeast of the Vesperpool sub-region in the Cleigne…

"Custard" iconCustard Daemon
"Daemonwall" iconDaemonwall Daemon
"Dolce" iconDolce Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Iron Giant" iconIron Giant Daemon
"Killer Wasp" iconKiller Wasp Cleigne
"Kingatrice" iconKingatrice Cleigne
"Lich" iconLich Daemon
"Matcha Mousse" iconMatcha Mousse Daemon
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Necromancer" iconNecromancer Daemon
"Psychomancer" iconPsychomancer Daemon
"Quetzalcoatl" iconQuetzalcoatl Cleigne
"Reaper" iconReaper Daemon
"Regaltrice" iconRegaltrice Cleigne
"Royalisk" iconRoyalisk Cleigne
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Daemon
"Tonberry" iconTonberry Daemon
"Wyvern" iconWyvern Cleigne
Item icon
The Myrlwood

The Myrlwood Dungeon is a dense, dark forest located in the Cleigne…

Northwest of the Cleigne region, to the west of the Vesperpool.…

Item icon
The Rock of Ravatogh

Emblematic volcano situated in southwest Cleigne. Often cited…

Found to the west of the Cleigne region, in the Ravatogh sub-region.…

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