This is a guide for the “Shared Secret” standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to finding the lost equipment.
Discuss the Lenny and Eastman’s Row Topic to begin this quest.
Lenny and Eastmen appear to have fallen out about something. Go and ask Lenny what happened.
How to Start the Shared Secret Standard Quest¶
Progress through the game until you reach Chapter 3 and unlock the ability to listen collect Info Fragments, indicated with a . To unlock this Quest, listen into the conversations around Colony 4 until you find the “Colony 9 Lately” info fragment, then discuss it at the canteen to unlock the first optional Hero Quest Where the Heart Is
Return to the Aetia Region, Full and teleport over to the Forward Post Camp Rest Spot in Alfeto Valley. From here, and back towards the direction of Colony 9 to begin the Quest and trigger a battle. Complete the Where the Heart Is Quest, then you’ll have access to Colony 4. Next up, you’ll want to play more of the main story until you reach Chapter 4, then return to Colony and listen to people’s conversations by holding until you are given the “Lenny and Eastman’s Row” Info Fragment. Return to the Colony 9 Canteen and discuss it to begin this quest!
Where To Find The Lost Equipment in Xenoblade Chronicles 3¶
After you’ve unlocked the quest, head over to the Colony 9 Front Gate and speak with Lenny who can be found hiding behind two tents. Here you’ll discover that argument started after Lenny ignored Eastmen when he was asking Ellis for a favor. Lenny wanted to get some abandoned military equipment so he can see what useful secrets it may hold.
(1 of 2) Head to the Colony 9 Front Gate and speak with Lenny
Head to the Colony 9 Front Gate and speak with Lenny (left), then look for Eilis to find the lost equipment (right)
Like always, Noah and team volunteer to help, so fast travel to the Skyview Falls Landmark and head southeast to find Eilis overlooking the equipment. Eilis can’t seem to figure out where it come from and doesn’t think it has any use, but Noah takes a closer look and finds a Mysterious Keycard. Return to Lenny and show him the Keycard and the quest will come to a close.
Quest Rewards¶
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
1410 | ![]() |
3 | ![]() |
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