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Black Myth: Wukong

All Spirit Locations in Black Myth Wukong

Matt Chard
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Spirits in Black Myth: Wukong can be obtained by defeating special empowered monsters found throughout the game. When equipped, these Spirits will not only give you an equipped bonus such as extra defense, but they’ll give you a skill that you can use in combat. There are a lot of Spirits to hunt down in Wukong, so read on to find out what they do and where you can find them.

You will receive a Blessed Gourd in Bamboo Grove that allows you to absorb Spirits.

Table of Contents

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How to obtain Spirits

Spirits can be acquired by using a special Gourd to absorb their essence, which appears after that specific enemy has been defeated. Before you can absorb Spirits, you must make your way to the Gourd Blessing Man who can be found near the Snake Trail Shrine in Bamboo Grove. From the Shrine, head up the stairs and go right to trigger a short scene. After obtaining the Gourd, you can absorb Spirits including the ones you couldn’t pick up earlier. Note that you can get the Spirits you defeated from the Shrine by selecting recover lost Spirits.

(1 of 2) Head up the stairs and go right from the Snake Trails Shrine in Bamboo Grove.

Head up the stairs and go right from the Snake Trails Shrine in Bamboo Grove. (left), Here, you’ll find a mysterious man who will give you the Blessed Gourd. (right)

Chapter 1 Spirit Locations

All the Spirits below can be found in the Black Mountain Region.

Rarity Spirit Skill Equip Bonus Qi Cost Location
Epic "Wandering Wight" iconWandering Wight Faithful Kowtow: Bow with utmost devotion and ram the foe with your bronze skull, dealing massive damage. Significantly increases Defense High Defeat the "Wandering Wight" iconWandering Wight found near the Outside Forest Shrine in Forest of Wolves.
Epic "Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang" iconBaw-Li-Guhh-Lang Tongue Whip: Stick out tongue to lash at foes from afar to inflict great damage. Moderately reduces "Stamina" iconStamina Cost for Jumps and Jump Attacks High Defeat "Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang" iconBaw-Li-Guhh-Lang near the Snake Trails Shrine in Bamboo Grove.
Epic "Guangmou" iconGuangmou Veiled Vipers: Call forth snakes to spit venom upon foes and inflict Poison Damage Moderately increase Poison Damage and Poison Resistance High Defeat "Guangmou" iconGuangmou near the Snake Trails Shrine in Bamboo Grove.
Rare "Wolf Assassin" iconWolf Assassin Soul Reaper: Throw out knives that claim lives from a distance. Slightly increases Critical Hit Chance Moderate As you head up the mountain, you can jump off to the left after the bridge with the archer. The "Wolf Assassin" iconWolf Assassin attacks you here, get when its defeated

Chapter 2 Spirit Locations

These Spirits are scattered around the much larger, barren wasteland of the Yellow Wind Ridge region.

Rarity Spirit Skill Equip Bonus Qi Cost Location
Epic "Earth Wolf" iconEarth Wolf Wild Rapture: Recklessly charge straight at the foe to make them stumble. Grants a small amount of additional Focus on hit High Defeat the "Earth Wolf" iconEarth Wolf found near the Village Entrance Shrine in Sandgate Village. You’ll need to go over the bridge and to the right of the Shrine to find the "Earth Wolf" iconEarth Wolf.
Rare "Swift Bat" iconSwift Bat Wing Flap: Unfurl your wings and stir up gravel to strike oncoming foes. Moderately increases "Stamina" iconStamina Recovery Moderate Defeat "Swift Bat" iconSwift Bat found near the Valley of Despair Shrine in Sandgate Village. After defeating the First Prince of Flowing Sands, follow the path over the makeshift bridge, and go through the gap in the wall at the end of the path.
Rare "Spearbone" iconSpearbone Evil Banisher: Ward off attacks with the tiger shield and repel foes. Then, bash at enemies repeatedly and smash the ground with the shield to shake foes within. Slightly increases Damage Reduction High Defeat "Spearbone" iconSpearbone near the Rockrest Flat Shrine in Fright Cliff. From the Shrine, head up the stairs to the right where the sand waterfall is and defeat the "Spearbone" iconSpearbone there.
Rare "Rat Governor" iconRat Governor Tribute: Leap up with your staff, and shoot lightning from its tip to strike at foes, dealing Thunder Damage. Moderately increases Thunder Damage Moderate Defeat the "Rat Governor" iconRat Governor found near the Rock Clash Platform Shrine in Fright Cliff. From the shrine, head down the stairs and you’ll see the enemy at the end, near the meditate point.
Epic "Gore-Eye Daoist" iconGore-Eye Daoist Raging Blood Stay within the glow and your attack will be enhanced. The staff vanishes on its own after a while. Moderately increases maximum mana. High Defeat the "Gore-Eye Daoist" iconGore-Eye Daoist found near the Windseal Gate Shrine in Yellow Wind Formation. From the Shrine, head forward and into the cave, where you can find it by the tree.
Rare "Poisestone" iconPoisestone Strike at Heart: Leap up and kick the foe in the chest. Even if the kick misses, the following slam on the ground can damage nearby foes with the impact. Moderately increases Damage for Jump Light Attacks and reduces "Stamina" iconStamina Cost of Sprinting. Low Defeat the "Poisestone" iconPoisestone found near the Rockrest Flat Shrine in Fright Cliff. From the shrine, head back into the cave and go up the slope to your right to find the monster.
Rare "Rat Archer" iconRat Archer Mighty Release Load and shoot arrows several times in succession, dealing damage multiple times. Moderately reduces the stamina cost of Staff Spin. High Defeat the "Rat Archer" iconRat Archer found near the Village Entrance Shrine in Sandgate Village. In the area with the "Earth Wolf" iconEarth Wolf, open the door to the left and the Archer will attack you.
Rare "Rat Imperial Guard" iconRat Imperial Guard Meat Cleaver Nimbly circle the target, slicing them when they least expect it. Moderately increases Focus gained from perfect dodges. Moderate Defeat the "Rat Imperial Guard" iconRat Imperial Guard found near the Windcrest Bridge Shrine in Yellow Wind Formation. Proceed through the area and three Rat Imperials will jump down from a roof to attack you.
Rare Civeat Sergent Heart Ripper: Juggle twin blades and hurl them at the foe’s chest. Once striken, the foe shall suffer the agony of a pierced heart. Slightly increases Attack Moderate Defeat the Civeat Sergent in the cellar of the Crouching Tiger Temple. Head inside the temple cellar after beating the "Tiger Vanguard" iconTiger Vanguard and activating the pedestal nearby the arena (need "Sterness of Stone" iconSterness of Stone from the "Stone Vanguard" iconStone Vanguard to open the temple) and you’ll come across a group of these.

Chapter 3 Spirit Locations

Explore snowy peaks of The New West region to find any of the Spirits below.

Rarity Spirit Skill Equip Bonus Qi Cost Location
Rare "Mountain Patroller" iconMountain Patroller Swift Leap Leap up and let a flurry of slashes rain down. This bout of recklessness is sure to deter the foe. Slightly increases the Critical Hit Chance of Jumping Heavy Attacks Moderate Defeat the "Mountain Patroller" iconMountain Patroller near the Frost-Clad Path Shrine in Snowhill Path. After you reach the temple area, go up the stairs to the left and keep heading forward to find this enemy
Rare "Fungiman" iconFungiman Whirl Wield a staff that spins like a wheel to charge into the foe and nearby yaoguais. Moderately increases the recovery speed of Might High Defeat the "Fungiman" iconFungiman near the Upper Pagoda Shrine in Pagoda Realm. From the shrine, cross the planks and then go into the first room on your left. Attempt to grab the materials to summon it.
Rare "Falcon Hermit" iconFalcon Hermit Frosty Wind Summon a gust of wind that deals Frost Damage multiple times along its path, or freezes enemies in place with repeated hits. Moderately increases Frost Damage High Defeat the "Falcon Hermit" iconFalcon Hermit near the Snowpath-trail Shrine in Pagoda Realm. Head up the stairs and then keep to the west side in the open area as you go north. Eventually one of these will attack.
Rare "Red-Haired Yaksha" iconRed-Haired Yaksha Punishing Arrow Shoot an arrow imbued with exceptional power at the foe. This can stagger them for a moment. Moderately increases Heavy Attack Damage High Defeat the "Red-Haired Yaksha" iconRed-Haired Yaksha near the Precept Corridor Shrine in Bitter Lake. Simply follow the path forward and you’ll run into him.
Epic "Non-White" iconNon-White Bone Spikes Spin and leap to draw near the target in a flash and sprout thorns all over the body to stab them. Moderately increases Poison and Frost damage High Defeat the "Non-White" iconNon-White near the Mindfulness Cliffs Shrine in Valley of Ecstasy. You’ll fight him twice after you make your way up the cliffs. Second time you can kill and absorb.
Epic "Old Ginseng Guai" iconOld Ginseng Guai Ginseng Roots Take root to call forth one or more Ginsenglings that strike at the foe. Moderately increases the Maximum Health of summoned minions High Defeat the "Old Ginseng Guai" iconOld Ginseng Guai near the Towers of Karma Shrine in Valley of Ecstasy. Go forward to the water and attempt to grab the Ginseng in the center to spawn.
Epic "Non-Able" iconNon-Able Seasoned Punch Let loose a flurry of punches and kicks. Different phases of Light Attack enable different moves. Slightly increases Attack, Critical Hit Chance, and Critical Damage, but massively reduces maximum mana. Low Defeat the "Non-Able" iconNon-Able near the Brook of Bliss Shrine in Valley of Ecstasy. Head up from the Shrine and you’ll find him in an opening.
Rare "Crow Diviner" iconCrow Diviner Frigid Fragrance Scatter a field of Frigid Dust from an incense burner, stacking Frost Bane on both you and your foes. Moderately increases Chill Resistance Moderate From the Valley of Ecstasy - Brook of Bliss Shrine, head across the bridge and down into the water to find him.
Rare "Enslaved Yaksha" iconEnslaved Yaksha Mutilate Swing a long blade to stab the foe in the heart. This can stagger them for a moment. Grants a moderate amount of Focus when hit. High After completing the Prisoner Quest, return to the Pagoda Realm - Lower Pagoda Shrine and head up to the next floor. Turn right and you can open one of the cells that contains this enemy.
Epic "Non-Void" iconNon-Void Flash Step Stride back in a sweep and turn into a waving alter-image, intangible and invincible to foes. Recovers a moderate amount of "Stamina" iconStamina when being hit. Low As part of the Fox Quest that you start at the Forest of Felicity Shrine, go to the Temple Entrance Shrine at New Thunderclap Temple and go straight forward. Go up the stairs, and then down the left stairs and into the building. Go to the top floor and up the stairs to the temple at the top, you must be in Fox form to fight the battle.
Rare "Clay Vajra" iconClay Vajra Flames of Doom Spew flames from your knees as you take great strides. The flames twist with each step and burn surrounding foes. Moderately increases Burn Resistance Moderate New Thunderclap Temple - Temple Entrance Shrine. Go forward from the main Shrine, then up the stairs and forward again, this "Clay Vajra" iconClay Vajra stands in your way.
Epic "Non-Pure" iconNon-Pure Precept Upholder Brandish a monk’s spade back and forth. Striking foes repeatedly to cleanse all evil. Moderately increases Damage Reduction for a short duration after performing "Rock Solid" iconRock Solid High New Thunderclap Temple - Mahavira Temple. Go back down the stairs and enter the room on your left.

Chapter 4 Spirit Locations

You’ll have to explore the dark caves of the Webbed Hollow region to find any of the Spirits below.

Rarity Spirit Skill Equip Bonus Qi Cost Location
Rare "Beetle Captain" iconBeetle Captain Airborne Sting Soar into the air to evade attacks, then dive down to hack at the foe upon landing. Moderately increases Maximum "Stamina" iconStamina Moderate From the Webbed Hollow - Upper Hollow Shrine, go up the stairs to the right of the Shrine and follow it around to the back
Epic "Elder Amourworm" iconElder Amourworm Foul Spray Spray venom from the tail to form poisonous pools on the ground, stacking Poison Bane on foes who tread upon them. Slightly increases Critical Hit Chance when in Poisoned state High Complete the Rice Cocoon Quest
Rare "Scorpion Prince" iconScorpion Prince Deathsting Fling your tail to pierce through foes and inject venom into the ground to deal Poison Damage in a small area. Foes standing within the area take more Damage. Moderately increases Poison Damage High From the Verdure Bridge Shrine, cross the bridge, go left, and then keep taking the path down and you’ll come to an opening with some shacks.
Epic "Centipede Guai" iconCentipede Guai Rolling Ball Curl your body into a giant ball and collide with nearby foes. Slightly increases Movement Speed High Defeat the "Centipede Guai" iconCentipede Guai boss in the Webbed Hollow
Rare "Puppet Tick" iconPuppet Tick Bursting Spiders Shake the staff and screech to summon small "Stone Spider" iconStone Spiders to bite the foes. When the spiders perish, their venom bursts out, poisoning those nearby. Considerably reduces the Mana cost for "A Pluck of Many" iconA Pluck of Many From the Relief of the Fallen Loong Shrine, head left of it (when facing it) and go forward around the tree and up the hill. Upon reaching the top, enter the cave and hug the right wall to find it
Rare "Dragonfly Guai" iconDragonfly Guai Rain of Arrows Draw your bow and shoot Poison arrows at surrounding foes. Slightly increases Qi gained from hits, but significantly reduces Maximum Health, Mana, and "Stamina" iconStamina Moderate From the Webbed Hollow - Purifying Spring Shrine, exit into the open area, take the slope up and then look on your right to find it
Epic "Commander Beetle" iconCommander Beetle Blade Flurry Spin the twin blades to hack at the target. The spinning edges pulse, striking all nearby foes and dealing area Damage once. Moderately increases Poison Resistance High From the Temple of the Yellow Flower - Forest of Ferocity Shrine, keep going up the main path and then its on your right
Epic "Fungiwoman" iconFungiwoman Aloft Drift through the air with a mushroom cap and release spores. Upon landing, crash into the foe as the spores rain down to track and strike them. Spores that hit the foe can return and recover health. Significantly increases Maximum Health but considerably reduces Maximum "Stamina" iconStamina High From the Temple of the Yellow Flower - Court of Illumination Shrine, go back on yourself and keep going forward, taking the path to the top and then going right. Attempt to pick up the Fungi to spawn her
Rare "Verdant Glow" iconVerdant Glow Verdant Arbor Absorb the essence of nature to recover Health continuously. The healing effect is enhanced when in water. Slowly recovers a small amount of Health High From the Purple Cloud Mountain - Valley of Blooms Shrine, go over to the right of the shrine (by dropping into the water)
Rare "Snake Herbalist" iconSnake Herbalist Venom Spray Smash venom on the ground from the herb basket to form poisonous pools. Foes that step into the pools will stack Poison Bane. Recovers a small amount of Health when taking Medicines. Moderate From the Purple Cloud Mountain - Valley of Blooms Shrine, go up the main path and you’ll run into it
Rare "Snake Sheriff" iconSnake Sheriff Tiger Roar Extend the neck to roar skyward, shaking all nearby yaoguais with powerful voice. Moderately increases Attack, but considerably reduces Defense Low From the Temple of the Yellow Flower - Temple Entrance Shrine, go up and then to the right to find it (just beyond the meditate point)

There you have it, this is all of the Spirits that we’ve found so far in Black Myth: Wukong. Be sure to check back as we update this page on any new Spirits we encounter.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Game Science
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 August 2024
  • Last Updated
    12 March 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Retread the Journey to the West as The Destined One in Black Myth: Wukong. Take on beasts based on Chinese mythology as you master the staff, spells, and meet a host of characters in an adventure teeming with secrets.

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