Debased Silverpiece Treasures
In-game Description
A small silver coin found on the ground. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
How to Obtain
Various outposts in Cleigne, Altissia (near Sonelio Plaza fishing spot), Insomnia (Windows/Royal Edition), Ch.15:
Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 13), Ch.15:
Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 5), Ch.15:
Daurell Caverns Menace (Levels 2 & 18 middle), Ch.15:
Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 23, 44, 65, 67), Ch.15:
Crestholm Channels Menace (Levels 5, 16 left),
Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 2, 25, 51) Survival (Lv.5)
Sell Price (Gil)
Used as Catalyst

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