Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Description Ingredients How to Obtain Effect SP Favorite Of
Item icon
Ace Hunter's Schnitzel

(Coernix Station - Cauthess) go east of station on door of shack…

Attack +120, HP +400

Item icon
Allural Sea bass Fillet

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Allural Shallot

Lestallum (Furloch Farm), Meldacio HQ

Item icon

Old Lestallum

Item icon
Anak Meat

Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum…

Item icon
Anointed Allural Sea Bass

Acquire Allural Sea bass (Galdin Shaols) has two catches Evening…

Attack +200, HP +1000, Magic +150

Item icon
Arapaima Roe

Altissa (Gambereto) (or win in monster arena)

Item icon
Barramundi Fillet

Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Battered Barramundi

Checkpoint poster in (Galdin Quay) near the beach and arms dealer…

Attack +100, HP +500

Item icon
Beanball Croquettes

Alpine Stable Parking Lot near Pallereth pass in ruined building…

HP +500, Resilient: Prevents most status ailments

Item icon

Lestallum (Furloch Farm), Old Lestallum

Item icon
Behemoth Tenderloin

Lestallum (Furloch Farm), Meldacio HQ

Item icon
Big Bread Buns


HP +600, Regen +50%

Item icon
Bird Broth Rice and Curry


Attack +80, HP +250, Regen +25%

Item icon
Birdbeast Egg

Hammerhead, Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Wiz…

Item icon
Blazing Braised Gizzard

Acquire Sahagin Liver

Magic +300, Regen +50%

Item icon
Breaded Cutlet with Tomato (Ignis)

Cooking Lvl 4

Attack +60, HP +250

Icon for <span>Ignis</span> Ignis

Item icon
Broiled King-on-a-Stick

Catch King Trout (THE VESPERPOOL - ISLET) Morning with bait Hot…

Attack +300, Hp +1500, Resilient: Prevents most status ailments…

Item icon
Bulette Shank

Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum (Fallstar), Old Lestallum, Meldacio HQ…

Item icon
Burly Bean Bowl

A favorite recipe of Prompto, the Burly Bean Bowl boosts both…

You can acquire the recipe for Burly Bean Bowl by buying some…

Attack Boost (Level 4) Strength +40 HP Boost (Level 6): Max…

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Caem Pinkshrimp

Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon

Simple canned sandwich.

"Cleigne Wheat" iconCleigne Wheat Ingredients

Watch a woman eat it at (Praerie Outpost) after Chapter 3. She…

Attack +100, HP +300

Item icon
Carp of the Diem (Gladiolus)

Rinsed & Chilled Carp Sashimi Bouquet.This food was added in…

"Lucian Carp" iconLucian Carp Fish
"Kettier Ginger" iconKettier Ginger Ingredient

Lucian Carp can be acquired at Saxham Reservoir with Baits Roulette:…

Attack +100, HP +1500, Poisonproof: Prevents poison

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Charcuterie on Toast

Magnificent Ham on Toast.

"Fine Gighee Ham" iconFine Gighee Ham Ingredient

Fine Gighee Ham can be purchased at the food vendor in Wiz Chocobo,…

Strength +80, HP +200

Item icon
Chickatrice Leg

Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum (Fallstar), Old Lestallum, Meldacio HQ…

Item icon
Chilled Food Tin

Automatic from the camp during chapter 12.

HP +100, Attack/Strength +30


Item icon
Chilli Con Carne


Attack +20, HP +50

Item icon

HammerHead, Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Lestallum…

Item icon
Chocobo Club Sandwich

Wiz Chocobo Post

Attack +80, HP +400, Toadproof

Item icon
Classic Tomato & Egg Stir-fry

"Birdbeast Egg" iconBirdbeast Egg Ingredients

Read the Orienteering Checkpoint G poster at the silo to the…

Attack +200, HP Regen 50%

Item icon
Cleigne Darkshell

Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Cleigne Mollusk

Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Cleigne Wheat

Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum…

Item icon
Creamy Bisque

"Wild Onion" iconWild Onion Ingredients
"Leiden Pepper" iconLeiden Pepper Ingredient

Karlabos Claw can be found west of Cape Caem down by the shore…

Attack/Strength +160, Regen +100%.

Item icon
Creamy Crustacean Omelette

Obtain a Shieldshears Claw from the Shieldshears giant crab…

Attack/Strength +100, Magic +100, HP +400

Item icon
Creamy Fowl Sauté

Chicken in White Sauce.

"Daggerquill Breast" iconDaggerquill Breast Ingredient
"Sheep Milk" iconSheep Milk Ingredient
"Funguar" iconFunguar Ingredient

Improve Cooking to Lvl 5.

Attack/Strength +80, HP +400, Poisonproof: Prevents poison. …


Item icon
Creamy Milk Risotto

Mild Milk Risotto

"Sheep Milk" iconSheep Milk Ingredient
"Saxham Rice" iconSaxham Rice Ingredient

Reach Cooking Skill Lv. 8.

HP +600, Regen +75%, Toadproof: Prevents Toad.


Item icon
Crispy Cheese Pizza

Browned Cheese Pizza.

This food is only available for preordering the game as part…

Attack +100, Endurance Boost, Poisonproof: Prevents poison


Item icon
Crispy Fish Fritterwich

Crispy Fried Seafood Sandwich.

"Zipper Baramundi Fillet" iconZipper Baramundi Fillet Ingredients
"Cleigne Wheat" iconCleigne Wheat Ingredient

Catch a Zipper Baramundi at Rachsia Bridge in the Daytime with…

Attack +160, HP +800

Item icon
Crispy Zu Skewers

"Zu Tender" iconZu Tender Ingredient
"Fine Cleigne Wheat" iconFine Cleigne Wheat Ingredients

Acquire Zu meat from the hunt quest in Ravatogh.

HP +2000, Critical Boost 80%


Item icon
Croaker in Brown Sauce

Greattoad with Demi-glace Sauce.

"Funguar" iconFunguar Ingredient

Saxham Outpost farm. There is a picnic table under the overhang…

Attack +150, HP+600, Toadproof: Prevents Toad

Item icon
Croque Madame

Fluffy Fried Egg on Toast.

"Birdbeast Egg" iconBirdbeast Egg Ingredients
"Gighee Ham" iconGighee Ham Ingredient

Default at start.

Attack +30


Item icon
Crown City Dive-Style Dumplings

Royal City Downtown’s Xiaolongbao.

"Bulette Shank" iconBulette Shank Ingredients
"Cleigne Wheat" iconCleigne Wheat Ingredient
"Leiden Pepper" iconLeiden Pepper Ingredient

Read Orienteering Checkpoint B, found on a wall in the West…

Attack +100, Magic +100, HP +300

Item icon
Crown City Roast

Royal City-Style Rare Roast.

"Jabberwock Sirloin" iconJabberwock Sirloin Ingredient
"Leiden Pepper" iconLeiden Pepper Ingredient

Defeat the Jabberwock in Costlemark Tower Dungeon or from the…

Attack +400, HP +3000


Item icon
Cup Noodle


Item icon
Cup Noodles (Gladiolus)


"Cup Noodle" iconCup Noodle Ingredients

Purchased at the cup noodle truck in Lestallum.

Attack +30, HP +300


Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Cup Noodles Behemoth Round (Gladiolus)

Behemoth Round.

"Behemoth Round" iconBehemoth Round Key Items

Sidequest: The Perfect Cup (Gladio) during chapter 8 after power…

Attack +30, HP +300


Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Cup Noodles Real Taste (Gladiolus)

Real taste.

"Cup Noodle" iconCup Noodle Ingredients

After Sidequest: Perfect Cup (Gladio).

Attack +80, HP +500, Exp Boost 20%


Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Cygillan Crab

Lestallum (Prissock), Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Daggerquill Breast

Prairie Outpost, Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum (Fallstar), Meldacio…

Item icon
Dank Barramundi Fillet

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Devilfin Soup

High Grade Amber Fin Soup.

"Kettier Ginger" iconKettier Ginger Ingredient
"Leiden Pepper" iconLeiden Pepper Ingredient

Acquire Coraldevil Fin during the Rank 8 Hunt: Rulers of the…

Attack +200, Regen +125%

Item icon
Dish and Chips (Noctis)

Order Kenny’s Fries from Crows Nest Diner

HP +300

Item icon
Dry-Aged Tender Roast Stew

Garula Sirloin required, Kill Garula in Duscae or purchased at…

Attack +80, HP +250

Item icon
Dualhorn Steak

Galdin Quay, Prairie Outpost, Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum (Fallstar),…

Item icon
Egg-Fried Crustacean Bowl

Iron Shelf Recipe Vol.1 (Old Lestallum)

Attack +100, Magic +100, HP +600

Item icon
Elegant Orange Cake

Gather Duscaen Orange Near Cauthess Rest Area Southside

Defense +250, Spirit +400, HP +1000

Item icon
Eos Green Peas

Lestallum (Furloch Farm)

Item icon
Excellent Oven-Roasted Trout

Catch Platinum Myrltrout (MYRLWOOD FALLS) Daytime with bait Gemlight:…

Attack +350, HP +2000, Flameproof +50

Item icon
Fat Chocobo Triple-Decker

Wiz Chocobo Post (Siequest)

HP +400, Exp +50%

Item icon
Fettini di Cernia


Attack +300, Hp +1000, Death defying: Prevents instant death…

Item icon
Fine Caviar Canapé


Prime: All stats boost and Exp 50% boost

Item icon
Fine Cleigne Wheat

Lestallum (Furloch Farm), Old Lestallum, Cape Caem, Altissa (Old…

Item icon
Fire-Sauce Fillet

Coernix Station - Alstor door of shack by gas station

Attack +200, Magic +200, HP +600

Item icon
Fisherman's Favorite Paella (Ignis)

Order the Sea’s Bounty Risotto at Mother of Pearl restaurant…

Attack +120, Regen +25%, HP +600

Icon for <span>Ignis</span> Ignis

Item icon
Fishsticks on Sticks

Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 4 on bench near arms dealer…

HP +1000, Critical +50%

Item icon
Flame-Roasted Toast

The Flame-Roasted Toast is a plain, simple recipe, available…

One of the default starting recipes.

Attack Boost (Level 1) Strength +10


Item icon
Fluffy Chiffon Cake (Ignis)

Cooking Lvl 6

Defense +200, Spirit +200, HP +1000

Icon for <span>Ignis</span> Ignis

Item icon
Free-Range Fowl Over Rice

Acquire Basilisk Breast can be found west side (Vesperpool) Banks…

Attack +100, HP +500, Regen +25%

Item icon
Fried Frontier Skewer (Gladiolus)

Kill Bulette for Shank, found in duscae or hunt quest Hammer…

HP +500, Crit Boost +30

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Fried Rookie on Rice

(Lestallum), on table across from Cup Noodles truck

Attack +100, HP +400, Poisonproof: Prevents poison

Item icon
Fried Tide Grouper

acquire Tide Grouper Fillet (CAEM SHORE) at daytime using bait…

Attack +500

Item icon
Galdin Gratin

Galdin Quay

FRESH: Boost all stats and exp +20%, HP +500

Item icon
Garden Curry

Gather Schier Tumeric found near (Coernix Station Alstor) South…

Atttack +80, HP +500, Flameproof +50

Item icon
Garulessandwich (Noctis)

Acquire Cleigne Wheat

Attack +120, HP +600

Icon for <span>Noctis</span> Noctis

Item icon
Golden Egg Galette

Cape Caem outpost, path up to lighthouse

Attack +120, HP +400

Item icon
Golden Tail Soup

Reach Cooking LVL 10

Clairvoyant: Garuntees crits, Regen +150%

Item icon
Grease Monkey's Schnitzel Sandwich

Effect Ingredients Attack +80, HP +200 Garula Sirloin,…

Item icon
Grease Monkey's Schnitzel Sandwich (Noctis)

Eat Hot sandwhich at (Hammerhead) finish his third sidemission…

Attack +80, HP +200

Icon for <span>Noctis</span> Noctis

Item icon
Green Smoothie

Wiz Chocobo Post

Flameproof + 90, Frostproof +90, Stormproof +90

Item icon
Green Soup Curry (Prompto)

Acquire Allural Shallot

Attack +160, HP +800, Flameproof +70

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Grilled Mighty Baramund

Fish at The Vesperpool Cape night time with bait Stormer:Focalor…

Resilient: Prevents most status ailment, Resistant: Nullifies…

Item icon
Grilled Wild Barramundi (Noctis)

Catch Crag Barrmundi at (Neeglyss Towerfront) daytime with Sweet…

Attack +80, Magic +80, HP +500

Icon for <span>Noctis</span> Noctis

Item icon
Grilled Wild Trevally

Giant Trevally Galdin Trevally Fished at (Vannath Coast) Daytime…

Attack +70, HP +100

Item icon
Gysahl Chips

Wiz Chocobo Post

HP +400

Item icon
Hearty Cutlet on Rice

Hidden recipe under bridge south of (Vesperpool) where the green…

Attack +250, HP +1500

Item icon
Horntooth Meat Pie (Ignis)

See hunter eat at Meldacio Hunter HQ

Attack +160, Magic +160, HP +600

Icon for <span>Ignis</span> Ignis

Item icon
Hunter's Ragout

Meldacio HQ

Attack + 400, HP +2000

Item icon
Hunters' Krazy Kebabs

Purchase the Meat and Onion Skewers from the Meldacio Hunter…

Attack +200, HP +800

Item icon

Crow’s Nest

PoisonProof, Toadproof

Item icon
Karlabos Cream Croquettes

Purchase Iron Shelf recipes, Vol 4 at (Cape Caem)

Attack +200, HP +1000, Regen +50%

Item icon
Kenny's Fries

Crow’s Nest

HP +300

Item icon
Kenny's Original Recipe (Ignis)

Kenny’s Salmon, any Crow’s Nest diner

Attack +150, Defense +200

Icon for <span>Ignis</span> Ignis

Item icon
Kenny's Salmon

Crow’s Nest

Attack +150 HP Defense +200

Item icon
Kenny's Secret Recipe

Eat Kenny’s Special Salmon (Old Lestallum) Crow’s Nest diner…

Attack +400, Magic +300, Defense +300

Item icon
Kenny's Special Salmon

Original’s Crow’s Nest (Lestallum)

Attack +400, Magic +300, Defense +300

Item icon
King's Stew

Purchase the Hunter’s Ragout meal at the (Meldacio Hunter HQ)…

Attack +400, HP +2000

Item icon
Lasagna al Forno

Reach Cooking LVL 9

HP +4000, Exp Boost +100%, Resistant: Nullifies fire, ice and…

Item icon
Legendary Herb-Grilled Whopper

Catch Vesper Gar Mornings at (The Vesperpool East bank) with…

Braveheart: Greatly increase strength but reduce magic to zero…

Item icon
Leiden Jambalaya


Attack +150, HP +200, Regen 25%

Item icon
Lestallum Stewed Tripe

Purchase Offal Stew, (Lestallum) - Tostwell Grill

Magic +200, Regen +75%

Item icon
Longwythe's Peak

At shack where Dave was at start after game is beaten

Attack +600, Hp +4000, Regen +200%

Item icon
Maagho Lasagna


HP +4000, Exp +100%, Resistant: Nullifies fire, ice and lightning…

Item icon
Mama Ezma's Meat Pie

Meldacio HQ

Attack +150, Magic +150, Hp + 500

Item icon
Marrowshroom Chowder

Purchase the Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 5 from Old Gobunat’s Boat…

Clairvoyant: Garuntees Critical Hits

Item icon
Meat and Onion Skewers

Meldacio HQ

Attack +200, Hp +800

Item icon
Meat-and-Beet Bouillon (Prompto)

(Prairie Outpost) crate by weapons truck Oric Culinary Chronicle…

Attack +100, HP +100, Poisonproof: Prevents poison

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Meldacio Meat Pie (Prompto)

Purchase Mama Ezma’s Meat Pie, (Meldacio Hunter HQ)

Attack +150, Magic +150, HP +500

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Memory Lane Pastry (Noctis)

Sideuquest berried memories Tenebraen Berry Opera, (Galdin Quay)…

Magemaster: Greatly increase magic but reduce strength to zero…

Icon for <span>Noctis</span> Noctis

Item icon
Moist Tomato Cake

Acquire Killer Tomato at (Lestallum

Defense +200, Spirit +300, HP +1000

Item icon
Mother and Child Rice Bowl

Watch woman eat at Lestallum overlook

HP +1000, Exp Boost +30%, Perception +50%

Item icon
Multi-Meat Sandwich

Pick Aegir Root found north of (Golden Quay) only

HP +100, EXP Boost +20%

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Mystery Meat Sushi

Luncheon meat purchase

Attack +50, HP +100

Item icon
Nebula Salmon Teriyaki

Catch Nebula Salmon (Rachsia Bridge) Evening use Deadly Waters:…

Attack +150, Magic +150, HP +600

Item icon
Oak-Smoked Devil Gar

Fish King Devil Gar (THE VESPERPOOL - ISLET) Evening with bait…

HP +2000, Resistant Boost: Nullifies fire, ice, and lightning…

Item icon
Offal Stew


Magic +200, Regen 75%

Item icon
Oil-Drizzled Steamed Fish

Cooking Lvl 3

Attack +60, HP +200, Magic Boost +50

Item icon
Packed Mushroom Stew

Gather Vesproom near (Vesperpool)

Last Stand: Significantly increase Strength and Magic but drastically…

Item icon
Papa Bird and Baby Bowl

Same spot at Lestallum overlook, must have Mother and Child Rice…

HP +1000, Exp Boost +40%, Perception Boost +100%

Item icon
Peanut Sauce Skewers


Attack +120, HP +400

Item icon
Peppery Daggerquill Rice (Prompto)

Purchase Bird-Broth Rice with Curry from the Surgate’s Beanmine…

Attack +80, HP +250, Regen +25%

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Prairie-Style Skewers (Gladiolus)

Cooking Lvl 2

Attack +40 Hp +200

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Prime Garula Rib (Gladiolus)

Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 2 at Wiz Chocobo Post

Endurance Boost, HP +500

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Quillhorn Soup

Harvest Wild Onions can be found east of (Cauthess Rest Area…

Attack +100, Regen +75%

Item icon
Robust Bean Soup

Reach Cooking LVL 7

HP +600, Hp Recovery 50%, Technician: accelerate tech bar

Item icon
Roc of Ravatogh Rice

Purchase the book Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 7 at the (Meldacio…

Attack +300, HP +1500

Item icon
Royal Banquet Canapé

Eat Caviar Canape 300k (Altissa)

Prime: Greatly boost all stats and increase Exp Boost 50%

Item icon
Royal Road Paella

Magazine in small wooden building to the east of Coernix Station…

Attack +150, HP +1000, Endurance Boost

Item icon

(Malmalam Thicket) parking lot, on camp platform Olric’s Culinary…

Attack +120, HP +700

Item icon
Schier Turmeric

Lestallum (Prissock), Old Lestallum, Meldacio HQ, Altissa (Old…

Item icon
Sea bass Fillet

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Sea Bass Sauté

Eat Wood-smoked Fish at Maagho (Altissia)

HP +1500, Toadproof: Prevents toad, Frostproof +50

Item icon
Sea Bounty Risotto

Galdin Quay

Attack +120, HP + 600, Regen +25%

Item icon
Seasoned Midgardsormr

Eat Spicy Skewers (Lestallum) Tostwell Grill

Equalizer: Increase damage dealt based on level difference between…

Item icon
Set Diner Course

On train

HP +500

Item icon
Sheep Milk

Hammerhead, Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Wiz…

Item icon
Shieldshears Claw

Lestallum (Prissock), Cape Caem

Item icon
Sizzling Humongo Steak

Hammerhead (Sidequest)

Endurance Boost HP +1000

Item icon
Skewered Wild Trout (Gladiolus)

Gather Trout fillet, plenty of trouts found at (River Wennath),…

Attack +150, HP +800, Toadproof: Prevents toad

Icon for <span>Gladiolus</span> Gladiolus

Item icon
Smoked Behemoth

Purchase the Smoked Dualhorn Steak meal at the (Verinas Mart)…

Attack +400, HP +1000, Endurance Boost

Item icon
Smoking Wood

Lestallum (Prissock)

Item icon
Soul Soup


Attack +120, Spirit +200, Flameproof +70

Item icon
Soup and Bread


Attack +150, Regen +100%

Item icon
Spicy Long-Bone Rib Steak (Prompto)

Acquire Dualhorn Steak drop kill in (Three valleys)

Attack +50, Hp +200

Icon for <span>Prompto</span> Prompto

Item icon
Stacked Ham Sandwich

Complete A Feathery Feast sidequest at (Wiz Chocobo Post) and…

HP +400, EXP BOOST 50%

Item icon
Steamed Crab with Rock Salt

Galdin Quay

Resistant: Nullifies fire, ice and lightning

Item icon
Sweet & Spicy Cygillan Crab

Find/purchase Cygillan Crab (Lestallum or Altissa)

Attack +100, HP +200, Flameproof: Flame resistance +70

Item icon
Sweet Pepper

Hammerhead, Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Prairie Outpost, Wiz…

Item icon
Sweet Saltwater Crustacean Curry

Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 6 (Verinas Mart, Ravatogh)…

Attack +120, HP +800, Flameproof +50

Item icon
Taelpar Harvest Galette

Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 3 (Burbost Souvenir Emporium)…

Magic +120, Spirit +400, HP +1000

Item icon
Tenebraen Berry Opera

Galdin Quay (Sidequest)

Magemaster: Greatly Increase magic but reduce strength to 0 …

Item icon
Tenebraen Oak

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Thick 'n' Juicy Steak

Complete Takka Sidequest and eat Sizzling Humongo Steak at Hammerhead…

Endurance Boost, HP +1000

Item icon
Three-Mushroom Kebabs

Acquire Malmashroom in Malmalam Thicket dungeon

Attack +150, HP +800, Resilient: Prevents most status ailments…

Item icon
Tide Grouper Carpaccio

Eat the Fettini di Cernia at the Maagho (Altissa)

Attack +300, HP +1000, Death Defying: Prevents instant death…

Item icon
Tide Grouper Fillet

Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Toadsteak Drumsticks

Obtain Gigantoad Steak (Rainy days Duscae)

Attack +120, MP +100, HP +500

Item icon
Toasty Rice Balls

Default at start (No ingredients needed)

HP +50

Item icon
Trevally Fillet

Galdin Quay, Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Triple Truffle Risotto

Find/buy Alstrooms found south of lake at (Coernix Station Alstor)…

HP +400, Regen +75%, Poisonproof:Immune to poison

Item icon
Trout Fillet

Galdin Quay, Cape Caem, Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Veggie Medley Stew

Default at start

Attack +20, HP +150

Item icon

Old Lestallum

Item icon
Wennath Salmon Fillet

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
White Fish in Tomato Sauce

Galdin Quay

Attack +160, HP +900, Poisonproof

Item icon
Wild Onion

Galdin Quay, Longwythe Rest, Wiz Chocobo, Lestallum (Fallstar,…

Item icon
Wood-Smoked Fish


HP +1500, Toadproof, Frostproof +50

Item icon
Zipper Baramundi Fillet

Altissa (Gambereto)

Item icon
Zu Tender

Lestallum (Furloch Farm), Meldacio HQ

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