The Divine Host of Messengers Cosmogony
In-game Description
It is said that, in the beginning, the Six fought side by side with mankind. Even so, the deities themselves seldom appeared before mortals, and instead sent loyal servants to convey their divine will to the Oracle. These servants are known as Messengers, and they number twenty-four.
The Datalog is a category of items that can be collected and read by the player to gain deeper insights into the game’s world and lore. These items include books, journals, and documents that provide background information on various aspects of the game, such as the history of the world, the cultures of different regions, and the backgrounds of important characters. Lore can also teach useful skills, such as new recipes. Lore can be found throughout the game world, often in treasure chests, on bookshelves, or as quest rewards. Reading these materials can provide a rich and immersive experience, as they offer a glimpse into the intricate details and hidden meanings of the game world.
How to Obtain
At the Taelpar Rest Area in the
Duscae region. The book can be found on the table outside the Motel.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Final Fantasy XV World Map
This book can be found on a small table outside the motel.
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